Chapter 16 - Soul Sisters

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Just like that a week flew by within a blink of an eye and It was time for my Soul Sisters arrival ........

I am so excited for picking her up from the airport along with her grandparents , Rida would also be Staying with her grandparents as both of her parents are working and she is their only child and it was really an emotional scene for them but there is no other option as she has to pursue her higher studies and in Dubai it's quite expensive too which her parents can't afford.....

And in our college students do have many options for scholarships , so in that way it's more convenient for them to join their daughter in this college and I would also be here for accompanying her so that her parents don't have to worry about anything.....

We have finally arrived at the airport and was eagerly waiting for her outside in the crowd and after about Five to Ten Minutes we could see her coming out (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠).....

The moment she saw us , she just ran towards us with her trolley bag and handbag and hugged her grandparents and then turned towards me and asked "Endhala sugalle ninak" (How are you and your doing good right?) and then she hugged me and Said "After so long we are meeting each other again SOUL SISTER ⁠♡"......

That's what she always used address me "SOUL SISTER" ........

We both were speechless because of the excitement that we are meeting after so long and did have many things to catch-up and even spend time together. I had already informed my grandparents that I would be staying over at Rida's as we are meeting after so long and they were fine with it......

She had already taken admission in maharaja's and her classes would start from next Monday. It was a good thing that she chose to travel during the weekend so that she would be able to adjust over here and then start going to college from Monday onwards.....

And for me my second year would also be starting at the same time and we both live in the same place and it was quite easy for us to travel together and she would also be comfortable in learning the route by traveling together.......

After freshening up we had our lunch and then got together in her room for a chit chat ; actually it's more than a chit chat Lol....

So Rida began talking "How are you doing Salma , how did you cope up over here with all that drama going on and now you say that Rayhan guy quited college, that is really sus"

I am doing good Alhamdulillah and I have no idea how I made it till here , I guess my Rabb has protected me and guided me till here and Yes even I did feel that really sus but it can be something else to so I didn't bother to think much about it as I don't want to get more stressed about It and what about you how was your school life without me Ha ?

"It was quite boring to be said honestly, I really missed you and I don't know how I completed those 2 years without you "

Lol Rida don't be this dramatic , you an extrovert was lonely without this introvert ya ya sure I believed

And then we kept on talking until we heard the Maghrib Salah and went for taking wudu and did our prayer after that we read Quran also .....

By then it was time for dinner , after we had our dinner we did our Ishaa Salah and then went for sleep ......

Just like that the weekend went by and it was time for another beginning of my college year and for Rida it's her very first day of college.......

Our college day's went by really fast with Rida getting along with everyone as usual and us all going for shopping or to the café's and having fun at the same time exams, traveling to and forth from college and home and so on .......

After Rida arrived my college days went by Even more fast and I felt like I am close to my family in Dubai , I miss my home in Dubai and my family too and brother is now doing his 10th grade ; I miss my little brother very much but I do visit Dubai during my vacations , still I miss them and I guess that's quite normal for a homesick person like me .......

And two years went by really very fast , it still feels like yesterday that I had arrived at this college and all the other things that took place and now my UG years had come towards an end and Tomorrow we will be having our farewell in college.......

It's our Farewell day today and we'll were discussing about PG and many said they would be going abroad for further studies and the rest said they would try joining in this same college or some other colleges over here in Kerala.....

And my plan was to join this same college because it has become my favorite place also and Rida still had few years left and if I would join here for PG by the time it gets over her course would also come towards an end and moreover all my friends would also be joining here itself as they all are scholarship students just like me and it would be easy for us to join here for our PG too......

Anyways we'll be getting four months leave until the admissions for PG begins , So until then I'll be resting and chilling with my friends and would make it to the fullest by enjoying these four months and this time my family would be visiting Kerala instead of me traveling to Dubai and I was very excited about that also , it was vacation time over there in Dubai and that's the reason they're coming over here in Trivandrum.........

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