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Becca's point of view

I woke up in an unfamiliar room. Things happen to now sink in my mind. I was knocked out by the wheelchair women. The couple's daughter.

I tried moving but I couldn't. I found myself handcuffs. Really what's with handcuff these days?

I keep struggling and then I called for help

"Help! someone please help me!" I said

I keep using force so I can remove the handcuffs but nothing happens. My wrist just turns red.

I was stopped on what I was doing Shen when the wheelchair women came in. What's the name again? Sarocha?

Oh I'm not good at remembering names but maybe face.

"You! How dare you do this to me!"  I said shouting at her I'm still trying to remove the handcuffs.

"Is that how you welcome strangers you sleep with?" She asked me angrily

Oh geez she was the woman that night? How dumb I am to not conclude it? I need to bluff her maybe she will set me free.

"What I don't know what you were saying!"  I said again lying to her not looking into her eyes is the most safest thing to say.

"Oh really or do you want to do it now so you can remember?"  She said and slowly pushed her wheelchair near me which made me nervous..

I  gulp as she moves closer. Too nervous that she may actually do it now again. It was a mistake I should never end up in her bed again.

"Answer now attorney Becky Rebecca patricia Armstrong" she said firmly

Now I'm shocked knowing she knows my name and that I am an attorney. Does she recognize me so much?

"How did you know?!" I asked was she stalking me these days that's why I keep feeling someone is watching me?

"Oh you don't need to know how. Now tell me why did you run away that day?!" She asked and  now she had lifted her self in the bed.

She's really strong even if she has that disability. She Sits on the side near me.

Now I am trembling in her presence It looks like she's gonna eat meat alive.

She brought out the knife in her pocket which made me scared of her...

She started playing it on my legs.

I can feel the cold thing on my legs.

"Answer" she said. Now she's threatening me to answer her.

"It doesn't matter if it was a mistake and never should have happened and it's normal I had it with many men" I said not looking at her. If she's dealing with me cause it was my first then I could say she was not the first. I can't let her win just like how I will win the case.

"Oh a mistake huh and many men? but I got you first Becca"  she said and now lifting her self on top of me.

Oh please not again. I should not let this happen again.

She put down the knife and held my chin.

"Stop lying woman it will only bring you in a situation you don't want" she said emotionless

I  keep struggling but she's more in power now since my hands are  in the hand cuff. She started sniffing my neck..

She looks like a tiger who's now ready to devour her prey

She keep smelling me like she had been missing it for days.

"No please" I said pleading maybe she still has pity in her heart.

But I guess I'm wrong cause she continues doing it. And what scared me is that I'm starting to like it. My body is starting  to like it.  I should do my best to resist her.

She started licking my earlobes teasing me. No I can't let this.

"Please stop this" I said pleading her to stop  but she doesn't listen and continues what she is doing.

She was about to 💋 me in the lips when I turned my head to the side making her kiss my cheeks.

"Playing hard are you?" She asked and then she held my chin making me face her.

And without hesitation she kissed me hard and roughly. I can feel that my lips bleed cause she bites it.

"Hmm...s..t..op pleass.." I said between the kisses but she just ignored me.

She just lets go of my lips when she feels that I'm out of breath.

I gasped as I long for air.

She smirked and touched my lips.

"It's bleeding" she said then lick it with her tongue.

"Please let me go" I said now I'm crying in front of her. Pleading to stop what she was doing.

"No. I won't let you go Becca." She said firmly her eyes becomes more empty as she says those words.

"If I had to make you pregnant so you can't run. I will. You're stuck here with me Becca."  She said again making me cry more. I don't want to be with her.

This thing she want between me and her is out of the limits. I could never be with someone who cause my father to be jailed.

"How cruel is your heart. No one will stay with you.I hate you."  I said and cry more

"Yeah cry all you want Becca but I will never let you go not even ever." She said seriously

Our conversation is cut when someone called her in the phone.

"Hello Doctor Walker, yes yup soon as posible. Yeah I have. Maybe this week." She said on someone it's my chance maybe I can asked for help

"Help! Please doctor help me!" I said she immediately end the call and cover my mouth.

"You really testing my patience Becca. Do you really want to make me angry? You don't know what I'm capable of. I can instruct my men to ki#ll your adoptive parents" she said then motion like a gun pointed in her head

Which makes me worried. No not them they don't have to do something with this.

"No please not them leave them along please. I will do everything just don't touch them" I said pleading her

"Really okay then all you have to do is to be a good girl and never try to escape or I will kill them maybe infront of you so it will be a lesson not to be disobedient." She said

"Okay I promise just please not them" I said now I had nothing to do. My adoptive parents are all I have.

"Okay so first thing to do is you should stop the case." She said

I nodded even if I want to continue that case I can't. My adoptive parents will be in danger. I had no choice to Close it. I'm sorry dad..

I nodded crying and then she wiped my tears.

"Shhs now be a good girl" she said and removes the handcuffs. Even if I'm free to go now I can't.

She moves on the side of the bed and grabs my arms making it hugged her around. She even kissed my forehead.

Is she sick?

"Now sleep with me and be a good girl" she said. I'm so glad still I'm lucky. She didn't do anything on my body.

I still don't understand why she wants me. I'm still questioning destiny why does it had to me like this.

I sob quietly cause I think she had slept. Now how can I escape this prison?? Did I just end up being imprisoned just like my father...


Thanks for reading this chapter ✨

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