Chapter 6

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Stella pov.
The next morning i was woke up by the alarm on my phone going off i rolled over and grabbed it turning off the alarm as i sit up letting out a groan and pulling the covers off my body making my way to the bathroom getting in the shower when i got out Lauren was already up and fully dressed for school and i still hadn't got dressed yet so i made my way over to my clothes grabbing what i was going to wear to school for the first day i wanted to make a good impression on everyone there so i decided on a loose fit black long sleeve shirt and light washed jeans and let my hair air dry and left it natural i then heard my mom scream STELLA YOUR GOING TO BE LATE IF YOU DON'T GET DOWN HERE EVERYONE ELSE HAS DONE LEFT. i then hurriedly grabbed my backpack and ran downstairs where my mom was when i got down there we made our way out to the car and we made our way towards the school when we finally got to the school my mom told me that all.i had to do was go into the front office and they have my schedule and stuff. I then got out of the car kissing my mom on the cheek goodbye and made my way into the school. I went straight into the front office were a old lady stood at the front desk i walked up giving her my name and telling her what my mom said she then handed me my schedule and gave me directions to my first class which was chemistry. I left the office following the directions she give me when i got to the door i knocked on the door and a young guy answered the door saying well you must be the new student Stella i said yes as i had a shy smile on my face he said well im mr. Grant and i will be your chemistry teacher. I then said okay as i made my way to a seat when i realized a familiar face and it was Calum i then made my way in the back sitting beside him saying hey as i sit down he looked at my smiling and saying hey stella thats when mr.grant called for the classes attention.
After the class ended everyone rushed out while i still was grabbing all my stuff and i then finally made my way out of the classroom when i seen Ash standing outside the door of the classroom i then walked over to him and said hey he then said how was your first class i said it was okay for it being chemistry. He then laughed and said whats your next class english with mrs. Hugh he said oh great you have that class with me i said really as he lead the way to our next class when i walked in Mrs. Hugh introduced me to everyone in the class and i made my way to the seat beside Ash that he saved beside him when i sit down he said now this class is by far going to be one of your easiest classes all we do is read and do book reports which isn't even that hard i then said okay Ash then asked so what's the rest of your classes i looked down at the paper and read off my classes to him starting with that i had history next then lunch and after lunch i have math then music and last i had gym he said oh okay well when ever its time for lunch i will text you on where to meet me at and we will go to lunch together i said okay and then i heard someone sush us so i just assumed it was Mrs. Hugh so i just stopped talking. The bell than rang soon after me and Ash stopped talking i then got up grabbing my books and making my way to history where i walked in to find i knew no one so i sit down in the corner of the room alone and sit silently until the bell rang and when it did i stood up grabbing my books and went and stood outside the classroom and got my phone and had a text from Ash
Ash: hey meet me outside the gym i just got done so i have to change Me: okay ..
I then shoved my phone in my bag into my pocket and made my way to the gym and stood there for awhile until Ash finally came out of the double doors of the gym walking over to me throwing his arm around my shoulder and saying now lets go stuff our face i just laughed as we made our way to the lunchroom and as soon as we walked through the double doors everyone turned and looked at us including Calum i then started to turn and run out the lunchroom when Ash said don't worry about them Stel there just jealous i said of what? He said of you silly your prettier than most of the girls here i said shut up and slapped him he then just shot my a look as he walked me closer to the table were Calum was sitting i then asked umm why are we walking this way people are already sitting there he said i know. When we made it to the table where calum sitting with two other guys he then said well mates this is and before he could finish calum interrupted and said Stella? Ash said yea stella how did you know i then said umm Ash this is my friend Ash said umm what you have been sneaking off with Calum and thats when one of the other guys that had bright red hair said well this is awkward and the blonde sitting beside him said shut up Michael thats when Ash let out a groan and said well anyways guys this is my cousin Stella and he shot Calum a look and he then went to introduce me to the guys he started with the blonde who had bright blue eyes and a lip piercing he said Stella this is Luke hes the bands lead singer i then said nice to meet you Luke he just sent me a smile in return Ash then moved to the boy with bright red hair and beautiful green eyes saying Stella this is Michael hes the bands guitarist i just sent him a smile as Ash moved on to Calum where he said well you already know Calum and hes the bands bassist i then said well its nice to finally meet you all as i sit down between Ash and Calum. As i sit there the table was awkwardly silent so i stood up and started to leave noticing the bell was about to ring and thats when Ash said where you going i said im going to head to math and thats when Michael and Luke said with who i said umm Mr. Lee they said well its your lucky day you have math with us i said great as the two boys stood up and made there way over to me and said come on we will show you the way and thats when i turned around waving goodbye to Ash and Calum who was still sitting at the table. The bell rang as we walked through the double doors of the lunch room out into the hall and made our way to the math classroom when we got there Luke said umm Mr. Lee this is Stella shes a new student he said okay great nice to meet you Stella i just smiled at him thats when Michael grabbed my hand pulling me to the back of the class to a row of three seats in the back and Luke appeared later with a math book for me he said Mr. Lee told me to give you this you might need it i said yea and smiled as Luke sit down beside me. Saying so Stella how good are you at math cause were not that great i said im descent i keep atleast a B most of the time and thats when they both