Chapter 8 Allegations

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Isabella pov:-

I wished everyone good morning, but no one replied to me, not even my MIL. This was a shock for me. Then mom comes to me and said " Where were you Isabella"?

Francesca:- F, Isabella:- I, Mr Russo:- Mr,
Dario:- D, Bianca:- B, Mrs Russo:- Mrs, Eros:- E, Emma:- Em, soon to be husband of Isabella:- H

F:- " Tell me where were you the whole night".

I:- " Actually Mom, I fainted, a girl and her brother help me I was with them". I told the truth to them.

D:-" Then why didn't you contact any of us".

I:-" Dad actually I woke up directly in the morning, the whole night I was unconscious".

D:-" Really! Do you think we are idiots, to believe your lie".

I:-" No dad I'm telling the truth".

E:-" She is lying uncle".

I:-" What ? Why will I lie to my own family?".

B:-" Oh really you are not lying?" She screamed on my face.

I:-" Bianca I'm not lying, her brother just drop me at home".

E:- " She is a great liar. "

Mr:-" Isabella where you tell us the truth".

I:- " Mr Russo I was with the girl and her brother the whole night, as I fainted, I didn't gain consciousness the whole night, she was also worried about my condition, I'm not lying".

B:-" No she is lying Mr Russo, my boyfriend will tell you the truth ".

E:-" Yesterday in the evening she came to my friends house and told him to call me, but don't tell me about her. So he did when I visit his house she was also present,she told me that she wants to talk to me in private, so we left for my friends room as I entered she started forcing me, somehow I escape from there. Then me and my friend both warm her and told her to leave. Then where she left,we don't know where she goes."

Author pov:-

Listening to this Isabella soon to be husband close his eyes, he didn't want this to go in this way. But he suddenly opens his eyes listening to her scream

I:- "Aaaahhhhhh" she scream in pain when Bianca pull her hairs. She left her after giving her a tight slap.

Mrs:- " I'm breaking this alliance, Isabella will not be our Daughter-in-law. Let's go I don't want to see her face".

I:-" Mom please don't say like that I hadn't done anything like that, please believe me." She beg in front of her MIL.
But Mrs Russo left the house along with her husband and son.

He hide himself behind a pillar, so he can listen there conversation. As the Russo left the house, Franscesca come forward and slap Isabella and remove the scraf from her face harshly.

I:- "Please believe me mom I haven't done anything like this!! "She screamed with tears filled eyes.

F:- "Believe you bitch, huh really just tell me why I believe you over him " her mother said to her.

She saw her mother in disbelief because she thought her mother would believe her and support her, no she believed others over her, like always!!! But her next words snatch the floor under her feet.

F:-" How I forget the blood speaks, you're a spoiled brat. You're his daughter only not mine. Dario and I tried alot to not let you become like him, but no how I forget the blood speaks." Her this words confuse Isabella, but she is shock more than confuse to get to know about her real identity. She is not Dario's daughter. More than her someone else is in shock it is non other than him, who is behind the pillar listening there words.

I:- "Mom you're lying na I'm your and dad's daughter". She tried to sound confident but words come out as she is confirming but no God has some other plans for her.

D:-" No you're not my daughter, you can never be my daughter. I have only two daughters and they are Bianca and Emma. Do you get that." His harsh words break Isabella's heart 💔 in million of pieces.

F:- " I'm sorry dear I don't know how to apologise to you because of her you have to face alot." Francesca said to Eros.

B:-" You bitch, you tried to snatch what's mine no I will show you how I protect what's mine." Saying this she starts kicking her on her stomach.

Isabella fell on the ground, she has lost every ounce of energy. Then everyone starts beating her. He had already left so he didn't know this all.

But this all continue for more half an hour. Then she fell unconscious because of high fever 🤒🥵 and beating. Everyone left for their respective work. Few minutes later a maid help Isabella. She drop her in her room and then left. Isabella cried and slept. The whole day she didn't come out of her room nor she eat anything. At dinner time everyone gather but no one call her for dinner also. After everyone retire in their room, maid give food to Isabella in her room along with the medicines. She slept after having dinner.

On the Other side at Russo Mansion

Mr Russo, his wife come inside the Mansion. They settle in the hall. After a few minutes.

"Why you told me to do this?" Mrs Russo ask her husband.

"You know very well what happened to her! I have to take my revenge". Mr Russo replied coldly.

"But what was her fault dad?". He ask entering in the hall. Mr Russo raise his brow.

"Dad she is not Dario's Daughter, she is his step daughter". He said to his father.

"We had made a mistake for not checking everything properly and making that poor soul suffer because of us". Mrs Russo said sadly. He sit with his mother and embrace her in a hug.

"Don't say like this mom, it's not your fault". He said to his mother.

They all move for their work.

2 day's pass like that..

Conti House

Everyone is back to their routine, Isabella wake up early, done her morning routine and business work. Then left for the college it's the first day after what happened. She come inside her class after taking her books. In between the lectures everyone is talking about her and the broken alliance of her. After attending lectures, she make her way towards the empty old bathroom and cried alot there after approx 30 minutes she left from there and make her way towards library. She studied there for 2 hours. Then left from while crossing the hallway everyone's eyes were on her, and everyone is talking about her. She left from there hurriedly, but God has some other plans for her while going towards the exit gate Bianca and her group stop her and bully her in front of whole college. She left the college and make her way towards the house. After reaching the house she locked herself in her room.

How was the chapter? I know this chapter has lot of things. Lots of revelation. I agree I put lots of red chilli in this chapter but wait some more time more twist and turns are coming soon. For now must add the story in your library and please vote the votes are really less and it really hurts me . So please vote on chapters. And if you have any suggestions or ideas related to story share it with me. I really appreciate your views. And if it relates to the story I must discuss and add that in the story.

This is my first story so please don't mind if I do silly mistakes. English is not my first language so I'm little bit weak in it. So please support.

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