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Warning matured content ahead!!!!

Becca's point of view

My body keeps on resisting but because of this her touch I can't resist anymore. This feeling I have like I want to release something.

I haven't even experienced this kind of feeling. This is all new for me.The feeling that I want to be touched. Her touch just keeps making me feel hot.

Surprise me more when she held my hand and pinned it above me. How can a woman in a wheelchair do these things.

What is more shocking is when I felt a cold thing around my wrist. She handcuffed my hand in the bed to prevent me from moving and resisting her.

She started giving me light kisses. From my nose slightly biting it. Now I'm more burning. I don't know if it is the medicine or my own.

She started tracing kisses into my lips and behind my ears. She's biting it softly which sends more shivers in my body.

She's licking my ears that sends me a tickling sensation and makes my body want more from it.

She goes down until she reaches my neck and bites it. Leaving some marks on it.

I moan on the sensation I am feeling right now. And wanting more.

She removed the bathrobe I am wearing. And throw it somewhere.

"I like it when you're not in clothes" she said while looking at my naked body in front of her eyes.

She started licking moulds. She's licking while giving it a massage. She's teasingly playing it both like it's her favorite toy.

"A..h" only moans are leaving in my mouth.

I want to hold her but I can't since my hands are handcuffed. I'm wanting more from her.

Maybe she understands what I want and she slowly traces my body from my moulds down there. She spreads my legs more giving her more access.

She started playing with it. She licks it at first which makes me moan. She started playing it in a circular motion. Licking while touching it. Which makes me want more.

Oh god!

She hardened her tongue trying to insert it inside me. She thrust it in and out.

"O..h please.." I said almost pleading her. There's something I want to release and I feeling it is near.

"Not yet baby" she said and kissed me in the lips stopping what her doing down there. I almost protested on what she did.

But what is unexpected is when she inserted two fingers on it. I twitched at the feeling. It hurts..

I almost cried on that scene and she noticed it.

"What is the!?! You're a virgin!?" She said to shocked. She then kissed me hard to divert my focus on what I am feeling. She started playing with it while fingers were inside not moving.

When she noticed I was not feeling that much she started to move her fingers inside me. She slowly moves it in and out. At first the feeling is weird and hurts me. But later on it somehow feels good.

She's now thrusting in and out faster and faster. I moan on the feeling it gives to me. She keeps kissing me on my lips or on my neck.

One of her hands is still playing on my moulds while the other hand keeps on thrusting.

"A..h m..ore" I said out of nowhere. I am feeling something is about to come out when I'm reaching it. She's now doing it fast, hard and deep.

"Yeah, common baby released it all" she said. It was like magic word when I reached something unexpected and released something from me.

She slowly goes down and licks me there. Her hands are still thrusting. I thought we were done but she kept continuing.

She doesn't even get tired the whole night we did it. Until I slept and made her do things. The room was full of our moans. I hope this is sound proof.

I wake up feeling something is on top of my abdomen. At first I thought it was just irin. But as I'm getting myself stable. I remember what happened last night. She already removed my handcuffs

I opened my eyes to see that the hand of this mysterious woman wrapped in my abdomen.

What did I do last night geez. I'm really out of my mind. Doing it with a stranger.

I slowly remove her hands off me. Too carefully to not make her wake up. She's sleeping and her hair is still in her face. I removed the blanket.

I tried to stand up but I almost curse when I feel sore down there. We really had a hard night thinking about what happened. I gathered all my strength to go in the bathroom and found my dress on it.

I quickly wore it and found my pouch. I need to go I still have clients to meet. And what happened between the two of us was a mistake.

I slowly opened the door and thank god it's open and sneak out of the bar. I called the cab that's on the road and rode it.

"On******* st ****** subdivision" i said.

I hope we don't meet again. That woman please forget about what happened. It was all a mistake that I wouldn't let happen again.

Somehow I felt guilty living alone in the room. She's even in a wheelchair how did we manage to do it that night?!

Later on I arrive home and I charge my phone which is low battery.

The first thing to pop up is irin's message. She's been messaging me and asking where I am.

I texted her that I got drunk so much yesterday that I even forgot to charge my phone.

She replied that she is relieved that I'm okay.

If only you know irin. I still don't know what drug had been in my drinks that makes me feel something last night.

I decided to have a shower since I can still feel that woman touch around me. I need to take a breath out of it.

As the water flows in my body I can still feel her. Her touch and kisses. Which makes me feel weird.

I should not feel like this. She's just a stranger and for God's sake it's a woman like me. I wonder how many women she had in bed that she's very expert in doing it.

After taking a shower I decided to watch tv first and lay on my bed. My body still exhausted maybe I go in the office this afternoon I just have to take a little rest.

I texted my co workers that I will just come at the afternoon cause I'm not feeling well. Now my eyes are slowly closing feeling tired doing it all night. I know I'm drunk but I can still remember well all what happened that night. Oh geez what am I even thinking.

I hope we never had a chance to meet again..

Thanks for reading this chapter ✨

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