chapter 539

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With Jeremy's location tracked to a specific road before the signal was jammed, Elsa decided to go to that road and find any clues of where Jeremy and the rest of the Callahans could have been taken before the lead ran cold. In the meantime, Coco kept trying to find a way to get Jeremy or the other Callahans' locations through their phone numbers. It was challenging to do so when the signal had been jammed, and even their last location was the same as Jeremy's.

With that, she decided to go and interrogate the lady dragon soldier once more, as he had refused to talk the entire time despite their efforts. She took a long whip and started her torture investigation on the soldier. "Tell me where Anastasia has Lui, right now!" she questioned as she kept whipping him. But the man remained quiet, not uttering a single word. He just stayed tied up and took on the whips, never once speaking. How were they going to crack him open?

Elsa took a bulletproof car because she knew better than to drive an ordinary car and followed the path that led to the road where the signal got jammed. Along the way, she received unbelievable news on her screen, stating that Raffi was found dead in a motel room in Serpens. Nobody knew how this happened, but he was found shot dead with a bullet through his skull. The CCTV camera footage of the streets nearby showed him walking into the motel with a woman dressed in a black veil. Her identity remained unknown, and the police were doing everything in their power to find her, but they had no leads or traces of her. It was as if she had just disappeared.

Elsa had actually forgotten about Raffi after Victoria's death. The fact that he was killed did not bother her at all. She didn't even bother to know the woman's identity. She could be anyone for all she knew. Raffi was a thug who had angered a lot of people anyway. It could be someone from his illegal activities that he owed, and the woman made him pay with his life.

Maybe this was a woman Elsa did not know.

When Elsa reached the last known location of Jeremy, she stopped the car and got out. It was a rough road that showed tracks of cars that had passed by. It was also a lonely road, making it easier to track a car from it. She remembered the tires of the cars that had come to take the Callahans. They were all the same black car with the same tires. As she looked at the road keenly, she walked a distance following a certain track until she reached where the road split into three other roads. She examined all three roads until she figured out which one had the tracks.

With that, she quickly rushed back to her car, ready to take the road and follow it. Her intention was not a rescue but to go there and spy. She needed to find out their location, then come back and make a plan for rescuing everyone, including Lui. Elsa got into her car and turned it back on. She was just about to start driving forward when suddenly, out of nowhere, a car drove towards her and stopped in front of her, blocking her.

This took her by surprise and left her confused. Thinking that this could be Anastasia's soldiers trying to stop her plans, she scoffed in anger. Elsa then got out of the car and walked over to the black Mercedes car that had blocked her way.

The other person in the car also got out and walked over. It was a woman dressed like a black ninja, with a mask on her face that only showed her eyes.

Elsa did not care who this was, but she wasn't letting anyone get in her way. She confronted her head-on, issuing a stern warning, "I don't know who you are or why you're blocking my path, but you better move before I run you over."

For several tense moments, the woman met Elsa's gaze in silence, her eyes betraying a sense of familiarity. And then, in a voice that sent shivers down Elsa's spine, she spoke, "Don't go to Anastasia, Elsa. She will kill you." The voice struck a chord deep within Elsa, resonating with a haunting familiarity she couldn't immediately place.

She then added, "If I have to fight you to keep you from going to Anastasia I will fight you. But I am not letting you go anywhere near her." Why does this voice sound so familiar? It's so different, yet it sounded a little like a voice she knew.


I truly want to thank every single one of you for reading this story and staying with me this far. I love you all so much, and I am not just saying this. I mean it. I'm so sorry, that my updating have been inconsistent this year, I also miss the time when I was updating daily. I honestly thought by April we will be in book 7. And it sucks balls that we are not because of how things have played out.

Anyway, I have had a, let's just call him señor. This señor is the reason why I started so many stories at the beginning of this year, because he was trying to assess them. But then, he rejected all of them except this one, and a story called Laila which I had not even published until roughly a week ago, which he had me change the name. That was a low blow and that made me unpublish all of them thinking they weren't good enough. I was so discouraged from writing that I didn't even want to update anything. But the fact that Laila was approved, gave me hope.

That is not all that had discouraged me this year but it did add a big piece to the pie. Anyway, now that I feel a sense of renewal, let's finish part 6, shall we?...

I'll try my hardest to write 10 long chapters and post them soon all at once as a sorry for the wait.

I truly love and appreciate you guys. And if you have any questions to ask, use this inline comment to and we can chat. Or you text me here or IG.

Bye, for now.

Bye, for now

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