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Becca's point of view

I'm here standing in the court all eyes are on me as they know that this case is somehow disturbing for me. A father who loses the chance to raise his only daughter and a daughter who only wish to live with her father.

I can still imagine how that little girl cried that day.

“Your Honor, members of the jury, my name is becky Rebecca patricia Armstrong, representing the defendant in this case.” I said firmly holding the papers I have

"How can she defend someone who's not in this world anymore?" I heard one of the guests said.

I don't care as long as I have the chance to open this case that makes me happy and brave. I shall protect this little girl at all.

“My client, Mr. Leon Armstrong, was falsely accused of being the killer of Mr and Mrs. Chankimha.”

Everyone gasps of course the one I am defending is none other than my own father.

It had been 15 years since that incident. And  now is the chance to prove that my father was not the ki#ller.

"Case No. 50987 is now open. Next week present the witness and evidence you have ms. Becca. Meeting adjourned!" The chief justice said.

Everyone has already left. But I decided to stay a little bit longer. This was the court who accused my father wrongly.

And I'm gonna do everything to win this case. I'm walking slowly to the door when someone texted me.

"Beware of who you're fighting with"

Oh it's a threat?

I don't care all I want is justice and I will give justice to my father.

I ride my car and drive to my home. I have my own house after my graduation I decided to leave my adoptive parents'house.

Don't get it wrong there are both nice to me and had been taking care of me when my father was executed that day. My adoptive parents don't have a child that's why they decided to adopt me. They are both nice and support me to be a lawyer.

I can still remember how hurt I was that day. My birthday..

Turns out to be a nightmare.

As I arrive home I pull off my coat and directly walk to the kitchen to grab some wine. I need it to calm First.

I sit in the living room while holding a glass of wine. I noticed my picture it's me with my father. Look how beautiful our smile is in that picture. It was taken in my 1st singing contest. Yeah these days I love singing especially with my father.

I know the past is the past but this little girl and her father deserve to have justice. They deserve to be free and be happy. But that had been stolen 15 years ago.

I have won many cases before so I should definitely win this so I can set my father free.


Sarocha's point of view


A knock coming from the door had broken the silence of my office. I was busy smoking and drinking a little while doing stuff.

"Boss a notice has come" one of my trusted men came in

I am reading a contract for the coming shipment this Friday at the pier. It's the gun shipment. I personally read the contract to avoid mis#takes. This is a big shipment and we have been waiting for it for one month

I am the boss of this empire. That's why they respect me too well. I look at him and by that look I know he knows what to do.

He walks slowly and puts the envelope in the desk then he goes out again. Leaving me in my office. I don't want anyone inside it. No one is allowed unless you have business with me.

I'm gonna finish this contract first before opening that envelope that he's saying was a notice?

I'm checking every detail of the time and date. The ship no. And of course the money needed. Those guns will be used in no time. We always have to buy gu#ns.

After reading it carefully my phone rang and it's my grandfather.

"Have you received it?" That's the first thing he had said

And I'm confused about what he is asking like what should I receive?

"It's a note from the court asking our presence this coming Monday. The case about your parents has opened again saro" he said

What the?

Who dared to open that case was close 15 years ago. That man deserves to rattle in jail. He killed my parents and caused me this injury.

Yeah I had been living in this wheel chair for 15 years. This had been my punishment for myself. That day if I haven't forced mom and dad to go to the mall. They will not die.

But because of someone reckless driver. I had to be alone and live this kind of life.

My grandpa has ended the call and he wants me to join the court on Monday since he's still out of the country fixing something important.

I look at the envelope addressed to my name from the court.

I opened the envelope to read it and find who's the attorney who dared to open the case.

Attorney Becky Rebecca patricia Armstrong
Like no. ***************

The envelope stated that the accused man is not guilty and was falsely claimed as the killer.

Oh great now she's claiming that this man is innocent like did she have any evidence. The court claimed it years ago so what's the point of opening it?

I'm gonna text her up. Like how dare she open that case who had been closed many years ago. I had to move on on it but opening this will bring back the pain.

Does she even know who she wants to fight to?

I'm the boss of all the mafia bosses in this country. I'm the queen and no one dares to fight against me.

Now we will see where her bravery brings her. I called one of my men to look and search all about this woman.

After giving the task I decided to go out and go to my parents grave.

Body guards are around me. Since many have been envying the power and money I have even if being like these in a wheelchair.

The guards opened the door and helped me sit on my wheelchair. Now they know what to do. They just have to leave me in a moment.

I had brought flowers for both of them. I push my wheelchair by hand and go in front of their grave.

"Mom, dad someone has been opening the case about you. It had been 15 years and the man deserves it all but now they are re opening it for investigation. And I won't let them hang your case just because of this reckless accusations. I promise I gonna do all to stop them so please be in peace both of you" I said as I put down the flowers I brought

A minute later it started raining now I am soa#king in the rain but I don't mind it. All I feel is rage and nothing more. Later on I motioned my guards to accompany me. I need to go home.

Gonna be back with good news mom and dad


Thanks for reading this chapter ✨

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