Chapter 3

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When the grid's line up published which shocked the world quite a bit, as her name was not expected to be seen. Especially next to Lewis. 

Well, there were many critiques mainly from men. Many had commented that she was not reliable since she retired once. She didn't care much, she learnt to not listen men for a while now. Especially the white ones in this sector.

"I can't believe you waited to tell me until it was public Ally," said Danny when he called her. "It was in the contract. I am so glad that you will drive for AlphaTauri. It wouldn't be a complete grid without you.". He was a reliable guy, and the best thing about him was you didn't have to be careful with your words to be understood. He saw inside of her, and she heard him.

At least, she was welcomed to the grid by the vast majority of drivers, not like she cared if they didn't. But it was always nice to know that you have less thing to fight against.


When it was January, the meetings with the team kinda became her daily life. They were making sure that everything was perfect, it had to be perfect. 

Alma saw Lewis many times by time, but they didn't talk. Except only the first time they met, which was way before it was official for her to be his teammate.

"Sup Lew?" looking at him through her sunglasses, it was the first time they saw each other in three years. It was weird, she would be lying if she would say her skin didn't crawl at the sight of him.

Well, it wasn't that different from him. He hated every seconds of it and even the possibility of her being his teammate bothered her.

"What's up Al? "

His gaze traced her, she was still the same Alma from outside. Maybe even more beautiful, if it was possible. Though, he knew she changed. Got rougher, and more ruthless.


It was one of the many meetings and they were discussing about the new car's improvement on stability and Lewis mentioned about the 2022 car's deficiency in rear-end downforce. Of course he was more aware of what were the car's weak points but at some points Alma felt like he was just trying to prove he was more in the business than her. Truly, it did make her laugh.

Alma furrowed her brow as she studied the data, her expression grave. "I think we need to focus on improving the front-end grip first," she stated firmly, her tone leaving no room for argument. The data was clear, maybe Bottas and Lewis had different styles of driving but the corners were one of the weak points of the 2022 car, causing the other teams to overtake Mercedes.

Lewis arched an eyebrow, clearly taken aback by Alma's assertion. "I respectfully disagree," he countered. "The real issue lies in the rear-end stability. We need to address that first and foremost." He was still not looking at her side, but talking to Toto as if he stated the idea.

She smiled at his response, cute, she thought. Trying to be the good police and stuff.

"With all due respect, Lewis, I've spent countless hours analyzing the data, and I stand by my assessment," she shot back, looking directly to his side, leaving no room for him to escape from her gaze.

Lewis's jaw tightened as he met Alma's gaze, his own resolve unyielding. "And I've been racing in Formula 1 for years, Alma. I know what I'm talking about," he retorted, his tone bordering on condescending.

"So do I. You don't have to be driving to understand what is wrong with the car. It's about what the data is telling us, and right now, it's telling us that we need to prioritize front-end grip."

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