Chapter 18

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Hello! To prevent any confusion, normally it should have been the Miami GP after Azerbaijan, but I wanted Lando's first win in his home-race. The next one should be in Imola, but again for the plot it will be Miami. Thank you so much, I hope you will like this chapter!


"Oh my God, I want to swim," exclaimed Carlos as he pointed the people in the ocean. "What is holding you back then?" Lando asked, pushing his sunglasses to their usual spot. "Sharks," Carlos mumbled, making Charles laugh. "You think so highly of yourself mate, why would they choose you to eat? Especially when I am here," Charles added. "Yeah, even fruitier," Alma whispered walking away from the spot they were standing to find her Williams boys.

"She said you are gay," she heard Lando's voice.

"Thanks for the explanation Lando, it was very needed," Charles mumbled.

George and Alex were talking with an interviewer. She decided to wait them but there were too many fans and everyone was kinda harassing her. Of course, she knew most of them had no bad intentions but it didn't mean that it wasn't going to bother her.

She gave up on waiting and decided to go her room to change into her Mercedes t-shirt. She decided to wear shorts since the weather was too hot for her own sake.

When she was walking towards the media-pen, she saw Lewis walking towards her. "Good morning," he smiled, "I was told that you left the hotel earlier." She coughed, "Yeah, I did."

He nodded, "Okay, how are you?" taking a step closer. "In what sense?" she blurted. It was the sun, which made her stupid.

"In the sense of how are you," he laughed, shaking his head.  "I am fine, what about you?" she asked. "I am fine," he smirked. "Did you know that we are going to do hot laps with Neymar and Kendall tomorrow?" he asked, taking his sunglasses off.

She shook her head, "No, I didn't know. Toto told you?" he hummed as a reply.  "After the first practice," he added. "I am assuming that you will drive Kendall around?" she asked, raising her eyebrows. "Yeah but I didn't choose it, just for you information. If it was up me, I wouldn't let Neymar near you," they started walking together.

She didn't watch football so she never had a crush on Neymar or anyone else actually. She kinda knew that Neymar and Lewis were broskis but not much on that either. Maybe they weren't that close.

He was a good football player? Maybe? She really didn't care. Oh but she knew he was good a player off the field. Anyway, whatever it takes for a good Pr, she guessed. They were going to do five laps max and try to have some conversation.

"Hoes know hoes," she joked which made him rolling his eyes. "You won't drop it, will you?" he asked, brushing his shoulder to hers, "No, I won't," she replied thruthfully.

He stopped abruptly, "Where are you going?" he asked. "To the media-pen," she replied. He cursed to himself after her answer, "I had a metting with Toto. I need to go, but I'll see you around," he said just before running to the meeting room. She laughed at his running figure, he was so focused on her that he forgot his own stuff.


The next day, their practises went quite good. After the session ended, she was first, Lewis second and Charles was third. Overall, it was a good session.

WHATSAPP- One Brain Cell (sharing is caring)

Pierre, Alma, Charles, George +4 more

will you drive Neymar around?
like fr?


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