chapter 589

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The gravity of the situation weighed heavily in the air as Jeremy searched the doctor's face, desperate for answers. His mind raced with a flurry of fears and questions, each one more dire than the last.

"Doctor Johnson," Jeremy began, his voice trembling slightly, "what would happen to Elsa if we keep the pregnancy?" His eyes were filled with a mixture of hope and trepidation, silently pleading for the doctor to provide some reassurance.

Dr. Johnson's expression softened with empathy, but there was an underlying seriousness that betrayed the severity of Elsa's condition. He took a deep breath before responding, his words measured and deliberate.

"Jeremy, this is a very delicate situation." The doctor's brow furrowed with concern as he continued, "Elsa's brain tumor poses significant risks to her health during pregnancy."

He paused, as if steeling himself to deliver the difficult news. "The hormonal and physiological changes that come with pregnancy can potentially worsen the symptoms of her tumor or lead to more rapid growth." Jeremy felt his heart sink as the doctor's words sank in.

"Certain treatments, like chemotherapy or radiation, would need to be postponed or modified to avoid harming the fetus," Dr. Johnson explained, his tone grave. "And given the location and nature of Elsa's tumor, there are increased risks of life-threatening complications, such as seizures, neurological deficits, or even a dangerous buildup of fluid in the brain."

Jeremy's fingers curled into white-knuckled fists, the weight of the doctor's words bearing down on him. He could feel his pulse pounding in his ears as he struggled to process the grim reality unfolding before him. Elsa's life hung in the balance, and the decision they faced was agonizingly complex.

The doctor placed a reassuring hand on Jeremy's shoulder, his eyes conveying a profound empathy. "I know this is an impossible situation, but Elsa's health and safety have to be the top priority. We need to act quickly to give her the best chance of survival."

Dr. Johnson's brow was deeply furrowed with concern as he took a heavy breath. Jeremy watched intently, steeling himself for the gravitas of the doctor's words.

"Jeremy," Dr. Johnson began, his voice laced with empathy, "I want to be completely transparent with you about what continuing this pregnancy could mean for Elsa's health. The risks are extremely grave."

Jeremy felt a knot tighten in the pit of his stomach, but he gave a resolute nod, bracing himself to hear the full truth. "Please, doctor, I need to know."

The doctor's gaze locked with his, his expression somber. "Well, the rapid growth of the tumor will place an immense strain on Elsa's body during the pregnancy," he explained solemnly. "We're likely looking at a very high-risk, complicated pregnancy filled with medical emergencies."

Jeremy felt a shiver of fear run down his spine, but he remained steadfast. "Go on," he urged, his voice taut with apprehension.

Dr. Johnson's eyes grew heavy with concern. "The increased blood flow and pressure changes during gestation could cause the tumor to swell rapidly, putting dangerous pressure on her brain. This could lead to debilitating headaches, seizures, loss of motor function, and even the risk of a life-threatening stroke at any moment."

Jeremy's hand instinctively went to his head, as if he could already feel Elsa's agonizing pain. "And the baby?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

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