chapter 545

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But Elsa was not taking that for an answer

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But Elsa was not taking that for an answer. "But Lui... Tell me, please."

Elsa's desperation and determination swelled within her as she refused to accept Lui's initial response. She reached out, her hand gently cupping Lui's chin, her touch a delicate yet firm plea for him to reveal the truth. Her eyes bore into his, filled with a mix of longing and urgency, silently urging him to share what he knew.

Lui's reluctance wavered under Elsa's persistent gaze, and with a heavy sigh, he relented. The weight of his words hung in the air as he finally spoke the name that would unravel another layer of their intertwined lives. "Gwen. Your sister is Yuliana's mother."

Elsa's heart lurched within her chest, her face draining of color as shock coursed through her veins. The realization hit her with a force she couldn't comprehend, leaving her momentarily frozen, her body motionless as she grappled with the revelation. "What? H-how... How is that possible?" Her voice quivered, betraying her disbelief. She had never seen any signs of Gwen's pregnancy, their bond as twins seemingly unbroken.

Her mind raced, trying to reconcile the facts, seeking an explanation for the hidden truth that had been kept from her. She questioned Lui, her voice filled with confusion and a tinge of betrayal. "I never saw Gwen pregnant. How could she hide it from me?" The bond between the sisters had seemingly been unbreakable, their connection always strong. How had Gwen managed to keep such a secret?

Lui began to unravel the web of deception, his voice steady yet filled with a hint of sorrow. "She hid from you throughout the whole pregnancy, making you think she was in jail." His words cut through the air, each revelation twisting the knife of realization deeper into Elsa's heart. The pieces of the puzzle began to fall into place, painting a picture of deception and hidden truths. "Think about it, Elsa. When Gwen was convicted, she never allowed you to visit her. She just came back after a whole year of jail while doing probation, didn't she? She was on probation the whole time, yes, but she wasn't in jail. She was hiding a pregnancy the whole time."

Elsa's mind whirled as the truth settled upon her, the weight of Gwen's deceit crashing down upon her consciousness. The shock reverberated through her, leaving her speechless and vulnerable.

"That... That's why Yuliana looks so much like me but has Gwen's eyes," Elsa whispered, her voice filled with a mix of awe and realization.

Lui nodded, a gentle smile gracing his lips, understanding the depths of Elsa's revelation. "Yes, that's right."

The room seemed to spin around Elsa as the weight of this new truth sank in. Yuliana, the child she had felt an immediate connection with, the child she had adopted, was her own flesh and blood—a living embodiment of the bond she shared with her sister. Tears welled in Elsa's eyes, a mixture of joy, grief, and a profound sense of connection washing over her.

She turned her gaze around the room, her vision unfocused as she tried to make sense of the implications. "So you couldn't have killed the mother of your child because she is Gwen. And she was alive for two years after that, right?" Her voice held a glimmer of hope, seeking confirmation of Lui's innocence.

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