chapter 544

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Elsa found a room who's door had a sign on top of it written '3' on the second floor

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Elsa found a room who's door had a sign on top of it written '3' on the second floor.

Elsa stood frozen for a moment, her hand still gripping the doorknob. The room before her held a somber atmosphere, dimly lit and filled with an air of despair. As she inserted the key and turned it, unlocking the door, her hand trembled slightly, betraying the mix of anticipation and anxiety coursing through her.

With a steadying breath, Elsa pushed the door open, revealing the sight within. Her eyes immediately fell upon Lui, his form lying on the bed, chained at the wrists. Jeremy, seated on a nearby couch, also bound by chains, turned his gaze towards the door as it creaked open. A flicker of shock crossed his face as he recognized Elsa's presence.

"Elsa!" Jeremy exclaimed, his voice filled with a mixture of surprise and relief.

The sound of his voice caused Lui's heart to skip a beat. He turned his head towards the door, his eyes widening as he saw Elsa standing before him, a figure emerging from the shadows.

Closing the door behind her and locking it, Elsa took a moment to compose herself. The tray of food she had brought was placed carefully on a nearby table, her attention now fully focused on the two men who had become her sole purpose.

"I had missed you both so much," Elsa said, a smile gracing her lips as she gazed at Lui and Jeremy.

However, instead of reciprocating her joy, they wore expressions of fear and concern. Their eyes flickered with apprehension, their voices laced with urgency.

"Elsa, what are you doing here?" Lui asked, his voice tinged with panic.

"You have to leave before Anastasia sees you and hurts you," Jeremy warned, his words carrying a note of desperation.

Elsa met their frightened gazes, her own determination unwavering. She shook her head, her voice steady and resolute. "No. I am not going anywhere. Not without you both." Her words held a firmness that brooked no argument. She had risked everything to come to their rescue, and she was prepared to see it through.

Lui's fear grew more palpable as he insisted, pleading with Elsa. "Elsa, you don't understand. You just walked into danger. If Anastasia sees you, she will kill you."

She wouldn't be able to get out. At least not alive.

Jeremy echoed Lui's concern, his voice filled with urgency. "You have to leave. Right now."

Elsa's gaze shifted between them, her eyes reflecting a mixture of determination, love, and a touch of sadness. She understood their worries, the genuine concern for her safety. But she couldn't bear the thought of leaving them behind, captive in this perilous place.

Her voice carried a quiet strength as she resisted their pleas. "I won't abandon you. I've come this far, and I'm not turning back."

Lui and Jeremy exchanged glances, their eyes mirroring a blend of gratitude and worry.

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