Chapter 21 - The Realization

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After reaching home back from the cafe I was literally in a blurry situation after hearing all that . Rida didn't try to follow me or neither did call me on phone as she knew I needed some alone time to think out about everything , I needed time for processing all of that but she did message me though to verify whether that I reached home safe.

Rida then said that Farzaan shared his contact info to her so that I can contact him to talk out about what he confessed , so that way I can give a reply for his confession . I was now laying down on my bed and all the things that took place the past few hours kept flashing through my mind.......

I never thought that Farzaan did have that kind of a feelings for me , moreover I thought he hated me after that incident but now came to know all that was just an act so that he could at least remain in that van until his graduation. Hearing his confession I seriously don't know what to say......

I was asking myself do I have that kind of feelings for him ?

Have I ever felt that way about him ?

All sorts of questions kept repeating inside my head towards myself......

Then I thought about it , would I have been this sad if it was someone else who got distanced from me instead of Farzaan ?

And my answer for that was a No!

Of course I would have been a little bit upset if it was any of my other friends that's for sure but the kind of emotion that I felt when he stopped taking to me was devastation.....

It felt like my world got crumpled in front of me and that brought a sting of pain Inside me . Even after our graduation I always used to think about him , especially when I got in the college drama because of certain people I always wished if he would have been there then he would have protected me from all that like he used to do while we were just kids......

I was the most close with him out of the other boys , we just clicked like that and had the same vibe .....

I still remember that day when we used to get merged with the other van while our driver was busy , that day Farzaan was being so friendly with one girl in that van and seeing that I don't know why I felt really jealous and I even tried to make him jealous by spending more time with Sharath but I didn't see even an ounce of jealousy in him and felt like I was a fool ...

But now when I look back he might have actually been jealous but didn't show that out as he knew how to hide his emotions really well . After being completely immersed in my thoughts my eyes slowly started weighing and then I went into a deep sleep even before I knew......



And then I woke up , I literally saw Farzaan in my dream and he said that I am his hayati just like how he did back in the cafe.....

I didn't even know when I fell asleep as I was immersed in the thoughts of Farzaan and I literally slept for about 10 hours straight and then woke up for my Fajr salah ....

After my prayer I spent some time by reading the holy Quran and then made dua's to my Rabb , I asked Allah to show me what would be the right thing to do.....

Then after that I spent some time doing my workout and then read a book of mine , I even spend time on my journal. And then soon it was 8 am and we had our breakfast , after some time someone rang our calling bell and I went to check out who that was and that person turned out to be Rida....

Rida gave an awkward smile to me and greeted saying Assalamualaikum and I greeted her back Wallaikum assalam , then she greeted my grandparents also and my grandmother asked her whether she had her breakfast and she said Yes After that I directed her to my room .....

It was quite awkward for both of us and we remained silent but after sometime Rida broke of that silence by Apologizing to me "I am really sorry Salma it was not my intention to do that to you , at first I was not ready to accept their plan but when Sharath said about all the things that Farzaan went through I felt like giving him a chance as he's also my friend and I felt like you also deserved to know the truth. But I knew if I were to say you about the plan you would have not agreed to it because of the anxiety residing in you for facing Farzaan . I am really sorry my Soul Sister , Could you please forgive me :⁠-⁠)"

"What the hell Rida why are you apologizing , I am not mad at you but yes I was a bit upset . Although I could understand why you went along with the plan because you were the one who saw my pain all these years and you were my support system my dear sister. I am actually glad that I was able to meet up with him and come to know about the truth because that actually brought me to the realization of something that I was unaware of".

"So you don't have to apologize as our relationship is not that weak that it would break off with some mere issue like this. I love you my soul sister ".....

Hearing that Rida's eyes got filled with tears and then she hugged me "Ahhh I love you too Salma , I was so scared that you would be mad at me but I am glad now"

And then I replied "Why would I be mad at you and I can't never be mad at you for more than 5 minutes Lol , Anyways Rida I have come to a decision and would want to meet up with Him again and I want all of our gang to be present"......

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