Hero test

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The next day

Hiei's pov:

I woke up early this time and did my usual routine,and went to the train station,and while heading there I saw Tsu coming out in her house,so I stop in my tracks and waited for her

Tsu:Oh hey Hiei

Hiei:hey Tsu,wanna walk to school together?


Then both of us head to the train station and while doing so we talked about our goals, future, hobbies etc...

Finally we arrived at the train station and went inside,we then continued our conversations,and later on the train stop at Tokoyami's station,so both of us waited for him to go inside,we even save a space for him

Tokoyami:Hey guys

Hiei:sup Tokoyami

Tsu:good morning Tokoyami

Hiei:we save a seat for you,come on

Then the three of us started talking the usual things we always talk

At UA high

Finally the three of us arrived,and head to our class,and the three of us talked together,and while doing so Tenya approach us

Tenya:hey L/n do you mind if I talk to you for a minute?


Tsuyu: we'll leave you guys be,come on Tokoyami

Hiei:so what is it that you wanted to talk about?

Tenya:I just want to say sorry for what I said to you yesterday,I was a bit angered that I let it all out

Hiei:hey buddy, it's alright,I might find you annoying at first,but I realize it's just who you are,you don't need to be sorry Iida

Tenya:thank you L/n,for accepting my apology


Tenya:you better continue your conversations with them

Hiei:I will

Tsuyu:what's that all about Hie?

Hiei:well,Tenya was just apologizing for his behavior yesterday


Hiei:we should better go back to our seats or Aizawa will be pissed

Tokoyami:we should



Everyone:All Might!

Tsuyu: he's wearing his golden silver hero suit

All Might:Today we'll do a hero test,and not just that,you can also  wear your hero custome

Just then there are squire thingys popping up in the wall

All Might:That thing right there,is your hero costume

Everyone was so excited,and jumped cheerfully,not all of course,I went to check and mine was on 19,so I opened it and grab it,I then head to the boys changing room,and change to my hero costume

Everyone was so excited,and jumped cheerfully,not all of course,I went to check and mine was on 19,so I opened it and grab it,I then head to the boys changing room,and change to my hero costume

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