chapter 596

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Elsa spent the joyful, yet bittersweet day with her parents. Excitement and trepidation flickered across her face as she carefully informed them of her pregnancy. Her hands trembled slightly as she spoke, wanting to share her happiness, yet unable to bring herself to mention the potential complications weighing on her mind. She didn't want to worry her loving parents unnecessarily. 

As the evening wore on, Elsa's elation was tinged with growing concern. Jeremy had not come to check on her as he usually did, nor had he returned any of her calls. Wringing her hands nervously, Elsa's brow furrowed with worry. Where was he? Was he alright? The unanswered questions churned in her mind, causing her stomach to twist with anxiety.

Eventually, the visit with her parents drew to a close. With a tight-lipped smile and a hug, Elsa bid them farewell, her mind consumed by thoughts of Jeremy's uncharacteristic absence. As soon as she was alone, Elsa quickly dialed his number again, her fingers shaking as she pressed the buttons. The unyielding silence on the other end only heightened her distress. Where could he be? What if something had happened to him? Elsa's heart raced as she struggled to tamp down her growing sense of dread.

Knowing this was not in Jeremy's character to disappear on her like this, Elsa decided to check on him. After dinner and putting the kids to sleep, without a moment's hesitation, Elsa grabbed her coat and keys, her fingers trembling as she rushed out the door. Borrowing her father's car, she sped through the darkening streets, her heart pounding in her chest. The engine roared as she pressed the accelerator, desperate to reach Jeremy's villa and uncover the truth behind his disappearance.

Unknown to Elsa, Jeremy had indeed come to the manor to see her, but had hidden himself, unable to face her. As he watched Elsa tenderly feeding their son Braden, a wave of guilt and anguish washed over him. In that moment, he realized the gravity of his previous actions - the unplanned pregnancy, his reckless promises. When he saw Elsa feeding Braden his lunch and seeing Braden with Elsa looking so happy, and he realized he wasn't thinking straight that time when he got Elsa pregnant or when he promised to die with her. Their son needs his mother. He had to find a way to save Elsa. Braden needed his mother, and Jeremy knew he had to find a way to save Elsa, no matter the cost.

Rushing home, Jeremy frantically contacted the doctors he had consulted before, including the one he had recommended to Gwen. The news was devastating - Elsa's chances of surviving the brain tumor surgery had plummeted to a mere 1% if she carried the pregnancy to term. Gripping the phone tightly, Jeremy's face contorted with anguish, his heart sinking as he grasped the full weight of this tragic reality.

Elsa arrived at the villa, and she couldn't help but feel nostalgic. She realized it had been a long time since she was here.

All the memories of this house though, were very dark, filled with pain, blood and tears. As she stepped through the threshold, a sense of unease settled in the pit of her stomach. This house, now felt like a tomb, haunted by the echoes of past tragedies.

She found Jeremy in the living room, his normally vibrant spirit dampened by a cloud of despair. He was seated on the floor, leaning against the couch, a half-empty bottle of whiskey by his side. His palms pressed against the sides of his head while he looked down, as if he were trying to physically hold himself together.

Scattered around him were a stack of papers, each one bearing the names and contact information of the world's top neurosurgeons. Elsa's heart sank as she picked up one of the documents, recognizing the gravity of the situation.

Elsa's gaze then fell upon Jeremy's phone on the floor next to the papers, still open to the call log. She could see the long list of numbers he had dialed.

The air in the room was thick with tension and unspoken anguish. Elsa could feel the weight of Jeremy's worry, the burden of uncertainty that threatened to crush him.

Jeremy remained oblivious to Elsa's presence, his focus consumed by the weight of his search for answers. Elsa tentatively approached him, her footsteps soft against the plush carpet, until she was by his side.

As she settled down next to him, Elsa's gaze was immediately drawn to the open laptop, its screen illuminating the anguish that consumed Jeremy. The search query displayed there sent a chill down her spine, its dire implications settling like a lead weight in the pit of her stomach. She saw it was currently on Google search.

The search topic on the laptop screen read, "What are the chances of a woman with a brain tumor surviving surgery  after childbirth?"

And the results said;

"Brain tumor survival rates after childbirth."

Studies show that the prognosis for women diagnosed with a brain tumor during pregnancy is often quite poor. The stress and complications of pregnancy and childbirth can significantly worsen the tumor's progression.

Before Elsa could react to what she had read on the screen, Jeremy suddenly said, "Go stay with Braden." His words barely above a whisper. "He needs to be with you right now more than ever. And you need to be with him."

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