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Sarocha's point of view

Today is the second trial. Notice keep on sending to my office that I should attend this trial.

I was still in my office we still have some errands in the business. One of the drug that should be delivered is stopped by the police.

Luckily they didn't find out that it was a drug. Cause the drugs are hidden inside the cans.

"Boss I had paid the police the goods are ready to be delivered" one of men said

"Good" I said

I started calling ms. Ong so she can expect the delivery today. Yeah we supply it in the bar. Many customers are ordering that special goods.

That drug really affects your body. It will make you hot and dizzy until all you want is having sex.

That's how the drugs affects someone's who will take of it.

"Hello boss"she said

"Miss Ong the delivery will come today" I said

"Okay boss we'll do the rest" she said

I hang up the call now it's almost 12 pm I'm late in the trial but I think I can still join them in the last minutes.

I called the driver to ready the car and I started pushing my wheelchair to the elevator.

My office is located at the highest floor of the building. People thought that chankimha residence only handle warehouses.

But that was for the front. Everyone specially who's in the mafia organization knows that chankimha residence is the most feared mafia group with their mafia queen.

As I reach the ground floor. The car is already there. I push myself until I reach the car's door who had been opened by the guards.

I lifted my self in and then the guards closed the door.

Today I am accompanied by three more cars. We need to be careful of things around us. We can't trust anyone since everyone envy the position I have. I'm which in the place said not to be mine.

Yeah I was about to have my brother that time. I wasn't the only heir. But he dies in my mom's tummy that day of the accident. So just didn't lost two but three of them.

Guards help me now since the justice hall is so long. I need someone to push the wheelchair for me.

Now I'm infront of the court where I had been 15 years ago. Yeah I'm one of the witness that day. I witnessed how the truck crash into us not accidentally but planned.

They opened the door and everyone gasps to see my presence.

All of them look me in pity seeing me in a wheelchair. Even the lady who's now standing and defending in front of the judge and jury. She's wearing a yellow skirt and white coat. Her hair is in a neat bun.

Everyone are instructed to be quite and let the attorney speak.

"Your honor let me present this another letter for you. This letter was written under Mr. Leon's name. The letter contains that he wasn't the one who drive that day. He just woke up inside the truck and saw the couples car. He even tried to save the couple but both are dead and the only thing who's breathing that time is the girl. Who he carried and save that day" she said

I can't barely see her face cause she faces the judge. But I can notice how determined her voice on what she had said.

She give the letter she was saying found at the driver's house and then the presentation open with the letter.

It was said that he even save the girl that I barely remember.

After she presented her evidence Mr kirk stand up and announced me as the witness.

I can see that the lady attorney is shocked to see me here. Yeah you should be shocked women. Cause you don't know who's you fighting with.

"Let me present to you  the other witness that night. Ms chankimha who was with the couple that time" he said

I wasn't request to join the witness seat. I was just given the microphone since I can't stand up.

"Ms. Chankimha can you tell us what you witness that day?" He said

This wasn't easy. Going back to the scene I always wanted to forget. This scene have been burn 15 years ago..


I requested mom and dad to bring me in the mall today since I have achieved an achievement in school. I won the piano contest where I played "rewrite the stars". I got the first place.

Mom asked if I want something and I said I want to go eat at the mall and buy me a new paint for my art.

They agreed and we happily eat at the mall and spend time with each other. That will be the best night for me.

When it's getting late my parents decided to go home since the drive is too long.

In the car my mom played her favorite song "sway" they keep on laughing while I'm busy watching the road.

"Oh saro what name do you want for your brother?" My mom asked looking at me sweetly

Yes! My mom is pregnant almost five months and four months to go I go see my baby brother.

"What if we name him Sandro mom" I said and touch her tummy. My little brother kick

"Oh I think he likes that name saro" she said smiling back on me

"Let's go with Sandro Kein chankimha" my dad said in which we all agreed and we all laugh due to excitement.

But that excitement end soon when I see that a truck is coming in front of me.

"Dad!" I said

He tried to spin the wheel but we turn up and down until I lose my consciousness.
I tried calling for mom and dad. But there not responding.

But I noticed a pair of feet coming near. I can't see it's face since my I'm injured. Who was it?

"Yes boss everything is done, the child its dead too" he said and slowly walks away

But as he walks away the darkness take me.

I woke up in a hospital finding my parents and what feared me is that I can't feel my legs.

Flashback end

"All I know is that I heard that the plan is successful. It wasn't an accident the driver planned it. I hear it clearly that day. He's the one who drive the truck" I said firmly showing no emotions to them.

After the speech kirk move on pointing the credits on the speech I said.

"The child saw the man came from the truck Said that it was all done so maybe ms. Armstrong evidence is fake? I request you judge to resure that we don't have any fake evidence here. Opening this case is a burden specially to the couple's daughter" kirk said

"Okay I will reconsider to recheck the evidence so if no further objections. This trial is closed" the judge said

I smiled on what's happening.. everything may go to plan. I just need to pay the investigator to fake the results. I won't let that man clean his name. And just left this case open with no killer.

The guards accompany out of the Court room and in the hall I have seen the lady attorney crying in the side like a baby.

Yeah cry all you want it's just the start ..


Thanks for reading this chapter ✨

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