chapter 556

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Gwen was just about to say something to defend herself

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Gwen was just about to say something to defend herself.

Gwen's heart pounded in her chest as the door burst open, her lieutenant's frantic cries cutting through the tense silence. Instinctively, she turned towards the sound, her eyes wide with a mixture of surprise and dread.

"Lady dragon! Lady dragon!" the lieutenant exclaimed, his words tumbling out in a breathless rush.

Anastasia's head snapped around, her eyes narrowing in irritation at the interruption. "What?" she snapped, her voice dripping with annoyance.

Gwen felt a wave of apprehension wash over her as the lieutenant's words sank in. "Coco, Elsa's assistant... She has escaped," he said, his voice laced with a sense of urgency.

Gwen's breath caught in her throat, her mind racing as she tried to comprehend the implications of this news. Elsa's assistant, the loyal and trusted companion who had been by her sister's side for years, had somehow managed to slip away. The implications were staggering, and Gwen knew that this could spell trouble for their family.

Anastasia's face darkened, her expression twisting into a mask of fury. "What do you mean, she's escaped?" she demanded, her voice rising in pitch.

"She escaped, Lady dragon," he said, her voice low and soothing. "But I am sure we can find her."

But Anastasia was having none of it, her eyes blazing with a dangerous intensity. "This is unacceptable!" she growled, her hands clenching into fists at her sides. "That girl knows too much, and if she's out there, she could ruin everything!"

"Tell me everything you know," she said, her voice calm and measured. "How did she escape in the first place?"

The lieutenant nodded, his brow furrowed with concern. "All I know is that Coco slipped out of the compound earlier this morning ," he said. "We've got search parties out looking for her, but so far there's been no sign."

Turning to Lui and Gwen, Anastasia scoffed. "You need to find Coco," she said, her voice tinged with a sense of urgency. "Right now."

With that, she rushed out of the room leaving Gwen and Lui there to be taken back to Lui's room.

On the other side,

Coco's heart raced as she hurried down the dark streets, the weight of her escape lifting but the fear for Elsa's safety pressing heavily on her mind. She had managed to hitchhike and make it home safely, but she knew the danger was far from over.

Bursting through the door, Coco quickly checked on the children, relieved to find them safe and sound. With a deep, steadying breath, she turned her attention to the task at hand - finding a way to rescue Elsa.

After making sure the kids were still safe and sound, she started looking for a way and sketching a plan. But without Elsa here, she knew she didn't have any resources to save Elsa. The only way now was to try someone with resources, but who?

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