chapter 558

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Jeremy's heart sank as Elsa's pleading words reached his ears

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Jeremy's heart sank as Elsa's pleading words reached his ears. He could see the desperation etched across her features, the raw longing that shimmered in her eyes like shards of broken glass. Reaching out, he tenderly cradled her face in his calloused hands, his thumb gently brushing away the tears that threatened to spill over.

"Elsa, please don't ask me this," he murmured, his voice laced with anguish. "You know I don't like saying no to you, but I can't agree to something that will get me to lose you." His fingers trembled slightly as he spoke, the weight of his decision crushing him.

Elsa's fingers curled around his wrists, her grip desperate, as if she could somehow tether him to her, to the life they had built together. "Then let's make a deal," she pressed, her own voice tinged with a glimmer of hope.

Jeremy's brow furrowed, his heart racing as he considered her words. "A deal?" he echoed, his eyes searching hers, trying to divine the meaning behind her proposal.

Elsa's lips curved into a tentative smile, her fingers sliding down to lace with his.

Elsa's eyes shone with a desperate hope as she gazed up at Jeremy, her fingers gripping the fabric of his shirt tightly. "Yes, a deal," she breathed, her voice barely above a whisper. "That you get me pregnant today."

Jeremy's heart sank, a wave of anguish washing over him as he heard her words. "Elsa, please—" he began, his brow furrowing with worry.

Elsa cut him off, raising a trembling hand to his lips. "Let me finish, Jeremy," she implored, her expression resolute.

Jeremy nodded, his jaw set in a determined line as he prepared himself for her proposal.

"The doctor said that early termination will be recommended if the pregnancy is too dangerous for me, right?" Elsa's eyes searched his, seeking confirmation. "That if the pregnancy is too much for my body to keep the baby, I won't be advised to keep the baby? That's the same thing Doctor Johnson once told me. That there will be a time where my body won't be able to carry a child."

Elsa's fingers found his, intertwining them as she continued, her voice thick with emotion. "So how about this, if we go to the hospital and they tell me that I have to give up the child in order to survive, then I will agree. But at least I know I would have some joy of being its mother and having it grow in my womb for some time. Which is the only joy I want right now. So please, Jeremy?" she pleaded, her eyes brimming with tears.

Jeremy's brow furrowed as Elsa's words sank in. He could see the desperation in her eyes, the raw longing for the chance to carry a child, to experience that profound connection. But the risks weighed heavily on his mind.

"Elsa, I understand how much this means to you," he began, his voice tinged with concern. "But I can't help but worry that you're letting your heart rule your head here. I know how badly you want this, but what if the doctors say the pregnancy is too dangerous? What if it's too much for your body to handle?"

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