Teachers vs Students

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Hiei's pov:

After our one week internship,we went to our usual class, everyone was mostly talking about how their interns went,I was mostly the quite kid around them,just then something pop up in my head,it was us eating lunch when Monoma elbowed Midoriya's head purposely,and he started insulting us about the Stain event,that was all,I then guess it was prediction,Sensie went inside and everyone went silent

Aizawa:"good job doing well on your interns otherwise I'd expel y'all" typical Sensie

Aizawa:"and you five" he said gesturing me, Tokoyami,Iida, Midoriya,and Todoroki "care to explain the Hosu Incident?" Now everyone stared at the five of us "I'm sorry Sensie,I-i mean the four of us are risking our lives for Iida,I don't know what got into him,but we helped him,sorry for breaking the law,but I can't stand my friend about to be killed along with a pro hero who's about to be killed by Stain.." you said with a bit of guilt, Tokoyami nod at this returning to his edgy side "Sensie just put all the blame at me,I was too blind about avenging my brother,that I didn't even knew they would risk their lives towards me..."

Aizawa:"it doesn't matter,what you did was illegal,but for now I'll slide that off,since the five of you captured the wanted villain" he said "for now you'll have combat training again,I'd love to see your quirks and abilities improving, dismissed I want to nap" I then decided to say something "what about Emi Sensie-" as soon as I said that I was wrap by Sensie's scarf and tighten it "say a word,I dare you" he said as he stared daggers towards me,so I nodded furiously when all of the sudden Mina actually said something that made her in big trouble "wait,does Sensie and Ms. Joke dating?" She said "detention Ashido and Hiei"

Hiei:"please don't.."

Aizawa:*sigh* "I'll let you both pass this time" he said as he let go of me dropping me in the floor, everyone stand up,and a feel a shadow in front of me,it was Tsu and Tokoyami beside her,she then offered her hand towards me,so I grab it

Hiei:"thanks,I think Sensie broke my back" I said as I smile sheepishly,and rubbing my head

Tsuyu:"you shouldn't have done that,you know him"

Mina then went to approach me and hug me behind my back "thanks L/n,you helped me avoid Sensie's detention" I was startled and turned to look behind me our face almost touching,she was not moving a bit and dashed away,I was confused,i turn to look at the both of them and Tokoyami pointed his thumb towards Tsu,who was smiling innocently,I shrug it off and went to eat lunch towards the dekusquad,I then drag Tokoyami along with us,he was mostly silent,when my predictions came  true,Monoma elbowed Midoriya's head purposely

Monoma:"oh I'm sorry,your head was too big that I hit it"

Hiei:"bullshit,leave him alone prince charming"

Monoma:"oh look who it is,the class representative who got the balls to fight the Hero killer Stain,no wonder why the five of you broke the rules" I finally snap and grab him by the shirt and stared daggers towards him,he just did a spiteful smile "listen here fool,we may be breaking the rules,but I already imagined if you saw him you'd shit yourself,'cause you don't have the balls to fight him" Monoma then laughs,before he was karate chop by Kendo their class representative,he then fell while I was holding his shirt,so I let him go

Kendo:"sorry about him guys,he just heard the Hosu event so he started insulting y'all"

Hiei:"it's fine,I guess"

Hiei:"damn she's pretty- SNAP OUT OF IT HIEI,YOUR CRUSH IS ONLY TSU!" I yelled in my mind

Kendo:"you five did a good job anyway,saving everyone even tho it's breaking the rule" she said before she grab Monoma by his shirt and drag him away,I facepalm

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