Chapter 9 A New Turn

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2 months later...

Isabella pov:-

It's been two months since I got to know about the bitter truth, but mom didn't tell me about my family whenever I ask about my family in these two months she always raises her hand on me. Now I have stopped asking about my family. As I know, she will not tell me about them. I don't know why she didn't want to tell me about my father and family. But it's ok I will not ask her again as she has already warned me yesterday if I again ask her about that she will definitely not give me food for days. So I shut my mouth. And I know if I didn't get food then how will I bear the torture in the college given by Bianca and her group. Ohh it's 7:15 I have to leave for college. I started getting ready and left for college.

Francesca pov:-

I'm training a few college students. As they have a dance competition next week but have some stretching issues. So here I'm training them. Suddenly someone from the institute comes towards me and tells me that someone has come to meet me. So I left for the reception counter not before instructing the students. When I go there I see Dario is also present here I didn't waste a second move towards them. But the next moment I went in shock to see my ex husband along with 2 sons, sitting there. I move towards my eldest son, but he shows me his cold eyes and says " Don't you dare to touch me". Listening to him I felt my heart skip a beat. But then I move towards my youngest son but he shows me his hand and says " I don't like strangers' touch". Listening to him my heart broke into pieces. But Dario gives me a side hug. And tell them that we will talk in our home. Then Dario and I took a half day and left for home with them. After reaching home he tells us he is here to take Isabella with him, and if I go against him I know the consequences. Dario and I agree with them. On the same time Isabella comes from the main door. She greet them good afternoon and left for her room. Then I make my way towards kitchen and tell the maid to inform Isabella to not leave her room.

Isabella pov:-

As I enter the house I see the guest everything starts running in my mind. But somehow I manage myself and wish them good afternoon and left. As I enter in my room I didn't see any dress on the bed I take a relief breath. But then a maid came and told me to stay in room until mom calls me. So I slept for sometime after getting fresh. In evening a knock on the door disturb my sleep. I open the door and see Emma is standing there, she inform me mom is calling me after 10 mins I left the room. I make my way towards the hall everyone is sitting there. Then mom gesture me to sit. As I settle down mom start saying.

F:- "Isabella you have to pack your bags and leave tomorrow".
I:- " But where and why mom?"
F:- " Your father came this afternoon and want's to take you with them, and we agree for that".
I:- " Okay mom. I will pack my stuff".

I didn't said anything further I left for my room to pack some important stuff and clothes. As I don't have many things so I take my clothes, which was actually not mine but Bianca's as per mom we must share everything and they don't have much money to spend on 3 children. So that's why I have to use her clothes. Then I pack some books which is mine, actually I got them in different competition and bought some by saving money and as a reward. Then I put the other books in a bag which I issued by a nearby library and separate the others which is issued by college library to return them in the morning. Soon it is the time for dinner comes, I move towards dinning table but as usual I didn't get anything until everyone finish the food. When everyone left I check the dinner table but it is empty. No one has left anything in there plate. I drink some water and move towards my room. After a few minutes Bianca called me and I left for her room, as I opened the door of her room, she started throwing clothes and shoes on me and Emma starts crying and calling mom and dad I mean uncle Dario. I know what's coming next and again mom slaps me across my face and uncle Dario held my arms harshly and threw me out of Bianca's room. And then mom says

F:-" Thank God your father came to take you, you're such a spoiler brat".

I left for my room, next day I wake up as usual and done my routine then left for college to return the books. Then return the books of nearby library. Then I make my way towards the Conti house. After reaching there I see everyone is present there and I apologised to them for not  being in the house.

F:-" Where were you Isabella?" Mom ask me.
I:- " Actually Mom I had gone to college to return the books and then visit the nearby library for returning the books." I tell them the truth.
F:-" Okay. Now go and bring your stuff, your dad is waiting for you". I left to bring my stuff.

There is a task for you all, so let me know what do you think about Isabella's character? Must answer please.

So how was the chapter I know it's very short but upcoming chapters are going to be long so thats why this chapter is short. 

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