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Sarocha's point of view

As soon as I received the call from my men that he had found the woman that night and was in the bar tonight. I had no second thought about my body missing her like fuck

I instructed the driver to go to the bar as fast as he could. While on my way ms. Ong called that someone has been caught getting samples of the drinks with the special thing in it. Now someone is trying to destroy the bar business huh? Just wait till we catch you.

It's good that I had my agenda in the bar at the same time and will handle that someone who wants to get the sample.

As I arrive in the bar I push my wheelchair in but a woman bumps on me and almost drops the glass she's holding. She keeps looking down I just ignored her since I was into the woman that day.

I called my men. Asking where the girl is.

"Where is she?" I asked

"Boss she ran away. She was drinking a while ago and now nowhere to be found" he said

"The fuck! I told you to look at her. Find her! And bring her to me immediately" I said and ended the call

It's getting me pissed off. She always runs away. But probably she will end up in my hands today.

I saw the men in the bar are running too and like finding someone. Behind them is ms. Ong.

"What's happening?!" I asked

"The person who has the samples is running  boss. They are running after her" she said

"Make sure you catch it and bring it to me personally I won't let it slide." I said and then I pushed myself out of the bar again.

I'm gonna wait in the car for the update of that woman. I was about to go in the car when I noticed that a mysterious woman was behind the car. She looks like hiding.

"Boss.." one of my men called me said this man is the one who I had been instructed to find that woman.

He noticed I was looking at the mysterious girl. He lessens his voice and makes it a whisper.

"Boss. She's the woman" he said

What luck I have then. I instructed him quickly to get the handkerchief inside the car and put some medicine in it.

He quickly does it quietly cause the woman may catch the attention.

He gave me the handkerchief. I motioned for him to go. I slowly push my wheelchair near her.

She looks like checking if someone is in the way and is about to go out of her hiding place but she bumps into my wheelchair. She keeps looking down.

"I'm sorry" she said not looking at me her hair all messed up in her face. She was about to run but I won't let her of course.

I grabbed her wrists making her sit in my lap.

"Not so fast lady." I said firmly and put the handkerchief in her nose. The medicine in the handkerchief will make her dozed off and sleep.

Minutes later here she is sleeping in my lap.   She was not too heavy but still I need help in carrying her.

Oh fuCK these legs..

I called my guards to help me carry her in the car. I just head first while one of them carries the women.

I motioned them to put the woman inside. I just have to ask Ms. Ong if everything is fine.

"Boss the women can't be found" she said

"Did she escape? Review the CCTV and go find the woman we want anyone to destroy our business" I said

She just nodded. I turned my wheelchair well it's about time to deal with my women.

I go in the car. The guard opened the door for me. I push myself in.

I found my woman laying in the car. As the door closed. I lay her on my lap. I fix her hair out of her face so I can see her face clearly.

But what shocked me is that ....

This woman I have seen before. Actually a while ago in the count.

She's the attorney who depends on the other party. The daughter of the driver who Killed my parents.

Now destiny really plays our lives hard..

But the thing is.. I still desire her..

If we were not in the car..

I have devour her..

I instructed the driver to bring us into the penthouse.

As we arrived at the penthouse I instructed them to bring Becca in my room.

Yeah I remember her name since I reviewed that envelope that day. Becky Rebecca patricia Armstrong.

I'm still thinking about what to do about these things. I want her in my bed. I'm thinking about hitting the two birds with one stone.

I'm gonna make her my woman at the same time to punish her for what her father caused in my life.

I was cut in my thoughts when I heard her shouting for help. So the medicines has come off her senses. And now she's awake.

She can never escape cause i had put her in handcuffs.

I pushed my wheelchair into the room it's the only room in my penthouse since I lived alone.

I opened the door and found her struggling to remove the handcuffs which is impossible.

"You! How dare you do this to me!" She said shouting at me.

"Is that how you welcome strangers you sleep with?" I asked looking at her angrily

No one dares to shout at me. She's the first one to be exact.

"What I don't know what you were saying!" She said

"Oh really or do you want to do it now so you can remember?" I said and slowly push my wheelchair near to her.

I see her gulp. Maybe nervous of what I had said. Yeah we can do it again so she won't play that innocent act.

"Answer now attorney Becky Rebecca patricia Armstrong" I said firmly

She looked shocked as I called her in her full name.

"How did you know?!" She asked

"Oh you don't need to know how. Now tell me why did you ran away that day?!" I asked now I had lifted my self in the bed.

Sitting on the side near her. Now I can see her trembling on my presence. That's right be scared of me so you won't dare to escape.

I bring out the knife i had in my pocket. And started playing it in her legs.

"Answer" I said

"It doesn't matter if it was a mistake and never should have happened and it's normal I had it with many men" she said not looking at me

Which makes me angry. She's lying now?!

"Oh a mistake huh and many men? but I got you first Becca"  I said and now lifting my self on top of her

I put down the knife and hold her chin.

"Stop lying woman it will only bring you in a situation you don't want" I said

She keep struggling but I'm more in power now since she's in hand cuff. I start sniffing her neck..


Her fragrance was so addictive. This have been in my mind ever since that day.

"No please" she said pleading

Which has been a music in my ears. I want people pleading..

I started licking her earlobes teasing her.

"Please stop this" she Said

But I don't care. I want her. One week finding her is enough....


Thanks for reading this chapter ✨

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