23: Ecclesiastes 4:10

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"If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up." - Ecclesiastes 4:10

As Woosung predicted, Jimin got invited to various of events after his release of his album. Many had to do with performance-based events, others were fashion events, and many to which were events that Angel Studios in the past tended to avoid.

However, Jungkook practically begged their CEO to allow Jimin to go to those places because majority of those location are likely where Taemin would be. As clingy as it sounds, they cannot let him do this on his own. Jungkook has been there, so has Taehyung, and if they can keep an eye on him, that'll serve a greater purpose on keeping him safe.

They don't want him to make the same mistakes they did.

After great convincing, the CEO finally gave them the green light.

That's how the three boys ended up here, in California, currently being driven to a fashion show event with Woosung sitting on the passenger seat. Various of fashion brands are gathered here today, like some gala, to show off their brands through a fashion runway. Jungkook and Taehyung under technicality are still attached to their Balenciaga brand - despite not being under contract with Oasis. So, they were the brand's invited guest. Meanwhile, Jimin was contracted under a Christian brand, Kerusso, to which thanks to him has gained popularity in South Korea after his album release.

Jimin is a little nervous, since after all, this is his first appearance at a fashion event like this. He doesn't know what to expect, or what to even do. Jungkook and Taehyung had advised him that it's not something to be nervous about. Just stand, smile, and wave for the cameras while answering a few questions. From there, watch models for the next few hours and probably speak with various of other celebrities there too just for entertainment.

The show itself isn't the issue.

It's the after party that's the issue.

That's where one will really see a glimpse of the gates of Hell, as Taehyung worded it.

And no doubt, that's where they'll have to keep their eye firmly on Taemin.

Thinking of being at an after party like that again was both nerve wrecking and..... As shameful as it sounds, thrilling for Jungkook. That place is an ocean of temptation. One person can easily forget everything and drown in it because of how exhilarating it feels to be in such environment. He has heard horror stories of other after parties, but thankfully he never got to experience one so extreme.

Jungkook is just barely recovering from being away from those types of scenes, and not like he's completely sober from this point in time.

He knows he will be tempted, and he knows he's going to fall again.

He's weak, he knows he is.

That's why he's relying on Taehyung and Jimin to be his anchor. Not like falling for it will mean anything, but it'll fuck him up mentally again.

He just started feeling better, he does not need to relapse to that again.

The car ride is completely silent, just as the car eased to the venue with a line waiting ahead. The place is flooded by paparazzi's, various of artists walking along the red carpet as they smile and waved while their photographs were being taken. There are many fans outside of the venue, screaming and desperately trying to take a picture of their favorite celebrity.

The familiar flashes of the camera made Taehyung gulp uncomfortably from inside the car, needing a moment to close his eyes as he feels this tingling sensation for that familiar drug once again as he rubs his hand on his thigh.

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