chapter 516

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It was an hour later when Jeremy started preparing everything with Elsa.

He had been thinking about how to help Elsa all day, even while playing with the kids. So he asked Elsa if they could do everything in her bedroom or a guest room if she was uncomfortable. But Elsa was okay with them being in the bedroom.

With the help of the maids, Jeremy knew that the bedroom had wall lamps on each side of the bed, as well as main lights on the ceiling. There were three bulbs in the room to ensure that it was not dark in any corner.

He also knew where the switches were located.

It was around 9 pm when Jeremy told Elsa he was ready for her to come in.

When Elsa walked in, she found Jeremy seated on the right side of the bed, waiting for her. When Jeremy heard Elsa coming in, he smiled briefly as he turned his head to look in her direction.

Then, he said, "Today we will start our therapy together. Remember, we are doing this so that you can be strong enough to get Lui back. Don't forget our motive, okay?"

Elsa was not expecting Jeremy to say that, but it made her feel a strange feeling. But she still nodded and said, "Okay, I'll remember that."

"Okay, then come sit on my lap."

Those words made Elsa look at Jeremy with confusion. "Wait, what?"

Jeremy just smiled. "I am blind, Miss Halverson. I cannot take advantage of you even if I tried."

Elsa rolled her eyes when she heard that. Then, she looked for the right words to say why she was confused. "That's not what I meant... I just... I don't know... I..." But nothing came to mind.

Jeremy just kept his smile as he asked, "Do you trust me?"

Elsa looked at him with interest as he asked, "What?"

Jeremy now looked serious as he said, "Angel, do you trust me? Because you have to trust me before anything happens."

Elsa thought about it for a moment as she looked like she was weighing her choices. Then, she said calmly, and with a low voice, "Yes, Jeremy. I trust you."

Her eyes were looking at his that were not in focus as she felt a weird feeling in her heart that she couldn't explain.

With Elsa saying she trusted him, Jeremy smiled once more. Then, he called her again. "Then come. I promise, nothing will happen between us."

Elsa almost rolled her eyes when she heard that, but she resisted the urge.

Elsa sat on his lap nervously as she waited for him to tell her what to do.

When Elsa was secured on his lap, Jeremy said to her, "All the lights in the room are on. We are going to start by turning off this one, the wall lights on the right side of the bed."

Those words had Elsa start panicking. She looked at Jeremy with uncertainty in her eyes. Then, she asked with a low voice, "Are you sure about this, Jeremy?"

"I am... I know how to help, remember? But are you sure you want my help? If you're still in doubt, we can stop right now. I promise."

Elsa knew if she wanted to do this she would not have any doubts, but she couldn't help but feel scared. She looked into Jeremy's eyes as she said, "I don't want to live like this. I want it to go away."

The nodded when he heard that. Then, he said to her, "There are not many ways to treat you, angel. Maybe that's why it's not easy. But the method I want to use is a change of view, relation, and association."

Elsa's eyes narrowed as she felt even more confused than she was before. "What does that mean?"

"Well, I want you to associate your phobia with something other than me dying. Maybe we can associate it with something else."

Jeremy was talking so calmly as if it was a task he was ready to take on.

But those words did not make Elsa understand anything. That was why she was still confused. And that was why she said, "I don't follow."

"It's like, if you have a fear of water, you can associate it with puppies paddling. That is something cute that would make you smile and be happy. If you have a fear of the dark like you, we could associate it with comfort and safety instead of danger and death."

Although the darkness doesn't really have much good in them to be associated with, Jeremy was willing to find something and give that to Elsa.

Trying to understand, Elsa asked slowly, "So what you're saying is you can help me not relate the dark with you being hurt, but with you being safe and okay?"

"Yes. I'll be right here to prove to you that I am okay throughout. This could work. And it's not just my presence, I want you to feel comfort and care too. If you see a dark space as a space where you received comfort and love, you won't be afraid of it anymore."

Elsa's eyes went wide when she heard a specific word that Jeremy said. Looking at him while blinking innocently, Elsa asked with a low voice, "Love?"

Jeremy smiled and nodded. Then, he whispered back to her, "Love."

Elsa looked away as that weird feeling she had intensified. Not knowing what to say, she answered with a low voice, "Okay."

There was a little silence after that as Elsa was seated on his lap quietly. This felt like the best worst idea at that moment. She just hoped nothing other than healing would come out of this.

After a few seconds, Jeremy said to  her, "Now, Elsa, I want you to reach for the switch and turn off the light. Then count to five and turn it back on. Can you do that for me?"

I know that Elsa and Jeremy aren't together, but this was so heart warming.

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