15: Job 6:15

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"When desperate people give up on God Almighty, their friends, at least, should stick with them." - Job 6:15 (MSG Ver.)

"Hm, interesting seeing new faces here, especially yours."

Well, that makes two of them.

Jungkook didn't twitch a reaction to the sudden commentary made by the unfamiliar man sitting behind the recording panel. Not like he'd feel comfortable doing so either way, since after all - this is his territory. 

Angel Studios.

Jimin and Taemin's recording label agency.

As sudden as it sounds, Jungkook stood with his word - he left Oasis, for good. 

And no, it was not an easy thing to do. 

Two days ago, Jungkook marched right back to that office of his CEO, having Minnie accompany him along the way too. He refused to have her leave or wait outside, since he knows if she did than he would be easily convinced to a different alternative - since it was very high likely chance it would have happened. 

So, she stood right there, like a mighty warrior ready for battle beside him, as Jungkook made the boldest decision of his life in removing his strings with his agency. To be fair, the day after his meltdown in front of Minnie, he did doubt - a lot. It's as though those senses hit him of how abruptly that move would be, and he just decided to sit on the safe side while still living comfortably. 

He told Minnie to forget about it that morning, and she didn't argue back, if anything she said it'll come with time.

And it did.

The funeral home suddenly reached out to Jungkook to set up a date on when the service should be held for his parents - which was a slap of a remind as to how his parents are not even here anymore. That wasn't even all. All of the sudden, a rumor spread like wildfire on social media of Jungkook's possible drug addictions released by a sasaeng, and that being one of the main reasons as to why he is on a hiatus. 

His company denied the rumors immediately before it got to the extent of the police investigating, but that doesn't mean the trends didn't go insane with the story.

Everything around him started to overwhelm his sanity, making him more paranoid and anxious to even breathe. He can't even play his guitar anymore, or even focus on himself with singing, he was always hearing those loud voices in his head just fucking him up to the point he was really going insane. Even Namjoon happened to be one of them, edging Jungkook to try to do something, anything, to be brought back into the spotlight to get out of his hiatus. 

Jungkook reflected a lot that day. 

Is this the life he truly wants to live?

Will things ever change? 

Do people genuinely even care?

If they don't, then why should he care about how they'd feel? Why be Raven to please them?

The next day, unable to handle it anymore, Jungkook went right into that office and quit - cold and dry. To say that the CEO was not expecting that was an understatement, and he fell into complete denial. He tried every possible way to persuade Jungkook to think this through. That he's grieving. He doesn't know what he's doing. He's just stressed. This is the best agency he could be in with many opportunities. 

The list went on and on, and to be fair, it did convince Jungkook.

He was convinced to stay, but a greater part of him denied.

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