chapter 525

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Elsa was seated on the bed with Jeremy beside her. He was peacefully sleeping, wearing nothing but a white bathrobe.

Elsa had to drag him to the bathroom and put him in the bathtub, then wash him with a cold showerhead to calm him down. He was still fully clothed as she showered him from head to toe. Jeremy didn't want to force Elsa into doing something she didn't want, so calming him down was her only option.

After the cold shower, Elsa had to change his clothes and remove them so they could be cleaned and dried by the staff. Seeing Jeremy's body, Elsa couldn't help but blush a little. Luckily, she found a bathrobe to cover him with.

She also took a shower, put on a bathrobe, and slipped into bed next to Jeremy.

He was already asleep when Elsa laid down. Watching him sleep peacefully, Elsa found herself smiling. He looked so innocent, like a child who hadn't yet experienced the hardships of the world. Elsa remembered that he always looked like that before.

And... Watching him sleep was one of the reasons she had started falling in love with him in the first place.

Remembering back to that time, she had forgiven him quickly and fallen in love with him fast. She was naive, innocent, and gullible. Her love was pure and unexpected.

She had so much hope that he had changed that she gave herself to him without a second thought. She knew her life was short and wanted to experience what it felt like to love someone and be loved by them at least once before she died.

But then, everything went sour soon after, and she paid dearly for loving Jeremy.

She remembered the immense pain she went through at the hands of Jeremy. Physical, emotional, you name it... But despite all that, she forgave him for so much of his wrongdoings. God, she let so much slide! She gave him countless chances and held onto the faith that he would change.

But when he finally did change, it was too late.


It was early in the morning when Elsa woke up. The sun's first rays were shining into the room, illuminating their sleeping faces.

When Elsa opened her eyes, she realized that her head was resting on Jeremy's chest and she was being held in his arms. Remembering that this was not their usual sleeping position, Elsa felt confused.

She slowly got up from Jeremy's embrace, expecting him to still be asleep, only for him to say, "Good morning, angel."

His voice was husky, low, and rather rough, in an attractive kind of way.

Wait, what?

Shaking those thoughts away, Elsa calmly replied, "And a good morning to you, Jeremy."

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