Chapter 9

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** two weeks later***
I have had the same repeat of a day at school every since it started i have met no new friends so i spend all my time either by my self or with the boys or with just Calum which happens a lot and Ash is not to happy but oh well.
I got ready for school today same as i always do but for some reason something was different i felt extremely positive that today was going to be a good day not knowing if it was were it was a Friday or just the fact i'm in a good mood. After i finished getting dressed into my usual outfit jeans and a sweater and my pair of vans i happily made my way down the stairs making me a cup a orange juice before drinking and making my way out to Ash's car where he was waiting on me. I sit down in the seat beside him smiling and just humming a song and that's when Ash said well someone's in a good mood i just smiled and nodded my head saying i just feel today's going to be a good day he laughed as he started the car and made his way to the school picking up the other three boys on the way there. When we finally got there i made my way to my locker only to bump into someone on the way there knocking the poor girl down i looked down to see a petite brunette laying on the floor i then reached my hand out saying i'm sorry and helping her up she said its fine as she dusted her pants off i really wasn't paying attention where i was going anyways i laughed saying i'm Stella by the way she smiled saying i'm Iris. I just smiled saying nice to meet you Iris she just smiled saying you too i'm new by the way i said well whats your first class maybe i can help you find it. She smiled saying ummm i have Chemistry first with Mr.Grant. I then said lucky you your in my class first and the first day isn't as bad as it seems you can stick by me if you like ? She said i would love to but i promised my brother i would meet him after my first class you could come along if you like ? . I said okay i will just walk with you i would love to meet your brother especially if hes as lovely as you Iris she just laughed saying he is a sure charmer and likes to meet new people so he will be ecstatic that i made a friend in like the first hour of being at school. I just laughed saying my cousin will be too I've been at this school for a while now and your the first friend I've made and I've been sitting with him and his friends / band mates at lunch and its kinda awkward being the only girl. She then stopped smiling at me saying your cousin in a band ? like a real band ? are they any good? i just laughed at how excited she got and said yes like a real band there not like really big they still just play in a garage and stuff and i wouldn't I've never heard them like play i mean I've heard my cousin play the drums hes great but the rest of the band i haven't heard yet. That is when the bell rang half way through our conversation i then said well i guess its off to chemistry huh? She just smiled saying yes lead the way! We both then both walked down the hall way side by side to Mr. Grants room i walked in making my way back to my usual seat beside Calum with Iris slowly behind me sitting on my other side with me in the middle between Calum and her. Calum then leaned over whispering who's that ?? I said its Iris shes new here and shes my friend Calum he just smiled saying so Stella made a Friend. I just laughed a slightly pushed Calum only before Mr. Grant walked in starting class.

After we finished Chemistry me and Iris walked to meet her brother who as i approached was average height i guess you could say with the same hair color as Iris's hair a kinda golden brunette and he had the prettiest blue eyes and a smile that was contagious when we got to him Iris introduced me to him and he smiled saying nice to meet you Stella i'm Louis and i just smiled back and stuck out my hand to shake and he rejected it pulling me into a hug and saying i prefer hugs handshakes are just so formal. I laughed saying well i better head off to my next class considering it pretty far from here and Louis then smiled saying see you later then Stella. I walked off in the direction of my next class with biggest smile on my face. I then walked into English where Ashton was waiting for me and when i sit down beside me he said why so smiley Stel? I just laughed saying i meet two really nice people this morning. He then oh are they new ? i shook my head yes and he said so you finally made friends stel i then said yea i guess Iris is really nice Ash you will probably meet her at lunch me and have lunch together and also with her brother Louis hes really nice too. Ash then nudged me with his elbow and said and you think hes hot too don't you ?? i then said shut up and shoved him he then laughed saying awwh stella has a crush. That's when our teacher said shush! causing me and Ash to stop talking.

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