chapter 524

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Elsa secretly followed Jeremy and Maricuz from behind as they made their way to her room. She noticed how Jeremy was leaning into Maricuz, as if he were drunk. It seemed unlikely that he could be intoxicated after just one sip of wine. Maricuz was too focused on getting Jeremy to her room to notice Elsa trailing behind them. When they reached the room and Maricuz was about to close the door, Elsa quickly put her foot to stop it from closing and locking.

Peeping through the crack, Elsa saw Maricuz place Jeremy on her bed before undressing herself. "I know you might blame me later, Jeremy. But I had to do this. For us," Elsa overheard Maricuz say to Jeremy.

Elsa patiently waited for the right moment, and just as Maricuz was in nothing but her underwear and bra, Elsa burst through the door and entered.

"So you drugged your boyfriend so he would sleep with you?... Why? Did he refuse to touch you when he was sober?" Elsa mocked, standing behind Maricuz.

Startled, Maricuz jumped and turned to see Elsa standing there.

"Elsa?... What are you doing here?" Maricuz asked, trying to hide her panic as she quickly grabbed something to cover herself.

Approaching Maricuz, Elsa said, "I was curious to see how a girlfriend tricks a boyfriend into sleeping with her. I didn't think there was a drug that could make him hot and bothered enough to sleep with anything in front of him."

Maricuz gritted her teeth in anger, realizing that Elsa was mocking her.

Before Maricuz could respond, Jeremy weakly called for Elsa. "Angel... Angel... Please come... Hurry..." He sounded as if he were in pain. Elsa rushed to his side and held him.

"Jeremy... Jeremy... Are you okay?"

Jeremy shook his head and tugged at his shirt, his face contorted in pain. "No... Angel... I'm not... It hurts... If I don't do something about it, the pain won't stop..."

Concerned, Elsa helped him up. "Come with me, okay?... Let me take you home."

Assisting Jeremy to stand, he leaned weakly into Elsa. It was difficult for him to control himself, and he showered her with kisses, clinging to her like a kitten.

"Jeremy, stop..." Elsa warned, trying to get him to regain some self-control.

But he didn't.

While Jeremy continued to kiss her, Elsa turned to Maricuz and said, "What you did was wrong. I hope you realize that now."

Maricuz, feeling embarrassed that Elsa had discovered her actions, folded her arms defensively and arrogantly replied, "So what? Jeremy is my boyfriend. We were going to have sex eventually." She wanted to justify her actions, making it seem like something they would have done naturally as a couple.

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