Chapter 10 Bring Isabella back

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2 days before visiting Isabella

Romano Mansion

Leonardo Romano pov:-

I am sitting in my home office, going through some files. The work load has increased a lot. But somehow working almost the day then also I miss my star a lot. She was a light in my dark life, but the moment she left my life the light in my life also left along with her. I get a call from my son Matteo.

Matteo:- M
Leonardo :- L

M:- "Dad where are you?"

L:- "At home office. Why ?"

M:- "I want to tell you all something, shall we  gather in your office if you don't mind."

L:- "Yes sure. "

M:- "Okay we will gather in your office in 30 minutes. "

Then I sent a message to our family group "Meet in my office in 30 minutes".

30 minutes later.

Andreano: A, Elio:- El , Luca :- Lu, Aurelio :- Aure.

L:- " What happened Matt, what do you want to tell us ?"

A :- " It must be something important, because of you I postponed the important meeting ".

El:- " Yes I also left my work"

Lu:- " I left the hospital in a hurry, I had left everything on my assistant".

Aure:- " I left my class".

M:- " I called you all to tell you all something important and special."

L:-" Don't create suspense Matt".

M:- " I found her ". he told us, and we all got a shock.

" Who Matt". Everyone asked together.

M:-" Ex Mrs Leonardo Romano " he said in his cold voice.

L:-" Where is she?" I asked in a cold voice.

M:-" She is in Greece".

L:-" Okay".

Aure:-" How did you get her information"

M:-" It was not easy, but I traced our princess all over the world thinking that Maybe I will find her and I got more than 50,000 Isabella, then filter it with age, then birth date, parents name. Guess what how I find that this is our pearl, our Bella ".

"How" everyone asks together.

M:-" It was not easy to find her because, she has change her father's name and  use his surname with her name also, but she forget to change her signature, to confirm that, she is Francesca I cross check it with the college where Bella is studying."

L:- " Good job, son".

A:-" We will leave now, dad. I can't wait to see my Bear."

" Yes let's leave now". all the siblings said together to Andreano.

L:-" No we all are not leaving".

"But why dad?" Everyone asks together.

L:-" Let me finish first, me, Andre and  Aure will leave to take her back". as I finish Andre has a small smile and Aure's face glooms with happiness, while the others make a sulking face.

A:-" I will arrange the jet, we are leaving in 2 hours."

L:-" okay".

After 2 hours we 3 left to take back our Isabella, my star. The journey is so long from here to Volos, Greece. It take almost 19 hours to reach. After reaching there we went to a hotel. After an hour we reach to Francesca's work place and I talk to receptionist and call her, but suddenly Dario comes downstairs, we meet him also, when she comes to us, she get shock seeing me, but when Dario hug her on that moment I want to rip his hand apart, but didn't do anything. He suggested to talk at their home and we get ready for that. While talking with them at their house, a girl enter, she is wearing very simple clothes, we hadn't seen our Bella but I know she is our Bella. She greet us and left we discuss and Francesca get ready easily for sending my Bella with us. I had thought she will argue with us or demand something but no she didn't said anything, but her next words prove me that she didn't love my Bella.

F:-" You are here, to take Isabella with you so I'm ready to send her with you. I already have to take care of my 2 daughters, I don't mind if you take her with you".

L:-" Okay, we will take her in tomorrow morning".

D:-" okay".

My sons were not happy to take Bella tomorrow, they want to take her now. But somehow I explain them it's not good for her to leave them so suddenly. We will take her tomorrow with us. After that we all retired to our respective hotel rooms. Calling it as a night, not before having a dinner and a small chit chat with boys yaa my son's .

Romano Mansion

Author pov:-

The moment the 3 left to take back Isabella, Luca message in family group
" Hey guy's how about we prepare a beautiful room for our Tesoruccia, what say?".

Everyone sends a thumbs up 👍🏻
So we started preparing her room. After preparing her room we all left for our rooms.

The day Isabella father comes to take her with them.

Author pov:-

She come downstairs, a guard take her trolley bag and ask her to give bagpack also she give that to him. Thinking not to disobey elder person. She bid bye with everyone by just waving her hand, she bid bye with the maid also but secretly. When she is leaving Bianca comes towards her and says in her ear.

"Don't be so much happy, they will know soon that you're such a bad luck, than they will throw you out".

Tears started brimming in Isabella's eyes. She walk fast and comes out of the house. After a min a man opens the door of the car for her and says
"Sit Isabella dear".

It is non other than her father. She sits inside the car and others also hop in. Soon the car start moving towards the hotel, they are staying as some issues some forward so they have to stay here for today but don't want to leave Isabella with Francesca, so they take her with them. After reaching hotel the make their way towards their suit which has 6 rooms. They make Isabella comfortable by giving her separate room, and ask her that she needs something but she denied politely. All of them retire to their room after saying Isabella that they will meet in 30 minutes for breakfast.

Isabella pov:-

So many things are happening, they provide me a room and it's very luxurious, I don't know I deserve this or not. But I like the room. They told  we will meet in 30 minutes for breakfast, I dont want to disobey, and I'm hungry too, so I agree to them.

After 30 minutes.

Author pov:-

Everyone gather in the hall of the suite. Then move towards the restaurant near the hotel. Everyone settle down Isabella is standing there not sitting. So Leonardo says
" What happened Isabella why are you not sitting my dear".

Listening him she sit on a chair beside Aure. Then a waiter comes and we give him our order Isabella is not saying anything.

Aure:- " What did you want to eat dear?". Listening him she says

I:-" I will eat anything you all will give me."  Her these words made them stop on their track and look at her in shock.

This chapter includes 1203 words. Finally after a long wait she meet her father. But why she say such words any guesses? How will be the reaction of the three listening to her? What will they say to her? Will they be able to give her love or they will treat her like her mother or worst than her ?

How is Matteo character? Do you like it or not? Will Isabella be able to live with them? How will she react seeing her remaining brothers?

So no more questions for this chapter,but must reply the questions atleast. Don't forget to vote and add the story in your library. Must follow me for more updates.

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