Chapter 7

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The first official race week, they were in Bahrain. She liked the track, it was technical so it wasn't all about the speed. The track gave oppurtunities to overtake and she was good at it, but it had been a while since she overtook someone. It was in Abu Dhabi, last race of her career she thought. Well, she was glad that it wasn't going to be the last.

She always liked the first day of the race week because it was the fashion day. Except for Max, he always wore the merch of RedBull, boring. Man was acting like he wasn't a millionaire by himself.

She, on the other hand, enjoyed with the outfits. She wore a low-rise black jeans that she gathered from a second-hand store two years ago and green tight crop top, that wrapped her body nicely. It was very simple but she couldn't put more layers because it was too hot for her own sake. Not to forget her Dior sunglasses, they were sponsoring her.

She was taking some photos with fans and signing stuff, the Mercedes caps mostly. "Hello there," she heard Alex's voice, as she  was taking a photo with a kid. He was standing next to her, wearing a white t-shirt and jeans. She raised her head to look at his face, "Hey blondie, what's up?" she took off her sunglasses to see him better.

They started to distance themselves from the fans to talk also it wasn't her favourite thing to do, and she never felt sorry to admit that.

"Waiting for diva to come actually," she nodded, understanding that he meant George. He was always like that, because of his hair according to him. Lies, all men do is to lie.

George appeared around the corner, looking every bit the diva with his styled hair and confident stride. "Speak of the devil," Alma said, her eyes grimaced looking at him. She never understood why he always put too much effort on his hair when it would be ruined after wearing his helmet. Like what was the point man?

With a mean look on herself "You look stupid," she touched his hair and it felt like concrete. George rolled his eyes, "Thanks, Alma. Always appreciate your honesty," he replied with a blank face, fixing his hair slightly after her touch. "She has something against our hairs mate, nothing personal I guess," said Alex continuing to walk, Alma and George following him.

"No mate but your hair should be personal..." said George looking at Alex's blond hair.  Alex made a face like he offended, puting his hand on his chest, "At least, I look different bro. You hair looks the same even though you put hours of effort."

"That is a point from Alabono," said Alma whispering. "Oookay see you guys later," said Alma as she sensed that they were going to argue. Both looked at her but without having the time to say something, she disappeared.

She saw Carlos and Charles whne going to the Mercedes garage, mostly  she saw Charles yapping to Carlos. "Sup boys?" she asked standing next to them. "We are so fucked Al, the car is jumping, diving but definetly not driving."

There were some people who talked with their eyes, like when they are happy you can see it from their eyes. Charles was one of them, you could understand what was really going on by looking at his eyes, and they looked fucked for real.

"I don't wanna do the free practices," said Carlos, both were looking pretty hopeless. "I think you are way more dramatic than you should be right now. First, of all the testing results are not that reliable and also they can adjust the car after some races."

"At least, we will be watching the back of your car this time," said Charles. "I mean you were going to do that even if your car was good but yeah. Keep it in the fam, I guess." She came to win here, not to play around or trying to get some points. She wanted the championship and she was going to get it this time.

"For a minute, I thought you were going to be soothing and comforting but I was fooled," said Carlos.  Alma made a sad face jokingly, "Awh Carlos, cute. You were already fooled when you signed for Ferrari."

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