chapter 515

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Jeremy didn't even have to think about it. He was going to help Elsa tonight, so he wasn't going anywhere. He said to her, "I'm sorry, Maricruz, but I can't."

When Maricruz heard that, her heart broke into pieces. In a low voice, she asked, "Why not?"

"Well, I'm staying here tonight. I want to sleep in my son's bed with him. It's been so long since."

Those words landed on her heart like a heavy boulder. She wasn't important to Jeremy. He had already made plans, and his plans didn't include her. She closed her eyes and let out an emotional sigh. Then, she said as she opened her eyes, "Okay... I understand... Should I come pick you up tomorrow morning to take you to the airport?"

But the response she got from Jeremy sent her into an abyss of disappointment. "No. I'll be checking out of the resort tomorrow, but I am not going back to Serpens with you."

"What do you mean?" She found herself whispering that question as her heart clenched painfully.

Jeremy answered her without hesitation, and without noticing the change in her voice, maybe because he doesn't pay much attention to her. "I'm staying here for a while. You guys will be going home without me."

Maricruz felt like crying.

She had invited Jeremy for this trip not knowing Elsa was in this country. She had hoped that Jeremy and she would spend more time together, but this whole trip he had spent in the resort with his children. And the only time she thought she could get to spend even just a moment with him, he went to look for Elsa and was now thinking of staying back, not even giving her the last dinner she hoped for.

With a pained voice, Maricruz asked through the phone, "You're staying with Elsa?"

"Yes. I am staying with her. And also, I'm staying with my kids."

Those words made Maricruz's mood drop and turn sour. But she couldn't voice out her feelings and thoughts at that time. She couldn't complain about him spending time with his kids. And she couldn't complain about him being with Elsa because she and he were not truly dating anyway. She had no right to say anything about his choices.

So, with a fake smile, she said to him with a gentle voice, "Oww... Okay. I understand... I'll see you soon then."

"Okay. Bye."


The phone call ended with Maricruz feeling an excruciating pain in her heart. Maricruz sat down on her bed as a tear fell from her eyes. Did this mean that other people would always be important to Jeremy and she would never be a priority to him? Would he ever notice her and see that she loved him and always had for a long time?

Just then, her phone rang, cutting off her thoughts. She looked at who was calling and saw that it was Bruno.

Bruno had been calling her all day, and this was the only time Maricuz answered because she had been waiting for Jeremy to come back.

Maricuz answered the call with a distant voice, saying, "Hello."

Bruno, impatient and angry, immediately questioned, "What's this I hear?... You went to Serpens with Jeremy?"

Those words made Maricuz's heart start beating fast. She had hidden the fact that she went with Jeremy to Coventina because she knew Bruno would not like that idea. He did not even want Maricuz to express her feelings for Jeremy when they were best friends. He claimed that Jeremy was like a brother to him, so it would be weird if his sister dated his brother.

Now Maricuz could only imagine how he would react now that they broke their friendship and don't talk anymore.

"How did you know?" Maricuz asked with a slightly panicked voice.

"I ran into Lorna, Jeremy's mother, and she was kind enough to share the information. Information you did not tell me," Bruno said with a scoff.

He then let out a deep sigh as he continued, "Lorna said that you two want to date each other, or something like that. And you know my stance on that, don't you? Also, Maricuz, Jeremy is 27 with a child... You just turned 19 years old a month ago."

He was saying this to emphasize that Jeremy was in a different place in life than she was. She was just a girl fresh out of the nest, while Jeremy was a man close to his thirties with an ex-wife and a son.

Normally, Maricuz would listen to her brother even if she disagreed with what he said, but not today. "So what?" she suddenly snapped at him. "It's just an 8-year age difference, it's not much," Maricuz said with annoyance.

Bruno was not expecting Maricuz to get so defensive so quickly, but being the big brother, he kept his cool. "Maricuz, no!... I don't want you anywhere near that man," he said calmly.

Hearing that, Maricuz scoffed. Then, she declared fearlessly, "You can't tell me what to do, Bruno. I am not a child anymore."

Bruno could almost not believe his ears. Maricuz was not listening to him now because she wanted to be with Jeremy? "That's where you're wrong. I can still tell you what to do, and I am telling you that when you come home tomorrow, I don't ever want you looking for Jeremy or hanging out with him ever again."

Maricuz rolled her eyes at those words. Then, with a calm voice, she said, "I'm afraid that won't be possible."

"Why?" Bruno asked.

She then revealed the decision she had just made a second ago, "Because I am not coming home tomorrow. All my friends will leave, but Jeremy and I will stay behind together." When

Bruno heard that, he almost lost his mind. "Why, Maricuz? Why would you stay behind with Jeremy?"

"Because Jeremy and I are dating," Maricuz suddenly declared.

Even though the relationship was fake and only told to Elsa, no one told her she couldn't claim the fake relationship too.

Bruno could not believe his own ears. He looked like he was about to go crazy as he prayed he had heard her wrong. "What did you just say?!" he asked just to be sure.

"I believe you heard me right. Jeremy is my boyfriend, and I am staying here with him and enjoying our vacation together."

With that, Maricuz ended the call angrily before switching off her phone and tossing it on the bed. She then started pacing around the room, running her hands through her hair.

After three minutes of silently walking around the room, Maricuz made a decision.

With a determined voice, she said to herself, "You know what? I won't give up. I want to be with Jeremy, and I will do whatever it takes to get a chance with him."

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