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sarocha's point of view

I'm busy getting the cake we personally ordered it for our princess. Today is her 7th birthday.

Yup it had been 7 years. Our life now is full of joy especially since we have our princess. Scarlett rose has been our light. She's the lucky charm we had in life.

Her birthday theme is beauty and the beast. Our princess had been addicted to it these days.

Now I'm getting her cake she requested for us. We prepared a big party for her since it is her 7th birthday. And also our 6th anniversary as a married couple.

Yeah we married the same day of Scarlett rose 1st birthday. I can still remember how we exchanged what I do's that day.


I'm so nervous today is the day. Today was Scarlett Rose's 1st birthday and the biggest gift we can give to her is to give her a complete and legal family.

Yeah today is our wedding day we decided to do it together with Scarlett's first birthday. Later will be Scarlett's birthday but this morning we will have our wedding ceremony.

It wasn't a big party. We just invited a few guests and friends. I still haven't seen Becca. She's in the other dressing room.

The organizer called me and there I saw the most beautiful girl in the eyes of Becca..

She's holding my favorite flower tulips. I offer my hands to her and she gladly accepts it.

"So beautiful" I said which makes her blush

"Stop teasing me sarocha" she said

"I know I just can't stop myself. I feel so lucky having you and our princess" she said

We walk down the red carpet. As we walk together into another stage of our life. We witness our loved ones. Nam with her family.  Becca's aunty. Another guest and of course our little princess with her aunt irin.

As we reached the end of the carpet. The lawyer who will do our marriage is waiting. It's nop yeah. This guy used to like Becca but I'm so sorry Becca will be officially mine now!

"Dear guest we are gathered here to witness the marriage of this couple. Let us all give them our blessings" he said

"If there's anyone who wants to object to this marriage please raise your hand" he said

I looked at the crowd and no one dared to raise their hands even if it's a joke. Of course I used to be the mafia queen. They still respect me. The new mafia leader now is a man. But still invite me sometimes in gathering and asking for opinions.

Today the business I build ranks on top. Yeah I think I manage it well. Becca still handles cases. I let her cause it's what she really wants.

"Since no one object will proceed to the ceremony" he said

“Dearly beloved, you have come together in front of our guest and beloved loved ones so that in the presence of them and the community, your intention to enter into marriage may be strengthened by love forever .”  nop said

"Sarocha and becca , have you come here to enter into marriage without coercion, freely and wholeheartedly?” he asked

"I have" we both answer

“Are you prepared, as you follow the path of marriage, to love and honor each other for as long as you both shall live?” he asked again

"I am" we both answer looking at each others hands

"Since both of you are ready let's proceed to the exchange of consent" he said

Becca and I join our right hand

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