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Becca's point of view

Here in the office in the firm. The main head called for me and had something to discuss with me.

I walk straight to the office. I knock first giving respect to its head.

I slowly open the door and meet the head director of this law firm.

"Good day sir!" I said bowing as a sign of respect to him.

"Drop the formality Becca" he said

Yup this head director is none other than my adoptive father. That's why he wants me to drop the formality.

"Oh uncle don't tell me you don't have anything to say about work" I said laughing and coming closer to give him a hugged

"Why can't I call my daughter if I miss her" he said then patted my head

He has always been a father figure to me. Him and his wife.

"Anyways I'm just concerned about you Becca. Do you really want to handle that case?" He asked

"Don't worry too much uncle. I had dreamt of this all my life that I even chose this Carter for him" I said

"I know but if any problem occurs you report it to me immediately do you understand young lady?" He said in a serious tone

"Yeah noted uncle i will" I said during him I will not hide anything

"So how was the first trial?" He asked

"I had presented the letter I had received. And they present the witness of that day" I said becoming serious

I can still remember how uncle philip said every word that was lies for sure. I promise to find the truth and give justice to my father.

"Oh the other party is making their move too. You should be careful of dropping evidence Becca. We don't know what they are capable of." He said

"Oh your aunt wants you to come this week at the house. She misses you" he said again

"Okay uncle I'm gonna visit you too this week" I said

I also had to bid goodbye since I have more cases to read in my office.

I should visit them this week. I miss having dinner with them too.

As I came into my office I noticed someone was inside. Probably not my co attorney/ best friend.

As I open the door I see him. I was right it was him. He's the only one who dares to enter my office without permission.

"Hey Becca how have you been? Irin kept calling me yesterday asking if you're with me. In which the first time you two are together" he said worriedly

"Oh I'm fine nop. Irin just over reacting. I was too drunk yesterday so I forgot to message her that I had gone home" I said without bluffing cause he will catch me lying.

"Oh okay I thought something went wrong that's why you're missing yesterday" he said

"Oh what snacks do you want i was about to go out and buy" he said

"Just buy me coffee nop" I said he nodded and headed out the office

I think I need that coffee. I have tons of papers to read. And I still feel tired from what happened. A little bit so#re.

I wonder if the wheel chaired women have left the bar. And what the he#ll she's doing in a bar with that condition?

Oh forget her self. We still need to find more evidence about the case. And read this case on my desk. These were mild ones and just needed to be read further to find solutions.

THE MAFIA QUEEN'S OBSESSION Where stories live. Discover now