Chapter 3

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*****3 weeks later**********
Stella pov.
I was woken up this morning by Lauren shaking me asking if we could go shopping cause she said she needs to get an outfit for the party that Anna's throwing before we go back to school after being on spring break. I of course told her yes cause i needed to get something as well cause the clothes i have aren't really for parties.
So after i had fully woken up and ate breakfast i took a shower got dressed and drove me and Lauren to the nearest mall so we could find something for tomorrow. While we there i found a couple things i liked i probably bought more than i needed but thats usually how it goes when i go shopping.
When we finally got back to the house i went straight up to the room throwing my bags down on my bed and taking my shoes off before falling back on the bed beside my bags. I laid there quietly till Ash peaked around the corner say Stel im going out with some of my friends would you like to come i just replied back no thanks Ash i don't want to really go out and they probably wouldn't like me anyway. He just sent me a frown and said aww Stel they would love you who wouldn't your great but if you don't want to go i understand . i just sent him back a forced smile and said maybe next time Ash. He said okay as he made his way over to were i was laying and hugged me and said i will see you when i get back i said okay be safe Ash as he walked out the room.
I went back to just laying there but i grabbed my headphones and putting on music just to zone everything out as even if she falls from blink 182 blared through my headphones
And she was like a starry night
Like a Ferris wheel, full of blue-green eyes
And a heart of steel, always on her own
Almost never real

When the night will begin
The pain it won't end, even if she falls in love
Back, you wanna turn back
Your heart will attack, even if she falls in love

And she was, like a blade of ice
Like a lonely road, clearest day alive
Always sharp and cold, always beautiful
I am such a fool

When the night will begin
The pain it won't end, even if she falls in love
Back, you wanna turn back
Your heart will attack, even if she falls in love
Try to look in her eyes
The light is just right, even if she falls in love
And it isn't so bad
It's driving you mad, even if she falls in love

When the night will begin
The pain it won't end, even if she falls in love
Back, you wanna turn back
Your heart will attack, even if she falls in love
Try to look in her eyes
The light is just right, even if she falls in love
And it isn't so bad
It's driving you mad, even if she falls in love
After the song ended i looked down at my phone to change the song and i had a text
Ash: hey stel are you okay ??
Me: im doing fine why
Ash: just checking on you
Me: oh
Ash: Stel your not lying to me are you i seen your still wearing long. Sleeves all the time .
Me: im not lying and Ash its because im just insecure about my scars not because i have cut i haven't since that night.
Ash: good stel im proud well im going to go okay the guys are getting annoyed with me.
Me: the guyss???
Ash: yea my friends also my fellow band members
Me: you mean the band i made you go try out for why didn't you tell me you got the gig
Ash: sorry stel i forgot to call you about it
Me: its okay now just have with your friends im going to try and get some sleep before the party tomorrow.
Ash: okay then goodnight stel
Me: goodnight
After my conversation with Ash i sit my phone down and crawled up in my bed and finally drifted off to sleep.
Ashton's pov.
I put my phone away after making sure Stel was okay and also getting annoyed expressions shot my way from the guys after i put it away Michael then said Ash who were you even texting i said my cousin he just said ohh i thought you were talking to some girl or something. I just said my cousin is a girl dipshit as i shoved Michael a little bit. That got all the boys attention i then said but she's off limits to all of you i will personally kill you myself. The guys just said okay as they went back to eating.
After i got home i walked in the front door letting my mon know i was home and i went by Lauren's and Stel's room before going to mine only to see both of the passed out in bed so i quietly made my way to my room were i eventually fell asleep.
Stellas pov.
The next day i was dreading considering im not really a big party person actually im not even a big people person i like to be by myself but i had to get over it for tonight the party started at 6 and i was already starting to get ready at 4: 30 so that way i wouldn't have to rush and also i could help Lauren get ready as well so when i was finally finished getting dressed i decided on a cream colored sweater and a black skater skirt that i wore lace printed tights under with combat boots and i loosely curled my hair and applied some make up lightly not to much i didn't want to over do it. When i finished and walked down stairs were everyone else was it was ruffly 5:30 almost and everyone else had done got dressed and i felt to dressed up for the occasion considering both my mom and Anna were just summer like casual dresses and Ash in just black jeans and a band shirt and harry pretty much the same and Lauren was wearing a skirt and a t shirt so that made me feel a little better. But i was still self conscious thats when out of no where Ash hugged me and said Stella you look cute i like this outfit i said thanks Ash and you look handsome he said thanks as he went to sit on the sofa until there was a knock at the door i just assumed it was the first people showing up and by 6:30 everyone was here and the house was fully of people and music was blaring through the house and thats when i had to much and panicked cause of all the people i was just trying to find a place to be alone and thats when i ended up in one of the closets only to have someone to join me in the closet but i didnt know who it was till he accidentally hit me he said omg im sorry i didn't know this was occupied i said it was fine as i stood up switching on the light in the closet to reveal a dark skined boy with a panicked looked and probably the most beautiful brown eyes ive ever seen he then said i will leave you alone if you would like i was just trying to escape this party i then said meto before he could respond again i stuck out my hand and said im Stella by the way he smiled and said im Calum as he shook my hand i then said nice to meet you Calum he just said yea as he said i might want to get back out there my friends might start looking for me i then said before you go take this and text me maybe im new around here and i need friends and you seem like a nice guy Calum. He then took it as he walked out and before closing the door he said it was nice to meet you to Stella. After he closed the door i sit there mentally screaming in my head i can't believe that just happened i then heard a familiar voice that i identified as Ash yelling my name thats when i decided to come out of the closet and when i did i bumped straight into Ash he then shot me a confused look and said why were you in there i just said the party got to much for me he said oh as he changed the subject saying i want you to come meet my friends. I then said Assh it coming more whinny then mad he then sent me a look and said why not i want them to meet my favorite cousin as i said there going to have to wait as i took of running up the stairs to were i locked my self Ash then stood at the door where he said if your going to be this stubborn then im just going to let you meet them when ever your ready i said okay as i opend the door slightly sending him a smile i then heard someone say Ashton what are you doing and i didn't recognize that voice so i shut the door back assuming it was one of his friends Ash then said nothing much mate just waiting to use the bathroom thats when the other guy say why don't you just use the one down stairs thats when he said oh yea i forgot about that. When i finally heard them walk away i opend the door and made my way to my room where i sit down on the bed and just let out a groan then my phone went off and i looked down to see a unknown number text me
Unknown : Stella its umm calum .
Me: hii calum .
Calum: hi where are you i went to the closet but you weren't there .
Me:oh i went to a bedroom instead why?
Calum: i just wanted to ask this in person but do you think we could hang out like but if not i understand
Me : uhhh yea i would love to how about now we could both sneak out the party its not like anyone would notice. .
Calum: okay umm meet me in the front yard
Me :okay im on my way :-)
After that i literally screamed and run downstairs out the house to the front yard i stood there awhile till i heard someone walk up behind me and say umm Stella? I said yes as i turned around to see Calum standing there smiling he then said so what do you wanna do? I said umm how about we go on a walk? He said okay i then grabbed his hand and took off walking down the street.

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