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Sarocha's point of view

"Boss the shipment is here" one of the men said after knocking in the window.

Today is the day the gun shipment is held here in the ***** port. I was in the car Waiting patiently cause there had been a delay on it.

I almost decided to cancel this shipment. I don't like waiting. My patience is short.

One of the guards opened the door and ready my wheel chair. I lift myself and sit on the wheelchair.

I have been an expert in lifting myself on it since I don't like anyone touching me. I learned it myself.

I push myself until I reach the man that I need to talk with. It's the dealer.

"I'm sorry boss, the sea is sick making our shipment delayed" he said bowing

I don't care as long as it is here. He guided me to go on the cargo ship. Thousands of boxes are inside.

I motioned my men to check if all boxes were not empty. Just making sure no one dares to cheat on me.

The dealer gave me the best gun they had brought the phantom (assault rifle). I held it and checked if it had any damages.

I personally ordered this gun for myself. Maybe I have the chance to use it earlier than expected.

I nodded and gave the gun to my men. I motioned one of my trusted men to bring out the Black case. It has the money to pay all of this gun. My men give the black case in the dealer whose smiling ear to ear.

I push my wheelchair out of the ship and just let my men do all the work. One of the guards opened the car. I lifted myself in and then he folded the wheelchair and closed the door.

"To the mansion" I said in the driver. And he Started driving. I had to check my grandmother who's not well right now.

@ the mansion

I slowly push my wheelchair to my grandmother's room. I see her in bed still not feeling good.

"Hey grandma how are you feeling?" I asked as I held her hands.

My grandparents have been my guardians ever since my parents died. They looked after me.

"I'm fine sarocha especially when  you're here" she said smiling back at me

"I told you you just rest for a while. Grandpa will be home soon" I said holding her hands tightly.

"You're grandpa is very busy saro, and another thing please fulfill my wish. I am not getting older. I still want to see my great grandchildren from you" she said

Yeah she's been arranging some sorts of blind dates for me but I refuse to go. I don't need love. She wants me to have children like it was easy to make them.

"You're still young grandma just give me time" I said

"Two years will be enough saro or I will not give you any inheritance" she said like giving me a warning

"Yeah I know grandma. You get some rest." I said then I went out of her room to give her space to rest.

My grandmother was not serious about it I know she just wanted to make sure I won't be alone since both of them are old. In the first place they don't need to worry cause I can leave alone.

It was almost midnight when my phone rang. I immediately answered it when the registered no. Is my grandpa.

"Hello" I said

"Sarocha get your self of b#ed now we have something to talk about. It's about the shipment" he said

Yeah my grandfather had been in the mafia. He's been in this world for all his life. He even met grandma in those businesses. I was 12 years old when I discovered that we managed an empire. My dad used to be the boss after my grandfather retired and let him inherit it.

But life is cruel. My dad didn't manage to live more years and manage the empire.

At first I was hesitant but then I decided to learn and embrace my destiny since I know I'm the only heir to manage this soon.

"I'm on my way" I said and ended the call

Today is Monday and I can still remember that the first trial in the case will start today and I don't think I can go.

I dialed kirk one of our trusted lawyers to just make an excuse since I need to do some work.

At my grandpa's office I see him talking to the phone. His forehead is knotted like it was a big disaster.

He noticed me and put down the phone.

"We had been robbed saro and I want you to find those bastards. Almost half of the guns are gone" he said in a serious tone

Now this is a serious situation. Who the hell  have a wishing death.

"Don't worry grandpa I'm gonna do the work just rest you just arrived" I said and then I go out of the office

Someone is being a rat in this empire. I need to find this rat. And when there is a rat what should I do?

I started by calling all of my men and meeting them in the basement.

All are in line.

"You know I don't like rats inside my empire" I said

I slowly push my wheelchair and examine their facial expressions.

I'm good at judging who's lying.

"Especially you!" I said and pointed the gun at the men behind me.

I know since the first day something is off about this guy. I also noticed he's sweating too much.

Poor him I had cornered the truck who had been carrying the robbed Guns and he had pointed this guy's name.

"No boss I didn't do anything" he said pleading

I never give mercy especially since I know the truth. Without hesitation I pulled the trigger and then blood scattered.

"Now who dares to be a rat?" I said

Everyone bows. That's right be scared of me. I don't give mercy. To those who lie.

After that I give the task to them to clean the mess and move the guns to another storage.

Now work is over but it's almost 10 pm. Tracking the truck is not easy.

I decided to tell the driver to bring me to the bar. Of course I called to ready a room and she already knew what I meant.

At the bar I give instructions to the driver to fetch me tomorrow morning.

I used the exit door to come in. I pushed my wheelchair and then I saw who was waiting for me.

"Here's the key boss, same room" she said

I just nodded. This bar is owned by the empire that's why everyone here respects me.

This was my place when I was exhausted from work.

Just like now. I still need to have fun...

I opened the door and let myself in. I noticed the girl in the bed was ready.

Yeah gonna enjoy this night. This was the reason I don't want to attend dates. Grandma arranges it with men.

But I'm into women...

I slowly pushed my wheelchair to the b#ed and lifted myself into it.

Now I'm on top of this girl.

She's beautiful but she looks drunk. But anyway I don't give a fuck about it.

I kissed her. She was not responding. She's resisting me huh?

Which gives me more thrill..


Thanks for reading this chapter ✨

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