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Becca's point of view

Today is the first day of trial. The court has requested the witnesses and the other party relatives.

The time has come and I have to present the evidence I have in front of the court.

"This is a contract where the driver had signed this in order for the true master mind behind this to not tou#ch her daughter"

This letter I just received last week urged me to open this case again. It gives me more hope to prove that my father is innocent.

I present the letter on the screen. The letter is a little bit old.

"I Leon Armstrong signed this contract and agreed to get all the accusations in killing Mr and Mrs Armstrong in exchange for my daughter will not be hurt or experience any violence"

It was signed by my father and a guy named "James Uy".

Everyone gasps as they see the letter some said that it's fake.

"This letter was signed before the final trial. We can all notice that they use the driver's daughter to make him have all the accusations" I said then the judge secretary got it let the jury read and examine the signed paper.

"On this evidence we still have to find if this is legal and not faked at any means" the judge said

"Do you have anything to present ms. Becca?" She added

"None ma'am" I answered

"Okay now the other party can begin" the judge said

I sit down and let the attorney of the other party present their witness.

"Your honor, let me present to you our witness that day, the driver's friend" the arrogant attorney said it was Kirk he used to be my classmate in law school.

And now they're gonna let in my father's friend who had turned his back to my father that day. Money can really buy anything even people's souls.

I see uncle philip came in. I can still remember how my father begged the court to tell him the truth but he won't bulge. He didn't dare to give my father a look that day. Just like how he avoided my gaze.

"Where were you that day mr.philip?" Kirk asked

"I was with him that day. We had drunk before going home. I told him we should not drive since we're dru#nk but he kept insisting that it was his daughter's birthday" uncle philip said

"As our witness said the driver is drunk. He's influenced by alcohol but still drives which in the first place violates the law. Now Mr. Philip can you tell us what happened next?" kirk said

"We stop for a while since I'm having nausea but him being drunk forgets that he's with me. He left on the road. I don't even know he will lead to cra#sh the couples car" uncle philip said confidently just like how he said it that day.

"That's all my honor" kirk said then sit down smirking at me.

"So we have the witness here who was with the driver before the crash happened. Is there anyone who wants to present? And by the way Mr. Kirk where is your client?" The judge asked

"Oh my honor my clients have some urgent matters today so they haven't attended this trial please consider" he said

"Since both parties had presented their evidence and witnessed this meeting is adjourned!" The judge said

After the meeting had adjourned Kirk went to me.

"Becca I think you should back off you don't know who you are crashing to" he said in a serious tone

"I don't care who they are I just want to give a justice kirk. So let it be let's see each then next week" I said then grabbed my things leaving him hanging.

I'm still bothered by what uncle philip said that my father was drunk that day. But could he? I can still remember how he brought me a cake and gift that day. No presence of alcohol.

He even invited me to walk that nig#ht but I had woke up without him in the morning.

I only know what happened when some neighbors went into our house asking what happened to my father they had seen him on the television.

In order to release stress I decided to invite irin in the bar and have some drinks. I need to calm down so I can do and find more ways to prove that my father is innocent.

I called irin to just meet me in the bar. I go home first to change something more presentable.

@ the bar

I am now sitting at the counter where drinks are served. Irin is in the crowd dancing. I decided to be here for a while. I'm gonna join her later.

"Ma'am someone offered you a drink" the bartender said

I just nodded oh someone being nice to me. I gladly accept the drink.

What a generous person it is. As I drink it something seems to be off cause after drinking it I found myself burning.

Did the bartender put something on it. Now I need to go in the restroom. I need to wash my face with cold water.

As I walked I started to feel a little bit dizzy. People walking everywhere makes me more dizzy. I can't even see where the restroom is.

Silly me I should have asked a company with irin now I'm doomed.

I walked a little bit until I saw the rest room door. I opened it and I was surprised to see it's not the rest room but it's a room? Cause what I see first is the bed.

I opened the wrong room I was about to open the room door but it's locked?

Oh now life is playing with me hard. I keep on opening it but still it doesn't open. Until I kept getting dizzy and I decided to sit first at the bed.

No one is in the room so I already seated on it. Maybe I will just wait for someone to open the door for me.

why it's getting hotter? I looked at the aircon at its lowest temperature but I'm thinking it's not enough.

I will just pay for this room let me take a bath. I decided to go shower to feel cooler but still after the shower I'm still burning!

What the fuck did I drink?. After the shower I went to bed and decided to sleep. But before I can even sleep someone opens the door. I can't see it clearly since it's a little bit dark.

But it's in a wheelchair? Was it the owner of the room I had come in? It closes the door and what shocked me is when that person pushed its wheelchair near the bed and was very expert to stand up and goes on top me. 

Okay what's going on? She started kissing me and due to what I am really feeling I can't even resist nor see her face clear. Yeah a woman all I can see clearly is her long black hair.

Who is this woman and what is happening right now? All I can do is to let my body guide me my mind says go while my heart keeps on resisting. And all I know right now. I can't resist this kind of temptation.

Thanks for reading this chapter ✨

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