Chapter 11 Confusion

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The target is not completed yet, I was not going to post. But i can't hurt my true fans, who just wait for my post. So here is the new update. along with a task of 10*+ Votes & 5+ comments.

Leonardo Pov:-

As Isabella says these words, give me a shock why my baby says such words. I will think about this later, now I have to feed my baby first, it's my priority. So leaving all thoughts behind, I say to her.

" Isabella dear, you can order, whatever you like to eat. No one is going to say anything to you my dear".

I:-" I can order for myself by myself".

L:-" Yes my baby, you can order whatever you want." She just nods her head and orders herself a sandwich and a coffee. I am glad to see her choice. She drinks coffee just like us.

While having breakfast I admire her, she drinks the coffee the way I do. Like father, like daughter. I'm happy to see a common thing between us. After breakfast we move back to the hotel. See stand in the hall as she wants to say something, I come forward and ask " What happened Isabella, do you need something dear?"

I:-" Yes." Her small answer gives me a little bit of tension.

L:-" Go ahead dear whatever you want I will provide you".

I:- " Actually I want to ask about my college, you know na it's mid semester and I'm going with you all, so how will I give my exams?"

L:-" Don't worry about that Andre is working on that."

A:-" Bear don't worry about that I had already ask for your transfer, they are ready to give you a transfer, but!

L:-" But what Andre?"

A:-" Actually dad Bella has to come here for giving the exams of this sem, and this only because they can't give her a transfer in mid semester that's why, is it okay with you Bella?"

I:-" Yes, I'm okay with that but only when you all are okay with it."

L:-" We don't have any problem dear".

A:-" Okay then all the work is done here so we are leaving in an hour, is it okay with you all?"

" Yes" the other 3 say in unison.

Andreano pov:-

We are sitting in the restaurant, and my bear is standing near the table. I don't know why she kept standing, but yes there is something which is bothering my bear. I will find out this. Dad tell her to sit, so settle down but she didn't order anything but when dad ask her. " I will eat anything you all will give me." Her this words hurt me and confirm my doubt that there is something that is bothering her. Afterwards she order a sandwich and coffee for herself. I get to know she like coffee because the smile on her face make sure this to me. Then we left for hotel. Here I confirm everything with her college. And look relax after listening that she we don't have a problem related to her studies. And I tell them we're leaving and everyone is okay with that.

Aurelio pov:-

We all are happy that she is ready to come with us. Now we are sitting in the restaurant first she was not sitting then not ordering for herself. It gives me hint that there is something suspicious. I will talk to her and ask her when she will be comfortable. I know she is still not comfortable with us. Why not she everything happens so suddenly. But when we return to the suite listening Andre she looks relax. And I'm happy to see her relax at least. Now we are leaving the hotel.

Author pov:-

Seeing 4 cars and 10 to 12 bodyguards Isabella is shock. They left for the airport here they are moving towards another gate while others are leaving from another, she get confuse but move with them. Seeing a jet she is shock. They all look at her in admiring way. Aure take her hand in his and start moving inside she didn't say anything and move with him. Pilot and staff greet them she politely smile and greet them back. But others didn't so she look at her father questioning him from eyes why they didn't greet them.

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