Kamino incident 2

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Hiei's pov:

After a long close eye period,the light finally died and I opened my eyes,I was now in the same place,and much better my strength,speed,everything about my quirk increased,eyes were sprouting in my chest,one eyes each hand,everywhere,I could see in the distance All Might was now destroyed his skinny and buffy one mixed,and the camera of the news was directed on me, flabbergasted by my resurrection.

Hiei:"Hey potato head,over here!" He flinched as he turn to look at me

All For One:"How are you still alive?! I was about to win!"

Hiei:"doesn't matter,all that's matter is I'm alive!" I said as I laughed that would tense any one's ball- I mean tense everyone

All For One did not waste anytime and send a shockwave at me,I teleported away and sat in his shoulder,as I pat his head,he was angered and tried impaling me with those red and black things again, I jump away and landed in the distance,I just played with him like moving around until he will lose energy.

All For One:"I thought you were strong yet you just run away,what a weakling you are" he mocked me,which piss me,I started doing weird hand gestures and suddenly red rings surrounded All For One's elbow,wrist,feet,ankle,and shoulder,he was confused until I put my hand in the ground and bend my index finger,as it crack All For One's elbow ,as he screamed in pain, I laugh again like the previous one,and bend my thumb finger cracking his shoulder,he let out a war cry and slammed his feet on the ground,and gun-like shapes formed in his ankle and shot it at me,I just effortlessly dodge it,until it still followed me,I jump and jump until I was blinded and hit me right in the chest,hitting the eye in my chest,weakening me.

All For One:"hah! Thought you could defeat me without my arms! Please-" I cut him off by slamming my hand in the ground and it triggered his elbow and shoulders and his bones broke,I then bend my pinky finger and his wrist crack,he again slammed his feet,this time creating a shockwave,and send me back.

Hiei:"That's it! I had enough" I raised my arm with the one that had a tattoo,and it started thundering,as black stuff started swirling in the part where I raised my hand and my hand started absorbing it,after absorbing it,I shot seven dark flamed dragons towards All For One and hit him,he blocked it but one manage to broke his mask and revealed he was faceless,and slowly my Jagan eyes started fading and I was now back to my normal self,I then created sword of the darkness,creating a sword made of black flame,I then rush towards All For One,he created those sharp red and black stuff again I simply cut it since I found out it can cut through anything,and once I got close enough I immediately cut his arms, now he looks like a creeper,lmao,he was now on his knees,but before that I coated both my hands with flames and punch him 16 times with both hands and shot it at his chest,then he was left unconscious and collapsed in the ground,I walk towards All Might and put his arm around my shoulder,and both of us nodded in agreement and raise both our fist.

Later on the heroes who were brutally defeated by All For One was taken to the hospital,I was still fine but looking at both of my arms it was more destroyed and couldn't move,and I found Tokoyami in a maroon hoodie and there was cat ears on it with plague mask in his beak,Bakugou was dress as a cowboy, Kirishima has horns, Todoroki was wearing purple suit, Yaoyoruzu was looking more rich,Ida looks like a waiter.

Hiei:"hey guys" I said weakly,and before I knew it I was hugged by Tokoyami,never in a million years would he do that,and slowly they joined and we went on a group hug, afterwards we pulled apart.

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