chapter 534

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Lorna excused herself from the room to place the call, leaving the details of her conversation with the Old Master unknown to the others.

Elsa, skeptical of the claims made by Lorna and Jeremy, addressed everyone in the room with a dismissive tone. "I'm tired. I need some rest and time to plan our strategy for tomorrow. Whatever lies you and your mother are concocting, they won't work on me." The last part was addressed to Jeremy.

With those words, Elsa retreated under her covers, determined to ignore everyone until they departed.

Jeremy, however, lingered for a moment, his gaze fixed on Elsa. "I still want to help you tomorrow if you'll let me," he expressed, his voice filled with sincerity.

Receiving no response from Elsa, he leaned down and gently kissed her forehead before leaving the room with Coco's assistance.

After Jeremy and Coco left the room, Elsa lay there in silence, her mind consumed by a whirlwind of conflicting thoughts and emotions. The weight of Lorna's accusations lingered, casting a shadow of doubt over her perception of Lui. She couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to the story than what she had been told.

As the minutes turned into hours, Elsa found it difficult to find solace in sleep. Her mind raced, replaying memories of her time with Lui, searching for any signs that could confirm or refute the shocking claims made by Lorna. She wrestled with her loyalty to Lui, wanting to believe in his innocence, but also grappling with the need for the truth.

Eventually, exhaustion took hold, and Elsa drifted into a restless sleep, her dreams filled with fragmented images of past encounters and uncertain futures. She yearned for clarity, for a path forward that would lead to the answers she sought.

Meanwhile, Jeremy couldn't shake the guilt that gnawed at him. He had hoped that by revealing the unsettling truth to Elsa, he could protect her from potential danger. But now, as he reflected on her disbelief and dismissal, he questioned whether he had made the right choice.

Throughout the night, Jeremy tossed and turned, tormented by the uncertainty of Elsa's reaction and the consequences of his actions. He understood the depth of Elsa's trust in Lui and feared that he had jeopardized their fragile bond. Nevertheless, his determination to support Elsa remained unwavering, and he resolved to find a way to earn back her trust.

Seated at the dimly lit bar, cloaked in a black veil, the woman took a sip of her drink. Memories of the fateful day when her precious baby girl was ruthlessly ripped from her loving arms by Victoria's malicious orders flooded her mind. The pain coursing through her being was indescribable, too profound to be captured in mere words. Yet, she knew there was no one to share this secret pain with, for no one knew of her pregnancy.

Except for one person-Raffi, the father of her child.

The mere thought of that man sent waves of anger, rage, and hatred surging through her. The grip on her glass tightened as her eyes brimmed with fury. "Raffi!" she hissed venomously, the name dripping with pure disdain.

It was Raffi who had betrayed her, surrendering their innocent child to Victoria's clutches, sealing their fate with an unthinkable act of cruelty. And as the first target on her hit list, he would answer for his treachery. That was precisely why she had chosen his favorite bar as the setting for her reckoning, patiently biding her time for his arrival.

A heavy burden weighed upon her conscience as she whispered a plea to a higher power. "Dear God, today I plan to commit murder. Please forgive me for this sin, but do not try to stop me. Let me carry out my vengeance."

Just then, she spotted Raffi walking into the bar dressed in black from head to toe. His face that was ever covered with bruises, had a black eye. But that was nothing compared to what she was going to do to him.

Raffi approached the counter, oblivious to the woman's intense gaze fixed upon him. Lost in his own world, he prepared to order a beer, barely registering the presence of the woman seated on the adjacent stool next to where he was standing.

The woman's mismatched eyes, one blue and the other green, burned with an inferno of hatred and rage as she looked upon the man who had shattered her life. Once, she had believed she could trust him with her whole heart, seeking solace in his arms after past disappointments from love. He had seemed like the one who would mend her brokenness, but now, all she saw was a betrayer.

Before Raffi could signal the bartender or place his order, the woman rose from her seat, standing beside him. "Hello, Raffi," she uttered, capturing his attention.

Startled by her voice, Raffi turned to face the woman, glimpsing the familiar features beneath her veil. "You? What are you doing here?... Wait, are you here looking for me?... Mmh! I knew you couldn't resist me," he arrogantly replied.

'Arrogant as always, I see.'

A smirk tugged at the corners of the woman's lips upon hearing his words. "Yes, Raffi. I am here to find you. I've missed you so much, and I was hoping we could indulge in a one-night stand," she retorted, her tone laced with bitterness. "For old times' sake," she added, biting her lip with feigned desire.

Raffi's eyes filled with lust at her proposition, his judgment clouded by desire. "Of course. There's a motel nearby. Let's go," he replied, forgetting his beer entirely as he eagerly grasped her, pulling her towards the exit of the bar.

Unbeknownst to Raffi, he failed to notice the sinister expression etched upon the woman's face, nor did he realize the gun discreetly concealed beneath her belt, a tool of her vengeance waiting to be unleashed.


I think from the very beginning it was obvious that Victoria was never pregnant so the dead baby girl wasn't hers. Is it really a surprise that the child's mother is showing up? I honestly thought that it would be surprising and half a storyline if we never knew who the mother was.

She has been and was the original female villain of the second half of the story before I rewrote the plot and added Anastasia and resurrected Gwen. But then, I had already killed a baby girl and I couldn't leave that storyline hanging.

Her identity is one thing I am going to have fun revealing.

Why am I even hyping this up when you probably won't know her identity until part 7?

Anyway, back to our main villain. Anastasia is about to ruin your day in the next chapter. Which is the black market party I have been teasing for a while. Which means the next chapter will be very long. Yaay!!

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