chapter 587

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Without an appointment, they had to wait before doctor Johnson could see them.

The wait at the doctor's office was palpable, an undercurrent of nervous energy swirling around the couple as they sat side by side in the bustling waiting room. Jeremy's leg bounced anxiously, his fingers drumming against the armrest of his chair, while Elsa reached over to still his restless movements, offering him a reassuring squeeze of her hand.

The minutes ticked by, each one feeling like an eternity, until finally, the receptionist called out their names, beckoning them to follow her down the familiar hallway. Exchanging a glance brimming with hopeful anticipation, Elsa and Jeremy rose in unison, their fingers intertwined as they made their way towards the examination room.

When the door opened, revealing the warm, welcoming face of Doctor Johnson, an audible sigh of relief escaped Elsa's lips. The kind physician's eyes widened with genuine delight, and he hurried around his desk to greet them.

"Elsa, my dear, it's so wonderful to see you again!" he exclaimed, his voice infused with genuine affection. "And you, Jeremy – I must say, the last time I saw you both, the circumstances were quite different."

The subtle reference to Elsa's past struggle with Dissociative Identity Disorder hung in the air for a moment, a somber reminder of the challenges they had overcome together. But the doctor's expression quickly shifted, a broad smile spreading across his features.

"But today," he continued, his gaze shifting between the expectant parents, "today, I can see the joy and excitement radiating from you both. This is a very special occasion indeed!"

Elsa and Jeremy's faces were alight with a mixture of excitement and tentative hope as they stepped into the familiar examination room. Their fingers intertwined, a subtle gesture of mutual support, as they turned their attention towards the kindly doctor.

"So, what can I do for you today?" Doctor Johnson asked, his warm gaze shifting between the expectant couple.

Elsa took a deep, steadying breath, her free hand coming to rest protectively over her abdomen. "Doctor Johnson," she began, her voice barely above a whisper, "we think we might be pregnant."

The moment the words left her lips, Elsa felt a flutter of nervous anticipation in the pit of her stomach. Jeremy gave her hand a gentle squeeze, his expression a blend of joy and trepidation.

Doctor Johnson's initial reaction caught Elsa off guard. His smile, once so warm and welcoming, faltered slightly, and a flicker of concern passed across his features. "Have you taken a home test yet?" he asked, his tone suddenly more guarded.

Elsa shook her head, her brow furrowing in a slight frown. "No," she admitted, her gaze searching the doctor's face for any sign of what was troubling him.

A soft sigh escaped Doctor Johnson's lips, and he leaned back in his chair, his fingers steepling thoughtfully. "Okay," he said, his voice measured and professional. "Why don't we take a blood test for you, Elsa, so we can be sure if you're truly pregnant."

The doctor's words hung in the air, and Elsa felt a twinge of unease settle in the pit of her stomach. She could sense the doctor's nervousness, the way he seemed to be carefully choosing his words, and it filled her with a growing sense of trepidation.

Jeremy, ever the perceptive partner, seemed to pick up on the subtle shift in the atmosphere. He cleared his throat, his grip on Elsa's hand tightening ever so slightly. "Is everything alright, Doctor?" he asked, his voice tinged with a hint of concern.

The doctor's gaze met Jeremy's, and for a moment, Elsa could see the weight of his words reflected in his eyes. "Let's just take things one step at a time," he said, offering a reassuring smile that didn't quite reach his eyes. "I want to make sure we have all the facts before we jump to any conclusions."

Elsa nodded, her heart pounding in her chest. She knew that Doctor Johnson had always been honest with them, and if he was concerned, there must be a reason. As the doctor prepared the equipment for the blood draw, Elsa and Jeremy exchanged a silent, apprehensive glance, both of them bracing themselves for whatever news might come.

Elsa's heart raced as the doctor prepared the equipment for the blood test. She could feel the tension building in the room, a palpable sense of anticipation that hung in the air. Elsa braced herself, her free hand subconsciously resting on her abdomen.

The needle slid into her arm, and Elsa winced slightly, the discomfort a mere afterthought as her mind raced with a million thoughts. What was the doctor so concerned about? Had something gone wrong? Her fingers tightened around Jeremy's hand, drawing strength from his steady presence.

As the vial filled with Elsa's blood, the doctor's brow furrowed in concentration. Elsa watched his every move, searching for any clue that might shed light on his sudden shift in demeanor. When the procedure was complete, he carefully labeled the sample and set it aside, turning his attention back to the couple.

He did not say anything and just quietly waited for the results, which only made Elsa and Jeremy more nervous.

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