Chapter 17 - The Wrath

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I was busy as usual with my company projects ; R&F Empire has become one of the best and famous travel and tourism industry around Kerala.....

We both were really happy with this success as me and Rahim worked really hard for achieving it and he even kept a private party with our close friends for celebrating our success......

Now the only thing that is left for me to do is bring my mom and little brother out from that place and confront Salma......

I asked my secretary to book me a ticket to Dubai so that I can set things right and the ticket was booked for the next Thursday and I had many papers to sign also meetings to attend after that I have to assign my assistant employees to co operate with our customers by doing what all they needed. In that way I would only have to face one headache at a time that is my father!!!

Soon it was Thursday and I am in the airport right now waiting for the flight arrival after all the procedures inside the airport and the staff said that the flight would be arriving soon through the speakers . After about Five minutes the flight arrived and then all of the passengers got in the line and then slowly walked towards the door of the plane and then seated accordingly , then after about 5 hours the flight landed in the land of Dubai........

After getting out of the airport I went Straight to the hotel where I booked a room for one day so that I could get freshen up and prepare myself for facing the wrath!!

One day went by like an hour and soon I found myself in the front door of the flat I once used to live but in misery........

And it was time for me to face the wrath and I hesitantly pressed the calling bell , the one who opened the door was my mom . Seeing me after all these years my ummi literally broke down in tears as she was both happy and sad at the same time ; happy for being able to see me and sad that she got separated from me all these years..

When I arrived at the room my father was not present as his office time was not over yet and I did come a bit early on purpose so that I could catch up with my mom and younger brother, also discuss with them about my plan of taking them along with me to Trivandrum....

They were willing to come along with me but was scared of the reaction from our Father on this matter!!

After about half and hour my father arrived and seeing me here his eyes filled with rage and started shouting at me like "How dare you step your filthy foot inside my apartment" and ordered me to "get out".

I accepted to leave the apartment but only on one condition and then explained to him about what I wanted to do that is take Ummi and Fardeen along with me forever...

Hearing that he got even more enraged and started shouting at ummi and said to her that "If you decide to leave with this filthy son of yours and take Fardeen along with you then I'll be giving you a Talaq" usually ummi would get worried hearing that but this time she didn't even flinch and replied back that "Fine then give me a Talaq I don't care as my son will be taking care of me from now on and I would be able to escape from this hell hole" Even while saying all these Ummi was trembling but she didn't stop this time!!!

Hearing this my Father did what he usually used to say just for blackmailing her ; That is "I am Giving you a Talaq , Talaq , Talaq" Hearing this my Mother's eyes filled with tears of relief rather than tears of hurt !!!

Ummi then went and packed her belongings and Fardeen's except for what all Father has bought for them and left that place along with me. After few hours we reached the hotel room I was staying as I extended the stay in that hotel as we will have to take care of many things over here before taking them to Trivandrum along with me and the things that has to be taken care of is also really complicated......

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