chapter 538

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Everything happened so fast for anyone to process. Elsa and Coco watched as the Callahans were roughly grabbed and dragged out of the house by the lady dragon soldiers. The only thing that prevented this from turning into a bloodbath was the fact that Elsa did not resist and made her bodyguards stand back. They were massively outnumbered, and this was an unexpected attack because they had just fought these same soldiers hours ago and defeated them.

This is why people say you never mess with Anastasia; she always knows how to get her revenge. Elsa watched as the lieutenant ordered the Callahans to be blindfolded and handcuffed before putting them in a car.

She couldn't help but blame herself. Although Jeremy did not come to Coventina because of her, he definitely stayed because of her. Lorna's reason for coming was just because she wanted to attack Elsa so did come because of her. As for the old Master and George, they too came because of her. They were safe in Serpens, but not here.

The lady dragon is very powerful here, Anastasia Grishko is very powerful here, and who knows what her plans are with the Callahans.

"Now what?" Coco asked Elsa. Although she was the one who told Elsa to stand down, she did that because she knew that a massacre would occur if she didn't, not because she had a plan out of this.

Elsa turned to her and said, "Track Jeremy's phone. I'm pretty sure it's still in his pocket. Hopefully, we will at least know where they are going before they jam the signal."

Coco nodded and rushed to get her computer. Elsa then turned to Luca, "If there are any bodyguards that need medical assistance, please make sure they get it immediately."

"Yes, miss," Luca answered before rushing outside.

Elsa was left standing there alone, praying that this wouldn't turn into a fight to the death. At least, no one on their side would die from this.


Jeremy had his hands cuffed behind his back and his eyes blindfolded as a soldier kept pulling him to an unknown location. It felt like the inside of a house. Suddenly, he was made to sit on the hard floor, and his hands were uncuffed, only to be chained against the wall one at a time. Then, his blindfold was removed. He blinked repeatedly to adjust to the lights and noticed he was in an unfamiliar place-a bedroom with a traditional aesthetic. The soldier who tied him up left immediately.

As Jeremy looked around, he noticed something on the bed. Upon closer inspection, he saw a figure lying on the bed with his arms tied behind the bedposts. It didn't take him long to recognize who it was. Although his hair was longer and he now had an unshaven beard, he still had the same face.

"Lui?" Jeremy called out, confused. In his mind, Lui was in on this with Anastasia, and them getting taken was both Lui and Anastasia's plan, and Elsa was just being naive to blindly trust Lui. But if that was the case, why was Lui chained to his bed?

Lui looked at Jeremy and gave him a lazy smile as he said, "Hello, brother. Welcome to hell."

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