Chapter 10

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That next Friday i was standing at my locker with Iris when Louis walked up to us smiling lately i have been finding my self attracted to Louis hes but i cant let him know that but i cant help but smile every time i see Louis or he talks to me. I just may have a slight crush and my friends brother that may not end to well. I was then snapped out of my thoughts by Iris waving her hands all in front of my face saying Stel Stel are you listening to me i smiled saying oh yea sorry i just zoned out she then laughed saying oh okay well i''m going to leave you with Louis he wants to talk to you i then said umm okay. Louis then smiled saying how are you Stella i smiled saying good you ? He said great now since with a beautiful girl like you i just smiled saying nonsense Lou i'm not beautiful he said yes you are now that's one of the reasons i wanted to talk to you I said umm okay he then started looking at his feet before looking back up at me before saying i was wondering if you wanted to go on a date like get dinner or something i smiled and shrugged my shoulders keeping my chill ans saying yea sure his face lit up with a smile saying i will pick you up at 8? I then saying yep sure before closing my locker and walking to my next class. When i got to my next class which was English with Ash i walked in sitting beside him he then spoke up saying someones smiley today i didn't say anything just sit there and Ash then said Stel why you smiling so much? i then responded saying Louis just asked me on a date for tonight and i felt my cheeks heat up as Ash said awwh Stel what time is he picking you up ? where you going ? I just said i don't know before the teacher walked into the room making us both quite.

After school that day i went straight to my room getting in the shower its only 4pm and Louis is picking me up at 8pm. I told all the boys and Iris about the date tonight they are all excited and happy for me except Calum me and him are kinda close now we go on walks every night and talk about random stuff he usual talks about the band and stuff i just listen to him talk about it he smiles the whole time its the one of the only thing he cares about besides the boys. I just talk about school and tell Calum about my past about how i feel about my self harm hes the only one who knows besides Ash.

**** Flashback***

Me and Calum were walking down the street hand in hand talking about why i moved in with Ash because of there divorce and As we walked we came along to this little trail that lead to this cute little tree me and Cal sit down leaning against the tree and my sleeve coming up a little bit Cal then grabbed my wrist saying Stella when did you do this ? i pulled my sleeve down and playing with the end of it saying nothing that's when Calum said it was the night when you locked your self in the bathroom wasn't it and i shook my head yes as i remember that night like it wasn't to long ago me and my mom got into argument and a few rude words were exchanged and i ended up locked in the bathroom crying until ash came home with all the boys and he made them leave cause i was in that state all the boys knew was i was locked in the bathroom crying Ash was the only one who waked in seeing my bleeding wrist and letting me cry into his chest until i feel asleep. Calum then pulled me into a hug saying Stel promise you want do that anymore and i all i mumbled was Cal i will try he then looked down at his watch before saying its almost midnight stel we should be getting home


I finally decided on a black skater skirt and cream sweater for the date curling my hair and doing my make up lightly doing it before putting on my black vans and walking down stairs where Ash and all the boys are playing games they all turned saying Stella you look beautiful i blushed saying thanks guys Louis should be here any minute are you sure it isn't to much Ash then stood up saying its perfect Stel pulling me into a hug kissing me on the forehead saying he better treat you right or i will have to hurt him i said Ash it will be fine. That's when the door bell rang and i was like that's probably Louis its almost 8. Ash then ran over opening the door to reveal Louis standing there is hair perfectly styled and wearing black jeans and a white button up he looked great. That's when Ash said now Louis right you better have her back by 10pm no later you better treat her right you hurt her we will hurt you and he pointed towards the boys sitting on the sofa trying to act tough i then said would you guys stop seriously its just a date i will be fine Louis is a nice guy and that's' when Ash said he better fucking be before glaring at Louis. Louis who had stood quite the whole finally spoke up saying Stella you look beautiful as always a blushed saying thanks as he grabbed my hand interlacing his fingers with mine and we walked out the house hand in hand and Ash then screamed from the door be safe you two have fun and remember be back by 10 or we will come find you guys Louis you better take care of her. That's when Louis just sent back a thumbs up before we got into the car.

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