Endurance pool training

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Hiei's pov:

Aizawa sensie gave us some time to pack our bags to prepare for the upcoming summer camp training,today I was doing some push ups,when I hear a knock on my door,I opened it and to my surprise it was Mineta and Kaminari

Hiei:"sup boys,need anything?" I ask while crossing my arms "well,we want you to come with us in the endurance pool today! So we could train before the summer camp!" Said Kaminari,as my eyes light up in their ideas "sure! I'd come along!" I said enthusiastically "okay we'll wait for you" said Mineta,I closed my door and prepare for anything,after it I came out and head to U.A high with them,I also didn't expect for Midoriya to come with us,but I didn't mind.

We are now at the faculty,we ask Aizawa sensie for permission,he agreed but we will go home at 5 pm,so we excitedly change to our swimsuit which is only a short pant,while going to the pool Mineta was drooling and Kaminari dash to the pool as if it was a race,once we got there we were met with Ida saying we're late,I also didn't expect the girls were here,so I approach them.

Hiei:"hey girls" I said as one of them was startled

Tsuyu:"oh hey Hiei,what's up?" Tsu replied "I'm glad you wore your swimsuit and not bikinis,'cause I think I know why Kaminari and Mineta planned this" I said as I crossed my arms while shaking my head in disappointment to which they nodded in agreement "I can agree to that" sis Yaoyoruzu said "I'll leave you guys for now,have fun" I said before heading to the boys,I then saw Tokoyami stretching his self,I approach him

Hiei:"fancy seeing you here bird head" I said while doing a cocky smile "fancy seeing you here as well Tsu" at first I was confuse but after catching up to it,I immediately turned red,as I turned away,I then saw Ida and Midoriya in the distance so I approach them.

Hiei:"sup guys I had an idea" I said out of nowhere and they were startled but was light up with what was my idea,and they all agreed,I looked around and saw Kaminari and Mineta in the distance defeated so I probably know this and approach them "your ideas are useful buds,but what your here for is not about girls" I pause as I bend down a bit and stared daggers at them "peek one of them and you both are burned to crisp" I then stop bending and did an innocent smile as if nothing happened "what're you waiting for! Come on!" I said before dragging them by hands.

Hiei:"Guys! Let's see which boy can swim faster in 50 meters" I said as they agreed "we can help with that" said sis Yaoyoruzu "great idea sis!" I said as everyone's faces turned confused "sis?" Ask Midoriya "pretend you didn't hear that" I said as I stare at Midoriya.

Now I readied myself,as my opponents were Mineta,Koda, Bakugou, Kaminari,and Tokoyami,as soon as sis Yaoyoruzu said go,I immediately use my Jagan eye,so I can swim faster,I did my best and to my suprise I was now in the finish line,along with Bakugou also arriving.

Kaminari:"HOLY CRAP! L/n that was so fast!" Exclaimed Kaminari as the other teams were ready, everyone trying their best is freaking cool,now it was just me, Bakugou, Midoriya,and Todoroki, everyone cheered at each of us,I could hear Tsu cheering up for me, Tokoyami as well,and as soon as Ida said ready,I use my Jagan eye at the same time using my own speed,I was about to get to the finish line when all of the sudden my quirk disappeared, luckily I manage to climb up,meaning I was the winner,I then turn to look behind myself and saw Aizawa sensie and his eyes were red and his hair stand up

Hiei:"oh shoot.." was all I could say before Aizawa sensie told us to go home and prepare for the coming camp.

Today I'm with my usual best friends but this time Tokoyami excused himself and leave the both of us,there was an awkward silence

Hiei:"I'm excited about this summer camp,I have to say" I said trying to break the ice "I agree,kero, Hiei congratulations for winning last minute.." said Tsu,I sneakily snake my hand in her hand and we both held hands,at first she was confused but after looking down she immediately turned red

Hiei:"you wouldn't mind do you?" I ask to which she nodded"after all,were officially dating I can't say no,kero" I chuckled and she chuckled along,and we started some random conversations,until we arrived to our homes,I gave her a quick kiss before she went inside her house and I went to my own

"I'm looking forward for the upcoming event"

Random facts: when Hiei was at least 14,he was a short guy with a height of 4'1,but when he turned 15,he suddenly started to go tall,that's why he's taller than Tokoyami

Random events:
Bakugou:"I'm better than you extras"

Hiei:"extra diaper,my bro were grown ups"

Bakugou:"Fuck you.FUCK.YOU"

Hiei:"one vote=one diaper for Bakugou"

(Hey y'all sorry for the short chapter but hey,I'm excited for the summer training camp,so if you have quirk ability ideas,looking forward to it)

(Hey y'all sorry for the short chapter but hey,I'm excited for the summer training camp,so if you have quirk ability ideas,looking forward to it)

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