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Sarocha's point of View

I decided to go to my grandparents house today. I need to talk to him regarding what I had known from Becca's uncle.

I went to the mansion and found both of them in the living room.

"Oh sarocha what a surprise!" My grandmother stood and welcomed me with a hug.

"Hi grandma" i said and kissed her cheeks.

"I think we should talk about something" I said seriously.

"What is it about?" Grandpa said

"Don't ask like you didn't know about it grandpa" I said

"So you found out about it?" He asked

"Yeah and now tell me everything" I said

Grandma looks confused about things we are saying.

"Your father is so hard headed. I told him to not marry your mother but he still does it. He even makes your mom pregnant and that's you. I really don't want the family where your mom came from. Poor family. But I had no choice but to accept her especially if she's carrying you. I let them marry each other. But then your dad decided to give up his position in the organization and the reason is that your mom wants to have a peaceful life. I was very angry that day. So I planned to get rid of your mom. I thought the instructions were clear. But fuck those men I hired. They get rid of the whole family but luckily you survive. I only want your mother out but it failed" he said

"How did you do that to your son?! You even ki#lled my mom and my brother! Tell me grandpa are you happy about this. Look at me I still have to live in this damn wheelchair. Why did you do it grandpa?! You even had to lie and give another family a miserable life." I said

"From now on I'm not your granddaughter. I regret being alive after that day!" I said and pushed my wheelchair out of the house.

I can still hear grandma beg me to stay but I can't. If I will stay more I may have to do something I shouldn't do to my grandpa.

As I rode the car I instructed it to drive into Becca's house. She's at home taking rest. I told her to rest more and do less work. She wanted to go back to work but I won't let her . Our child will be stressed.

As I go down the car I go inside. I stood up from the wheelchair and found Becca. She's not in the kitchen and living room.

I go upstairs to see her sleeping soundly. I feel guilty for what my family caused her. We stole the life she really deserves.

I go beside her and cuddle her. I fix some strands of her in her face.

"I'm sorry Becca, if you had to experience all of this. My family has a big debt in you. Let me fulfill it. I hope you still accept me after this all chaos we have. Don't worry I'm gonna make sure that all of this is done before you give birth to our child" I said and kiss her forehead.


Becca's point of view

Today is the scheduled appointment for our baby. Sarocha was very excited and woke up early. She even cooked breakfast today.

I'm starting to crave more of these days. Like today I asked her to cook sausage and put some jams on it.

Hmm it was really satisfying. She really gives all I want.

After eating breakfast we headed into the hospital. Sarocha who's now walking in her feet. Was holding my waist too carefully.

Sarocha really has been nice to me these days. She takes care of me. Somehow I love how she always looks at me. I can see her will be a good "daday" just like what she said in our child.

Yeah our since like what she said she's a part of making this little one too.

This past few days sarocha did the things for me. She even hired the lawyer now and opened my father's case. She wanted to free my father's name.

But she said that I should not involve myself too much since it will be bad for my condition.

As we entered the room. The nurse let me lay in the hospital bed. She said that we should wait for the doctor to come.

Later on the doctor came in.

"Oh hi ms. Chankimha and ms Armstrong. Sorry for keeping you waiting I just have some errands." She said

I just nodded

"So I'm gonna put some gel in your belly ms. Armstrong. This is somehow cold." She said

She put the gel in my belly and held the transducer and pressed it on my body. She keeps moving it around until we hear this tiny sound.

"Dugdug dugdug" the sound of a heart beat coming from the monitor. You can see how the lines in the monitor go up and down.

"You have a healthy one. The heart beat is so strong! Congratulations!" She said

Sarocha holds my hands and keeps saying Thank you. Like it's the best gift she will have in her whole life.

The doctor leaves us for a while since she's gonna write the vitamins I needed.

"Hmm sarocha.. you said we will raise this baby together. I wonder what name we should give it" I asked I'm too excited to give it a name.

"Why won't we go to this if it's a boy let's name it after our father's name and if it is a girl let's name it in our mother's name" she said and smiled genuinely

Yeah she's right we should name them after them...

Later on the doctor came in and gave the prescription. Before we left the hospital sarocha noticed someone.

"Becca wait I just have to look at this" she said I just nodded and waited for her in the chair near it.

She asked the nurse about something and I could see her face almost turn pale on what the doctor said.

She called someone and went near me.

"Becca, I need you to wait for nam here okay? I just have to see grandma" she said and kiss my hair and quickly go.

I just nodded. What happened to make her look like that. Is something wrong with her grandma?

Later on ms. Nam came in.

"Becca!" She said and hugged me

Her tummy is big. Cause it's almost 7 months.

"Saro let me fetch you. You should stay first in our house" she said and then motioned me out of the hospital.

She asked me if I had my prescription and she was very shocked to know I was pregnant with sarocha's child.

But then she's happy for both of us.

But I can't be very happy. I'm still afraid of sarocha just doing this because of guilt. I'm still worried that one day she may have left me and our child.

I still wonder what happened and she sent me to Nam's house.

Arriving at Nam's house. Inigo welcomed me and hugged me.

"Hello aunty Becca" he said smiling at me

I just pinch his cheeks lightly.

"Inigo don't stress your aunty Becca okay? She's having a baby! You're aunty saro baby" nam said that makes the child's eyes bigger.

"Really, hi little one I hope you're a girl so me and ice will have our princess" he said

Maybe ice is the name of her brother who's coming soon...

Thanks for reading this chapter ✨

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