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Becca's point of view

I am walking in the hallway of the department of Justice. Today is the second trial.

I decided to present the letter I found in our house in which my father wrote that day.

Now we're here in the court. Still no one is present from the other party only Kirk its attorney.

"Now we can all proceed. Let's start with the other party" and pointed out the side.

I present again the contract my father signed between him and James Uy.

The court hasn't confirmed if the evidence is considered and can be used. I added more details about it and then I decided to present my new evidence.

But before I can present it everyone has been talking about someone who came in. But I didn't dare to turn my back I needed to continue what I had started. Everyone was instructed to be quiet.

"Your honor let me present this another letter for you. This letter was written under Mr. Leon's name. The letter contains that he wasn't the one who drove that day. He just woke up inside the truck and saw the couple's car. He even tried to save the couple but both are dead and the only thing who's breathing that time is the girl. Who he carried and saved that day" I said

I give the letter to the judge and let them examine it. The jury also had a copy of it. And for everyone's eyes the letter is present on the screen.

After I present the letter I was asked to sit down since it's the other party's turns.

Kirk stood up and announced the witness.

I am shocked as I see a woman in a wheelchair. She's the couple's daughter. I didn't expect to see her here.

"Let me present to you  the other witness that night. Ms chankimha who was with the couple that time" kirk said and gave the microphone to the woman.

"Ms. Chankimha can you tell us what you witnessed that day?" Kirk said

The Woman's eyes become empty. You can't see any emotions about it.

"All I know is that I heard that the plan is successful. It wasn't an accident the driver planned. I heard it clearly that day. He's the one who drives the truck" she said firmly showing no emotions.

"The child saw the man came from the truck Said that it was all done so maybe ms. Armstrong evidence fake? I request your judge to reassure that we don't have any fake evidence here. Opening this case is a burden specially to the couple's daughter" kirk said in front of the court

"Okay I will reconsider to recheck the evidence so if no further objections. This trial is closed" the judge said

I don't know what to feel all I want is to let my father free from the sim he didn't do. I was left dumbfounded. I feel pity for they woman. She has to live her life all alone but my father is innocent he even save her.

As I walk outside the court tears comes down. I in the point that I want to break down. I cried in the corridor. I know people have gone home.

But somehow I heard a sounds of a wheel and steps coming forward. I tried picking up its the woman earlier she's smirking like she's happy that i am crying.

They pass down me.

"If I were you I will just drop this down." This time it's not giving me a handkerchief.

I accept it and wipes my tear. I shouldn't give up. I'm brave I should win this. I said to me self.

Nope hugged me and calms me from what is happening. He offers me a ride but I have bring my car.

At night when I was feeling fine. I decided to go in the bar again but this time it's for work.

I agreed to help nop in his case and find evidence so here I am fixing my self. Nope will meet me in the bar.

His case was about a rape case. Which happened in this bar. Yeah same bar where I lost my In#noc#ence.

In his case it was said that the boy had put something in her drinks. She wasn't aware that she were dru#gg#ed.

So now to confirm it. Nope will try to order that special thing they called and gonna look like he will use it to me.

I drive myself in the bar. I texted nop that I'm inside the bar near the counter. I decided to order a drink. A light one. I don't want to be Drunk or d#rug again. I don't want to repeat mistakes.

Nop message me that he's in and will try to buy the special drink.

I can still hear nop talks to the bartender and said to give me a special drink.
Later on the bartender just like that night offer me a drink.

Deja vu

"Ma'am someone paid you a drink" he said

I Just nodded and I know it was nope so I will faked drinking it.

I just need the sample for it.

When the bartender turned around I decided to go in the restroom.

I have brought a bottle in my bag a small one I just need to have small sample from this drink to confirm the drug on it.

As I go in the crowd to the rest room I bump into someone the drink somehow throw a little bit.

I was surprised it was the wheelchair women in the court. I quickly put my head down so she won't recognize me. I just walk ahead and go inside the cubicle.

Inside the cubicle I pour the drink in the bottle I have. After doing it I just left the glass in it.

I quickly go out of the restroom but I was surprised when someone grabbed me in my wrist.

"I'm afraid you can't go miss" the men said

Omg I think they had known our agenda. I keep removing his grip but his hands grab me tightly.

Luckily I have learned some self defense in Highschool so I kick him hard. His grasp loosen and I run into the exit.

I heard him call others to come after me. So I ran as fast as I could. Too scared to be find. I hide behind the van near. My car is parked in front so I just need to hide for a while.

I heard them finding me.

"Find that woman now!" The man said

I cover my mouth to prevent making noise. Someone is walking near my hiding place so I started moving backwards.

And sit to hide myself.

My heart beat is so fast because of nervousness.

I have known this will lead to this I won't let nop go first outside the bar. Now I'm doomed if they found me. When I see them have been gone. I go out from where I am hiding but when I was about to get out. Again I bumped into something. It's her again the wheelchair women. I bring down my face. She may recognize me.

I said sorry and was about to run. When she grab my wrist making me sit in her wheelchair.

"Not so fast lady."

She said firmly and put a handkerchief in my nose that's makes me dizzy and be taken by darkness.

What's with her? Why does she even need to do this to me?

Thanks for reading this chapter ✨

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