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Becca's point of view

I am currently following sarocha. It's just that I have this feeling that I need to follow her.

Her car stopped in a coffee shop near the firm office. Which makes me more curious. Luckily there's no guard around the coffee shop.

I sneaked in and was surprised to see my uncle. The two of them are talking seriously. I can't hear them well so I move a little closer.

"You don't know anything about sarocha! You should not find the truth." Uncle said

" but the truth is needed to be known now tell me!" Sarocha said

"Do you want to know the truth? Your grandfather paid me to let Becca's father sign the contract! It was all his idea. And I just need money that time since my wife is sick. I hired someone to play as James Uy. I'm also the one who let Becca see the contract and open the case. It burdens me everyday that I stole Becca's father. Her life to have a good father! That's why after my wife has recovered I find her and take the responsibility to take care of her! And now I'm willing to pay for all the things I had done" uncle said crying

I was dumbfounded on everything he said. He's the one who sent me the letter. He's the one behind James Uy. I thought they were on my side but I guess I'm wrong.

"Uncle ... How?" I  said crying. Both of them are surprised to see me here.

"Becca.." I heard him say

I ran off the coffee shop. I just can't bear this feeling I had. How.. uncle why did you do it to me. You just stole my father's life. I thought attorneys should save their customers lives but I guess I'm wrong.

I heard the sarocha run too. She's coming to get me. I ran as fast as I could. Without looking on the way. My eyes are blurry.

Knowing the truth makes me out of breath. I Stop as I reach a park. I cried all I wanted. I don't care if people keep looking at me.

"Becca .." someone said and it's sarocha

She hugged me from the back. So tight that she really wants to get what I am feeling today.

"I'm sorry Becca.. I found it yesterday when I was in your living room. But I know I still need to confirm it before saying it to you. I know your adoptive parents are so important to you." She said

"I don't know that my grandpa has done something like this. Just let me fix everything Becca" she said

I heard it clear her grandpa has something to do with all of this. I just want to hate her too. But I can't how can I hate someone who has been a victim too?

I didn't say anything I just let her hug me the whole time until I found myself blocked out in her arms.

  . ............

I woke up in bed. In a hospital bed. What am I doing here?. I found sarocha on my side. She's holding my hand.

She noticed I was awake. She quickly held my face and asked

"Becca are you feeling well? You fainted earlier" she said

"I think I'm fine sarocha you should not bring me in the hospital though" I said maybe I'm just too tired with the overflowing feeling I had earlier.

Later on the doctor came in. She's smiling ear to ear like she has good news.

"Hello Ms. Armstrong how are you feeling?" She asked

"I'm feeling okay now doctor" I said

She gives something to sarocha. A paper may test in laboratory results.

"Congratulations ms. Armstrong you're two weeks pregnant. I'm gonna give you all the vitamins you need later and please refrain yourself from stress it will affect the baby" she said and left the room

I'm still shocked at what the doctor said. How can I be pregnant? Sarocha can't even make me pregnant unless..

I looked at sarocha who's smiling widely.

" sarocha!?" I asked her firmly

Now her smile disappeared and looked at me like a puppy pleading.

"How can I be pregnant maybe the doctor is wrong!" I said

"I think it's true that you're pregnant Becca ... I had to do the IVF that day when we do it again.. you agreed so I did it" she said

I can't even remember I agreed about it. Like how can I bear a child in this situation!? The baby will just be stressed.

" I can't even remember it. How dare you do it to me? How can I raise this child then?!" I said and now I'm crying again.

This poor child..

"You don't have to raise it alone Becca. That child is mine too so we will raise it both. I told you if I had to make you pregnant I will. You're now forever stuck in my arms." She said then cares about my tummy who doesn't even have a bump.

"Be good to your mom little one" she said then kiss it.

I didn't speak anymore. Everything that happened today is all new to me. But one thing for sure. I'm pregnant with the mafia queen child.

I hope everything will be fine before I give birth to this child. Now I'm not just living for myself. I need to live for the child too.

I can't be angry now with sarocha. It already happened and she said I agreed that day. Maybe it's because I'm not in myself that day.

Sarocha's point of view

I brought Becca to the hospital as soon as she fainted in my arms. I'm very worried she is fatigued.

Now we're here in the room. She was put in here. I am waiting for her to wake up. And of course for the doctor.

Later on she's awake and I had asked her if she's fine. I'm too worried earlier especially since she fainted.

Later on the doctor came in. She's smiling like a dumb. What's with the doctor?

"Hello Ms. Armstrong how are you feeling?" She asked becca

"I'm feeling okay now doctor" she said

She gave something to me. I thought it was a lab result and it is. But it says that Becca is pregnant which makes me smile ear to ear now.

"Congratulations ms. Armstrong you're two weeks pregnant. I'm gonna give you all the vitamins you need later and please refrain yourself from stress it will affect the baby" the doctor said and left the room

" sarocha!?" She asked me firmly

My smile disappeared hearing her voice full of anger

"How can I be pregnant maybe the doctor is wrong!" She said

"I think it's true that you're pregnant Becca ... I had to do the IVF that day when we do it again.. you agreed so I did it"  I said

Yeah she agreed that day when she is under influence by the drugs. I know that I take advantage of it but I need to do it as soon as possible or the sample will die and that day is the best day to do it. Unexpectedly we made it. Now she's carrying my child. Our child.

" I can't even remember it. How dare you do it to me? How can I raise this child then?!" She said crying

I hold her hand making her calm and during her that I'm here.

"You don't have to raise it alone Becca. That child is mine too so we will raise it both. I told you if I had to make you pregnant I will. You're now forever stuck in my arms." I said then cares about her tummy who doesn't even have a bump.

"Be good to your mom little one" i said then kiss it. See you soon little one

Daday will make sure to finish everything before you come out..

After all I received good news!


Thanks for reading this chapter ✨

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