Who you can ask!

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Bobby Bearhug
Bubba Bubbaphant
Hoppy Hopscotch

Brilliant Bat (Vampire Bat)
Opportunistic Octopus
Furious Fox (Fire Fox/Red Panda)
Playful Panda
Danger Dragon (Green Dragon)
Icy Fiona (Ice Fox)
Adventurous Felix (Regular Fox)
Amazing Axolotl
Sneaky Spider (Black Widow Spider)
Wolfy Wren
Frowny Fox from GameToons
Clarence Chameleon (Rainbow Chameleon)
Sly Serpent (Purple Cobra)
Fire Ant Freddy
Performance Percy (Navy-Blue Peacock)
Heck Yeah Hydra (Red Hydra With 3 heads)
Catherine Cheetah
Angler Alan (Angler Fish)
Martin Moth
KyleChicken (KickinChicken's brother)
Sammy Shark (Shark and Dog hybrid, like SharkDog)
Hayley Hopscotch (Hoppy's sister)
KittyNap from GameToons
Performance Petunia (Percy's sister)
Brilliant Brittany (Brilliant Bat's sister)
Ryan Rex (Crimson T-Rex)
Marty Mantis (Green Prey Mantis)
Betty Bee (Yellow & Blue Charcoal Bumblebee)
Sal Scorpion (Dark Purple Scorpion)
Tina Tarantula (Mexican Redknee Tarantula)
Bulltrap from GameToons
Clever Claws from GameToons (Born on 31st of July)
Gerry Giraffe from GameToons
Molly McMoo from GameToons
Jolly Jaws from GameToons
Silly Shelly from GameToons
Gary Gecko (Lime Gecko)
Lily Lamb
Rad Robin
William Wasp
Ralph Rottweiler
Calm Cerberus (3-headed Golden Retriever)
Dan Dove
Carl Crow
Samantha Sharxolotl (Sammy Shark and Amazing Axolotl's daughter) (born on the 18th of February)
Charlie Chimera (A Chimera Critter made from the body parts of Smiling Critter plushies, including Frowny Fox)
Flower Fox (Frowny Fox's twin sister)
Lance Lobster
Tyler Tiger (Robo-Tiger made my Brilliant Brittany)
Olly Sharctopus (Jolly Jaws and Opportunistic Octopus's son/Olivia Sharctopus's twin brother) (born on the 23rd of March)
Olivia Sharctopus (Jolly Jaws and Opportunistic Octopus's daughter/Olly Sharctopus's twin sister) (born on the 23rd of March)
Patience Panda
Sweet Sheep
Bull Bullyno
Shy Shelby
Cranky Crabby
Fix It Fox
Mystery Critter #1 (The Pink One/The One with antenna)
Mystery Critter #2 (The Yellow One/The One with wings)
Mystery Critter #3 (The Blue One/The One with a tongue)
Mystery Critter #4 (The Green One/The One with spikes)
Glimmer Glow Fish
Early Worm
Sneaky Stink Bug
Peculiar Pangolin
Rowdy Rex
Manic Monkey
Tireless Tiger
Simon Sloth (The Nicer Side of Switchy Sloth)
Sid Sloth (The More Emo Side of Switchy Sloth)
Caring Capybara
Bandit Bat
Kevin Kangaroo (Purple Kangaroo)
Oliver Owl
The 7 Smiling Sins by RUMOXCIDE on Twitter
Here's a picture for reference:

Rejects/OCs:Brilliant Bat (Vampire Bat)Opportunistic OctopusFurious Fox (Fire Fox/Red Panda)Playful PandaDanger Dragon (Green Dragon)Icy Fiona (Ice Fox)Adventurous Felix (Regular Fox)Amazing AxolotlSneaky Spider (Black Widow Spider)Wolfy WrenFrown...

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Judging by their names, you already know which one references which sin.
Grumpy Groundhog
Flicker Fox (Frowny Fox and Hoppy Hopscotch's son)
Fuzzy Fox (Frowny Fox and Hoppy Hopscotch's daughter) (born on the 26th of April)
Steven Snail (Cyan Snail with arms)
Glimmer HopFox (Frowny Fox and Hoppy Hopscotch's 2nd daughter) (born on the 8th of May)
DaisyDay from GameToons
CatScratch from GameToons
The Frowning Critters
Octavia Sharctopus (Jolly Jaws and Opportunistic Octopus's 2nd daughter) (born on the 6th of June)
Radioactive Roach
Alf Anglerturtle (Silly Shelly and Angler Alan's son) (Born on the 4th of July)
Revenant Raven (Ghost Raven)
PickyPatrick (PickyPiggy's brother)
CalebCorn (CraftyCorn's brother)
Francis FrostFox (Frowny Fox and Hoppy Hopscotch's 3rd son) (Born on the 7th of August)
Thanatos (A hyena who is the Critter version of Death/One of the Biblical Critters)
Frankie Frog
Baba Chops
Icky Licky
Rabie Baby
Allister Gator
Simon Smoke
Maggie Mako
Skyler Smoke (Yellow Dragon that is Simon Smoke's son) (born November the 4th)
The Kobold Triplets (3 Kobolds, but are different breeds)
Clara Lionaffe (Clever Claws and Gerry Giraffe's daughter, who has a pendant in the shape of the zodiac sign for Scorpio) (born on November 9th)
Harry Hyena (Maroon Hyena)
Boe (Deep Blue Raven that is Poe's daughter) (born on November 11th)
Richard Baby (Rabie Baby and Brilliant Bat's son) (born on November 11th)
Alice Anglerturtle (Silly Shelly and Angler Alan's daughter) (born on November 14th)
Pearl Pufferfish (Pink Pufferfish)
Rockin' Rachel (Dark Red Hedgehog)
Meta Macaw
The DayDream Critters (the ones made by Nico12Solo on Tumblr)
Milli Mouse
Holly Chops (Baba Chops and Sweet Sheep's daughter) (born on December 13th)
Robbie Raccoon
Rocky Raccoon (Robbie Raccoon's brother)
Maxwell Mako (Maggie Mako's son) (born on December 27th)
Finn Dovewing (Dan Dove and Carl Crow's son) (born on January 4th)
Emerald (An Emerald-Green Chameleon, who is also Clarence Chameleon and Icky Licky's adopted son) (born on February 15)
Sonar (A Dark Blue Bat, who is also Brilliant Brittany's adopted daughter) (born on February 14th)
Irene Frogmeleon (Icky Licky and Clarence Chameleon's daughter) (born on January 20th)
Darold Deer (Japanese Laurel Green Deer)
Oscar Sharctopus (Jolly Jaws and Opportunistic Octopus's 2nd son) (born on February 8th)
Blu-J (A Blue Jay that is Flicker Fox's boyfriend)

Ask the Smiling Critters!! (and Reject Critters) Part 1Where stories live. Discover now