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Becky's point of view

In order to collect more evidence. I decided to go back in our own house. The house I used to live 15 years ago.

I parked my car in front of it. This house was sold 15  years ago but I had bought it back last year since it was the only thing I have.

The memories we have were all here. Our smile every time we celebrate special occasions. Laughter the keep echoing in our house even we are not rich.

I open the door of the house and the first one to meet me is the small living room. This is where my father that day suprise me with a cake and a present.

He gave me a nice dress that day.

Flash back

I heard my father came in. I'm so excited he's here. It's almost my birthday!!!

I go out of our room and found him in the living room. He's lightning the candle. My eyes twinkled when I see the small cake was in my favorite flavor.

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday, happy birthday, happy birthday to you" he sang smiling and clapping on me.

"Come here Becca blow your cake" he said

I quickly go to him and make my wish before blowing the candle

"I wish we could stay like this forever just happy" I said innocently.

He Clapp then give me my present. I opened the paper bag he gives me. It's a dress. A white dress for my birthday.

"Go try it Becca then let's walk outside" he said

I nodded and went to the room to wear the dress.

My father and I walk outside. We're near the playground. He pushed the swing for me.

"Your mom will be happy if she how her baby grows up" he said while smiling fully

Yeah my mother has a disease while having me which cause for her to die early. It's a heart failure. The doctor recommended that they should abort me but my mom insists not To. And that causes her death.

Dad promise my mother that he will take care of me well according to their plan.

After the short walk we go home and my dad told me to sleep but when I woke up he's not around anymore.

Flashback end

Im now crying remembering that day. Those precious memories I have with him. I know for my self my father wasn't drunk that day. I decided to go back here to get evidence. Not to cry and feel vulnerable.

I remember my father usually put his important things in a secret place in this house.

It's the two of us who knows it. I go directly into the backyard and find the part near the golden tree. This tree used to be small but look how it grow. Somehow I'm luck cause the old chair was still here. Under that chair we used to buried a box containing letters for mom.

This chair was personally made by my mom. She really wants to see me sit in it.

I start digging in that part until I reach the metal box.

I knew it. It was still here. I pull it off and remove the soil above it.

I go inside and tried to open it. Opening it I found many letters. Letters my dad always write everytime he misses her.

I started reading each and almost make me cry how detailed my father write about me. He even write here my first walk and cry. He even hopes me to be a lawyer someday.

Well dad I'm a lawyer today I had made your dream. And I'm your lawyer. The attorney assigned in your case.

I continue reading until I reach this one letter folded in small. Was it was folded like that so it would not me noticed easily.

I removed how it fold and it was a letter. Dated on my last birthday.


Oh honey I don't know what to do today. I woke up in the truck I drive it was damaged and a car was damaged too in front of me. I don't know all I can remember is that someone knocked me out. I tried helping the couple but there both not responding. I saw a girl in the back and she's still breathing so I tried to get her up and bring her out of the car. But as soon I turn around the car becomes on flame. I had nothing to do. I decided to put the child down and run. I was scared but I need to go home today is our daughter's birthday I need to be here.

That was what the letter contains. Nothing more.

How can I present it as a evidence? I need to find more something will answer all of this. I need to find James Uy that guy who blackmail my father to signed up the contract.

I need to know who really drive the truck. I know I just need to. I'm near the truth.

I decided to go out of the house and bring the letters with me. I called Mr. Ted to ask update about this James Uy. Mr. Ted is the investigator we have in the firm. He is secretly hired by the company and a trusted friend of my adoptive father.

"Hello" I said

"Oh Becca I'm still finding James Uy. It looks like the name was not the real name someone is behind him" he said

"Oh okay Mr. Ted thanks for updating me" I said

" don't worry I will call quickly if I had news" he said
I ended the call and decided to drive myself to my adoptive parents house.

I will visit them today since my aunt is missing me so much.

At their house....

My aunt quickly welcome me. She wasn't expecting me today. It was a suprise for her of course.

"Omg becca~ I didn't expect you today here" she said as she hugged me tight

"I wanted to suprise you aunty" I said then hugged her back.

"I miss you Becca, please let's go in rain is about to start. I think you should sleep here tonight. I gonna instructed the maids to clean your room" she said

Yeah she's right. It's about to rain so maybe having the night here is better.

"So how's work Becca? I heard you had been holding your father's case?" She said

"Yup aunty I'm holding it and hoping I gonna win it" I said

"Oh my brave girl. I know you will win it! Nail it Becca okay! Me and your uncle will always support you! We're here always in your side no matter what happens" she said

"Yeah thanks aunty you're really the best" I said

We continue to chat and tell stories and then she decided to leave me for a while she gonna cook my favorite dish. She keep saying I should eat more cause I'm too thin.

Somehow being in this house make me feel home. Later on my uncle arrive and he's very happy to see me in house.

We ate dinner happily like a real family. Yeah they are my family. I thanked God for giving to them to me. They also matter for me.

After dinner my aunt let me take a rest in my room. Thunder and rain pours so hard. It's like we're having a storm right now. The weather is too bad.

I decided to lay on my bed and feel myvokd bed. My bed that had been witness every time I cried all things in the past.


Thanks for reading this chapter ✨

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