sighed in relief and thats when Mr.Lee said i see Stella your very acquainted with Mr. Hemmings and Clifford but im trying to teach a class so it would be great if you three would stop talking i just said okay as the whole class turned and stared at us causing me to blush and thats when Michael said what the fuck are you looking at and thats when Mr. Lee said Michael what have i told about your language. Michael then apologized for it and Mr.Lee went back to teaching his lesson that no one was really paying attention to until he said something about homework causing the whole to let out groans. Mr.Lee then went around handing out packets that was atleast 10 pages he said now class this whole things is due at the end of the week and he went on to say and theres no reason that it should late as he finished sentence the bell rang. I then grabbed everything making my way out the class with Michael Luke by my side when we got out of the class room they asked me what my next class was and i said umm music the boys then smiled saying looks like you have class with us again i said great as we made our way to the music room when i walked in i seen Ash and Calum in the corner so i had this class with all of them this should interesting. The music teacher Mrs. Angel then said ummm you must be Stella i said yes she said well were going to have to find a place for you dear so class can get started she then asked me to sing a couple notes a directed me towards the right with sopranos which i noticed to only to be a bunch of stuck up blondes when i got there i sit down beside one of the girls and she turned and looked at me and said my names Courtney and your stella right i said yea im stella she said nice to meet you stella. I just smiled at her and she then said your dating Ashton Irwin thats when i replied a little bit louder than i wanted to with omg hell no hes my cousin she then said im so sorry i didn't mean offend you or anything i just thought because the way you two were in the lunchroom i just said oh were just really close cousins thats all. I then turned to face the teacher when i noticed everyone was starring at me and I felt my cheeks start heat up and turn red. After that Mrs.Angel walked to me and said Stella will you please step out class for a minute i then got up walking out the class feeling everyone starring at me when i walked out and i then looked over at the guys in the corner and they were giving me thumbs up as if to say goodluck. When i got out the classroom Mrs.Angel stood there with a scowl on face and said i know it's your first day but there's no excuse for you to talk like that young lady and since this is your first warning and first day here im going to let you off the hook but i want you to get your stuff and come sit in the hall tilll class is over that way i have no other distractions understood. I just shook my head yes as i went in grabbing my stuff and went back in the hall. When i got out there i heard my phone vibrate like crazy in my bag i pulled it out having a couple messages
Calum: stella what even happened
Me: Courtney thought me and Ash were dating and i kinda lost it
Calum: ohh well gtg Mrs.Angel keeps staring at me
Me: yea or you will end up in the hall like me lol
Calum: or worse the office
Me: yea well you better pay attention i don't want to get in trouble.
Ash: Stel are you okay?
Me: yea im fine
Ash: okay good well wait for me after class okay
Me: i can't i have gym and its on the otherside of the school
Ash: okay well i will see you at the end of the then are riding home with me right or are you walking
Me: i think i might walk
Ash: okay
After i replied to them the bell rang soon after so i hurriedly grabbed my stuff and made my way to the gym when i got there i was a little early so i sit down alone only to be joined by Calum and Michael with grins on their faces saying looks like we have another class together Stella i just smiled and said yea as i seen Courtney walk in aswell staring at me i then said umm guys i think she already hates me and i haven't even been here a day Michael then laughed and said who Courtney she hates everyone really. I said oh as i man walked in blowing a whistle and saying okay class i heard we have a new student Stella ? So if she would please stand up i then slowly stood and felt everyone staring at me he then went on to say okay now everyone go get dressed and stella you come with me i slowly got up following him as everyone else made there way to get changed. When we finally stopped walking we were in his office and he told me his name was Coach Philips and told me how everything is done and said that we had required gym uniforms so if i would tell him my size he would go get it for me. When he came back with my uniform it was just a Grey shirt and black shorts and he told me to go get changed and meet back with everyone else and we will then go on with class so i rushed getting changed and pulling my hair up and made my way back out into the gym where everyone was waiting as soon as i sit down alone at the end i heard a whistle blow and Coach Philips scream FIVE LAPS WITH OUT STOPPING everyone then got up and started running i then just joined in running at my own pace untill i heard Michael say Stella hey and i looked over to see him smiling and said hey he then said so ummm do you like calum like like him i then started laughing and said i like him as a friend why? He then smiled saying no reason just wondering i then just said okay and speaking of calum were is he Michael then laughed saying oh hes one of those kids who actually try so hes somewhere up front with all the jocks i just said oh as i continued to run.
After gym ended i got changed and made my way out the doors to leave only to have Calum and Michael waiting on me when i walked up to them they said so are you ridding with Ashton home i then said no i think im going to walk his car probably already full with you guys and stuff they both just said okay as we walked out the doors of the school to Ashton and Luke waiting on us. Ash then said Stel are you still planning on walking i just said yes and smiled thats when Calum said i will walk home with you if you like i just said its fine with me i don't care. Calum then said lets get going shall we? I then laughed saying yea and telling the rest of the boys goodbye before me and calum began to walk off towards my house.
**Authors note sorry this chapter was kinda boring it was like a filler like thing i guess you could say i just wanted to include her first day of school and stuff i promise its not all going to be like this when it comes to them being in school anyways im rambling and stuff so bye - Ash **

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