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Becca's point of view

It has been one week since I dropped the case. I received the notification that the case is invalid and close now. Mr . Leon is still considered a murderer.

I'm still on vacation leave and today I planned to go to the beach. I need to refresh more. I decided to go alone.

That beach.. we used to go there with my dad when I was a kid. He just let me play with the sands and pick seashells.

In this kind of time. I would like to feel his presence.

My father died after the last trial. He was given one week to live. But then he was given death as punishment  for his wrong doings.

I didn't even see him in those days. Those one week days. He's in prison and my body weakens that the doctor doesn't want me to go out of the hospital.

I was put to an orphanage after that. No one of my relatives wants to take care of me. I stayed in the orphanage for one month. I don't talk so much and become more often when I find out that my father died. All that was left to me was our picture on that day. The one I have in my living room.

I ended up with my adoptive parents when my uncle suddenly went into the orphanage. He's finding that's what he said.

On the first days after adopting me I don't talk to them. But aunty really got my Heart. She acts like my own mother which I longed for ever since.

And then eventually I had been close to them and started considering them as my family. They give everything I want and support me in my dreams. Until this day I have them.

So when that woman threatened me about them if I don't drop the case I eventually become scared. I won't let her get someone important to me again.

I finished packing my things.I planned to stay there for three days. I am currently going out of my house. I can see the guards stand up immediately.

"Miss where are you heading?" He asked

"I'm going somewhere and I have talked to your boss. She agreed that I can go alone without you" I said seriously

Of course it's not true but I want my own space. Just for days. And I need to convince them that I have talked to her.

"Okay miss" he said

I thought he won't believe me. I put my things in my car and then I start driving. Going to the beach.

I somehow always look behind me since I'm checking if they really don't follow me. So far i noticed nothing.

Now I can have my vacation without them. It somehow gives me an awkward feeling.

Just these days I want to feel I wasn't imprisoned that I am free.

Arriving at the beach the cottage owner accommodated me immediately.

Yeah I had booked it yesterday so they are expecting me today. I reached the beach almost late in the afternoon.

But this time is the best..I can watch the sunset later at almost 6 pm.

I was about to go out and enjoy the sea when nop called.

"Hello nop" I said

"Hello Becca, I just want to thank you. I had closed the case and won it. It's all because of the sample you gave me. They detect the drug on it. So are you free tonight? Let me take you in for dinner" he asked

"I'm sorry nop but I'm not around the city. Maybe we can go out when I come back. Congratulations on winning the case but what happened in the bar who sells it?" I said

"Well the bar Is under observation. If they caught them in act selling it the bar will be closed" he said

"Oh that's good so no one can be a victim. The bar should be closed" I said

Later on I bid goodbye to nop since I still have to catch the sunset.

I went out and saw it was barely sunset. I decided to pick up shells. When I feel a little bit tired. I sit down in the sand and feel the wind.

My hair goes with the wind as the sea blows its waves. Sunset starts. What a beautiful scene.

I imagine how happy we are here at this beach and the same day.

"Happy birthday dad.. I'm sorry if I'm weak and I can't even prove your innocence. Dad how were you there? Are you with mom? Can you two both visit me in my dreams later?" I said whispering

Yeah today is my dad's birthday. We used to go to the beach when it was his birthday. We will make a lantern and let it fly in so his letter reaches mom.

I decided to come in since it's getting dark and I'm somehow starving.

I go to the cottage I hired and opening the door makes me speechless.

"Did you miss me?!" She Said

Sarocha's point of view

It had been since I started my healing process. I can walk a little bit but I'm still in progress. I need to practice more.

I was planning to be in the hospital for one week but when I heard from my guards that Becca left and even let them believe that she talked to me and agreed she can go alone.

I decided to see her today. Luckily I had instructed my guards to put GPS at her car. I had detected that she was going near the beach.

I leave the hospital and instructed my driver to go in the beach. I give him the exact location where I'm seeing her GPS.

I arrived for almost one hour. I asked the cottage owner of a lady has come and she nodded.

I pay the cottage owner cause I will rent the whole place. I push my wheelchair into the window of the cottage.

It's almost the sunset and I see her collecting shells. Her hair has been blow by the wind which making her look more beautiful.

Even if I want to join her I can't since it will be hard to push this wheelchair in the sand.

I just watched her from afar until she sits in the sand and starts watching the sunset.

It's a beautiful view specially if she's was with it. After a minute she stands up and will go inside the cottage so I decided to wait her in the door.

After she opened the door. She was so shocked after seeing me.

"Did you miss me?!" I said

She just stands there looking at me.

"When did you come here?" She asked

"I just arrived and why did you lie to my guards? I told you to be a good girl and be obedient" I said angrily since it has reached me that my grandpa is starting to find her. The woman who gives the sample to the police which now gives a big Head ache in our business.

I can't let her go out like this. That's why I rented this whole cottage and let the guard spread around it.

"It's my father's birthday do I even have my privacy? I just want to celebrate it and at the same time mourn" she said now crying

Seeing her cry like this pinch my heart. I am so cruel but I just want her to be safe.

I pulled her hand making her sit in my lap.

"Shhs stop crying." I said trying to calm her. Maybe days have been really tough for her.

She even slept in my arms while calming her.

Oh my poor Becca..

Thanks for reading this chapter ✨

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