chapter 529

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"How did you know about my brain tumor? Who told you about it?" Elsa questioned again.

Elsa had never really loved Roman when they were together, but she liked him enough to date him. However, when she broke up with him, she never told him about her brain tumor, nor did she remain in contact with him. Now that she was thinking about it, she realized that she never really knew Roman that well when they were together. Maybe it was because she wasn't that interested in finding out about him, or maybe he had hidden some things about himself from her.

"Just come back to me, Elsa. I'll cure you. I promise," he teased.

"You and I broke up a long time ago. And I am very sure you are aware that I am not single. So your condition of helping me is something I cannot agree with," Elsa replied, her voice tinged with resolve. "And I never asked for your help with my tumor at all, nor do I want it."

Roman's expression hardened, his eyes narrowing as he assessed Elsa's defiance. "You underestimate the power of the Coventina mafia, Elsa. We are not to be trifled with. You have a choice to make, and I suggest you choose wisely. Loyalty to me will bring you prosperity and the cure you so desperately seek. Refusal will lead to consequences you cannot fathom."

Elsa took a deep breath, her resolve solidifying in the face of Roman's threats. "I may not have the power or resources you possess, Fidel, but that doesn't mean I will bow down to you or fear you. I won't be swayed by fear or anything you have to offer."

"Really now?"

"Yes. I know what this is. I have been on this side of life for a long time and I understand that when a criminal helps you, you owe them. If you save my life, the life you saved now belongs to you and I will be your prisoner and slave. I will be forced to obey your every word unless I find a way to repay the life debt I owe you. And I will not subject myself to such a life. I'd rather die on my feet than live on my knees." Elsa's voice was determined.

When Gwen heard that, she couldn't help but admire Elsa's strength. She had grown up so much.

But sadly, the debt Elsa did not want to owe Roman was the debt Gwen now owed him.

Roman's eyes flashed with a mixture of anger and admiration. He leaned in closer to Elsa, his voice low and dangerous. "You may regret this decision, Elsa Halverson. But remember, in this world, loyalty is everything. And when you find yourself in need, I won't be there to offer you a second chance."

With those words hanging in the air, Roman turned away, signaling to Randall to take Elsa away. As she was led towards captivity, Elsa's heart remained resolute. She was thrown into a dark bedroom and handcuffed to a small bed.


As soon as Roman left the room and headed to his office, Gwen followed him. Without knocking, she barged in with anger written all over her face. "What is the meaning of this, Roman? Why did you bring Elsa here? This wasn't part of the deal!" she questioned angrily.

Roman, who had just sat on his office chair, calmly looked at Gwen and chuckled. "The deal was that I help you save your sister's life, wasn't it?... Didn't Jeremy Callahan give you contacts to my hospital here that has the best doctors when you were desperate to save your sister? Jeremy did not know what he was doing when he referred you to my hospital; he may not even remember. But when you gave Elsa's file and it passed to me, I started on a journey with all the research that could save Elsa. Didn't I also save you? Have you forgotten that you were supposed to be dead? Have you forgotten you could have died if not for me rescuing you?... All this time, you have been here seeing my doctors work on how to cure Elsa, and you know I am going to save her as long as you don't go near her and stay by my side. So what's the problem?"

Gwen looked confused as she asked, "If you don't want me to go near her, to the point you almost killed her when I went to see her, why did you bring her here?"

With a smirk, he answered Gwen calmly, "To conduct some tests on her brain tumor. We have to know its condition right now so we know how to adequately prepare for her operation."

Gwen's eyes went wide when she heard that.

He then got up from his seat and walked over to Gwen, who was standing next to the table. "Look, Viper. You're my wife right now, aren't you?... I don't want Elsa back. My words to her earlier were just me playing with her. I have you, and I am not letting you go."

When Gwen heard that, she looked at him with disbelief. She felt so disgusted by his words, but she knew she couldn't show it. Even if he was playing around with Elsa, those words he said to her about wanting her to be his girlfriend while he forced her twin sister, Gwen, to marry him made him sound like a weirdo, wanting to have twins as his women. He sounded sick. He better have been joking because him trying to get with Elsa was not part of the deal, and Gwen wasn't going to allow him to do to Elsa what he was doing to her.

Trying hard to keep a straight face, she asked calmly, "So you will still help Elsa despite her rejecting you?"

"Yes, I will."

"So you just want to check on her, that's all. Right?"

Roman nodded. "Yes. In a few minutes, she will be drugged with a drug that will make her lose consciousness. And then she will be taken to the lab for a CT scan and other tests on her blood and tumor. A drug will also be given to see if her tumor would respond well so we know if the treatment will work. Which means she will be here for three days under observation. Responding well would mean that the aggression on her tumor would reduce, making it easier to operate on and remove. Which means that after a few months, we will have to bring her here for another dose of it."

While tucking Gwen's hair behind her ear, he said to her, "That drug will put her in a state that will look like she is drunk or high on illegal drugs when she wakes up. She will need some company, so I will let you see her and spend time with her only because I know when she fully wakes up when the drug leaves her body, she will think seeing you was a hallucination."

He then pulled her into his arms for a hug as he added, "This is the only time I am letting you see and spend time with her, so you better not try to see her after she leaves. Take this as an act of kindness, remembering I am never kind."

Elsa’s tumor has been such a journey... I wonder if Roman would be able to get that tumor out  and save her, or he would fail and kill her. Either way.🥀😇


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